All cancers and Covid cured 2002
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Covid vaccination so lethal and illegal |
80% of Dr. and medical income, used to come from the prescription of cancer drugs. Then in 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre found that High Intensity UltraSound clear the pressurise cell structure common to cancer and viruses.
Doctors are compelled to validate and use best new medical science. So they're all bought an 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound unit, and verify the total cure of all cancers and viruses. It also works for bacterial infections.
The foreign inflated cell type boils and ruptures. An immune system clears the dangerous cell type totally from the body.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
2002 and 20,000,000 people were medicated to death using the no defective cancer drugs. 2022, and cancers are basically vanished from the world! And the medics are furious!
Everybody gets to live, that medicine and becomes uneconomic an unsustainable. Ever the doctors prescribe cancer drugs since 2002, the struck off the same day. There prescriptions then invalid!
Drug companies are legally prevented from manufacture and sale of defective medicines like cancer drugs, or they lost all other biochemical drug patents. Which are their share price was set to zero.
And all drug company is make and sell cancer drugs. It use to 90% of economic income of Astra Zeneca: hence the desperation to free use the medically unethical and illegal Covid vaccination.
Covid years the medical name for the regular seasonal flu. Given a new version number every 1st of October - to reflect that winter. It takes six months to freeze a vaccination.
But then two years to licence! So only six months in two drug testing, Covid vaccinations are obsolete and illegal.
All Covid vaccinations are illegal! The Covid19 vaccinations given to 3.5 billion people. The medically accepted death rate for any validated the vaccination is one in 200 people die, as a direct result of the Dr. and Mr. had vaccination.
So the Covid 19 vaccination deliberately kills 17 million. And no Covid vaccination can ever be illegal! Always obsolete when not fully tested. When it was given from January 2020, we were already within the year of Covid20.
So he is illegal ever to Kiev the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination. And the same argument applies to all Covid vaccinations.
Which is why medicine has prohibited research or application of the Covid vaccination since 1934. When the regular flu was Covid34. And medicine never tried with! Antill 2002 and all cancers were cured.
It is still four their flu medical law: no registered Dr. Is allowed to research are applying any Covid vaccination. There is no need! As the standard cancer cure also cures all viruses.
Just as the cured AIDs from the world 2012: after my personal contact are applying ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to either side of his chest. The most pernicious viral infection history cured in 1 minute.
- 1Review
Using an ultrasound massage device - medically licensed for safe home use. Clearing all viral and bacterial infections.
So it cures the common cold and Covid flu. Around the world every year 35,000 people die from the common cold. But 50,000 used to die from Covid flu.
Now above conditions are totally cured! And the UK he health minister is under the legal imperative, to all day every NHS Dr. To apply HIUS to cure all cancers and infections.
1 minute externally cures all cancers. Like from the above 8 W unit. ½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.
1 minute to an infected organ there is also are infective! So at a stroke the UK he health minister can save 85,000 lives around the world. Communicating the HIUS cure to all Health Services.
No Covid vaccination ever legal medicine! The Covid19 vaccination was the most lethal medicine in history. Energy as doctors within the UK, gave 2.5 billion Covid vaccinations.
There are only 40,000 registered doctors working within the UK Health Service. The vast majority all gave the obsolete an unlicensed, criminal Covid vaccination.
Dismissing them cells from legal medicine the same day! Losing Health Insurance and Dr. Registration. All medical activity by the individual then criminal.
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