ultrasound clears all Covid/Flu
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Flu and colds cured |
All foreign cell types in the body are forced to divide in a single cell fashion. Bacterial infections borrow the immune system to copy its genome. All primary cells share a non native inflated cell structure. As body cells never divide!
They bud off DNA intact stem cells. Since the 1950s medics had realized that foreign cell types give off X rays in response to ultrasound scans. So e.g. 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound causes cancer and viruses to emit X rays.
1 H₂O+US+P→He+O+E+X-ray so the cancer cells warm up in ultrasound scans.
I a commented on this 2001 and in 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre in Florida, published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear all cancers and viruses. Medics do not have A patent protection on ultrasound! It was the technology borrowed from metallurgy.
HIUS gives a one session total cure to all 200 types or cancer, plus all viral and bacterial infections which will ever exist.
2 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray this can be confirmed by applying HIUS to cancer biopsies in the laboratory. They it give off X rays, and just the cancer cells boil and rupture. Leaving regular body cells unaffected - except if they are next to an exploding cancer cell,
In the body external application of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, causes the foreign cell types of cancers to boil and rupture. The damage done to surrounding body cells produces an immune action to clear the distinct exploding cell type from the body.
So 1 minute of the ultrasound from a suitably specified ultrasound massage device, will clear all 200 types or cancer. Without Dr. or drugs involvement. The drug companies are desperate! There was 80% of drug company and Dr. income:.
Good doctors found that ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys will clear all coronary heart disease. 2022 it will also clear Atrial Fibulation. The leading heart disease night coronary heart disease has all been cured.
2013 I confirmed that ½ minute of HIUS to aware ice chest will clear type two diabetes in 30 seconds. I cured all my diabetic friends. So the medics at salford royal Worldd heard about the new medical science that is a total cure to type two diabetes.
They were then legally constrained from the prescription of diabetic medication like metformin. They had to use HIUS. 2016 I confirmed type one diabetes requires the full minute of HIUS.
Over last six months diabetes rates have crashed around the world. And a month ago medics are complaining that nobody now had diabetes. I was at salford royal hospital yesterday, and found the diabetic department.
There were no doctors nurses of patients. The departmental Secretary gave me the phone number for community health. She checked that I did not actually have diabetes. And seemed very cancer by is an issue order I did not.
Nobody in the world has diabetes. Cancers were 80% of medical income, heart disease 15%, and diabetes 5%. The rest or medicine loses money.
Dementia has been killing patients since a 1930s. The medics have not even be interested! 2013 I validated at my church health group, there ½ minute of HIUS each side of the head clears all dementia: I cured MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.
The medics started making a big fuss about Alzheimer's. To which they did not even have an effective treatment. They in turned their attention to Parkinson's - again no treatment. Europe or the disease was cured, and no biochemical work on dementia was medically legal.
The drug company is and the make money while they have repeat prescription orders. But no registered Dr. Is allowed to prescribe biochemical treatments for already cured diseases.
And they are constrained to validate and then use best new medical science. So all validated the total cancer cure in 2002. Am bought an 8 W 3 MHz device - effective in 1 minute or less.
½ minute each side the chest causes HIUS to clear all viral and bacterial infections. It cures HIV AIDs by Mr. A personal contact in New York 2012. Which share the work freely with the world - and AIDs vanished.
The medics were still prescribing the defective eight treatments, until 2018. They should all have validated be cured in 2012. Prescriptions then criminal. The medics and the involved drug company is all struck off, no legal appeal possible.
So all the diseases of age that make a profit are cured. Medicine is now at haemorrhaging cash. And all the medics who have prescribed cancer drugs since 2002, stroke off.
They it talk early retirement 2018 - after they have been intentionally medicating cancer patients to death needlessly the Bio chemistry for 16 years. Each death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, and the Dr. plus drug company managing director, get 1/4 century in high security prison for each biochemical murder.
And higher up nurses take the full Hippocratic oath, and are required to communicate best new medicine to lower down nurses. So no nurses should have been assisted the cancer drug delivery since 2002.
They are have the trading, and every nursing office in the world has an 8 W 3 MHZ unit, to clear cancers and other diseases of age. They could all so clear all the other infective diseases.
So the common cold was cured 2002. By every Dr. On earth had validated the cure to cancers and viruses. The common cold use to kill 35,000 people a year around the earth. Every common cold air since 2002 was simple medical murder.
The usual fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, and 25 years in jail the applies. And no nurse should have been helping with biochemical drug delivery for 20 years.
So 90% of NHS trusts are in deficit! No cancer or heart surgery even legal. Which accounts for 100% of medical income today. But he is simple medical mutilation. Lawyers have the appropriate organ damage book. And can impose fines for all spurious surgery given for last two decades.
Nurses to go on strike for more cash! Just as the NHS is heading into insolvency. Any nurse is hell with cancer drug delivery for 20 years, has violated their nightingale pledge. Annie is no longer a legal registered nurse. There is required to leave medicine for ever!
To face criminal charges and legal fines. The doctors who retired 2018 when they the would back into medicine, and the prospect of a financially lucrative mass vaccination.
But the Moffitt Paper 2002, and describe the use of HIUS to clear all viruses. ½ minute of 8W 1 MHz ultrasound each side of the chest, clears all viral and bacterial infections in 1 minute.
Medicine prohibits a vaccination for a cured disease. As a vaccination will intentionally kill one in 200 healthy an innocent individuals. The most criminal medicine ever!
It takes two years to licence any vaccination. But Covid flu has a new version every 1st of October. Hence we are now on Covid22 - to which they can never be a legal vaccination.
Only six months into drug licensing, any Covid vaccination is obsolete and useless. Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20. Cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.
India cleared 77,000 cases of Covid 20 using ultrasound. They Covid19 vaccination was medically useless. Given to 3.5 billion global citizens, is intentionally medically executed 17 million people.
The biggest mass medical killing in history! Each and every Dr. Who gave just one Covid vaccination, struck off. That a legal fine of 20,000 UK pounds, to every surviving Covid vaccination victim.
The 410 million UK pounds, to the next of key and of every individual intentionally vaccinated to death. Totally needless! As were already within the year of Covid20 - to which the Cobid19 vaccination had no medical potency.
A mass execution of 17 million people around the world for no reason! The most psychopathic or murderous medicine in history. Every Dr. and drug company totally removed from medicine for ever.
To face criminal trial for first degree medical murder. And all Covid flu, no cured using ½ minute of HIUS for the ultrasound already owned by every medical centre in the world.
By your own an ultrasound unit. And avoiding doing with a psychopathic murderous Dr..
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