The Covid cure published 2002

Ultrasound cured Covid - no vaccination ever legal

By the Moffitt cancer centre 2002.  Who published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear the pressurise cell structure common to all foreign cell types: cancers, heart disease, diabetes, and dementia plus viral and bacterial infections.

The HIUS the sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion, only in pressurise cell sites.  Regular body cells experience ultrasound burns at much higher power levels.  So 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, apply for ½ minute each side the chest, will clear all viral and bacterial infections.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray all questions to

So the foreign cell types experiences sole content boiling, and ruptures.  The patient's own immune system then secrete and actions the active human antibody to clear the distinct foreign cell type from the body.

1 minute of external HIUS to where it hurts clears all 200 types of human cancer: as medically published 2002.  Every registered Dr. On earth bought an 8 W 3 MHZ unit, and verify the new medical science.  Making the prescription of cancer drugs criminal medical malpractice.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company!  Totally barred for ever from medical practice.

Go up so cancer drug manufacture and sell from 2002 was criminal medicine: which after Zeneca Air totally ignored!  Even though it is are voluntary signature to the doctors Hippocratic oath.

The viral aspect was unexpected!  But very welcome.  The World Health Organisation declared SARs A pandemic the Nikkei idea eight churd 2003.  Cleared in three weeks, as Asian doctors applied the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest.

This idea also applied to AIDs.  Though my PH D area was nuclear fusion and not medicine.  I wrote up about HIUS about AIDs 2008: ever every registered Dr. Pledge to be a aware of and firstly validate of new medical science.

Or strike themselves off the medical register instantly.  So from 2002 or prescription of cancer drugs was criminal medicine.  Each prescribing Dr. struck off!  And family excluded for ever from medicine.  They must return or all medical fees to their unfortunate patients, or more likely next of kin.

The National Medical regulators for under the legal imperative to remove all cancer drug prescribing medics from medical practice 20 years ago.  Though strangely they have never announce the cancer cure!

Even though years family awarded the noble prize in medicine 2015: why the delay?  The drug companies are the largest companies in the world, and so did not want A physical cure to cancer publicising.

Within three weeks of using HIUS, the stars outbreak was cleared.  All Covid3 viral infections would cured.  Covid he is a medical name for the regular seasonal influenza.  A new version every 1st of October.

So Covid19 only existed on earth from the 1st of October 2019, until 31st of September, 2020: basic medicine taught to every medical student in the first year of a medical degree.

And medicine prohibits a vaccination to already cured virus.  And all Covid strains were cure 2002.  It would have taken two years to licence any vaccination.

There medicine specifically prohibits a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.  The Covid19 vaccination was obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing regime.  Never licensed human medicine.

Any registered Dr. It giving an obsolete an unlicensed vaccination, require the same day to strike themselves off the medical register.  Losing Health Insurance, they are then not legal doctors for life.  There medical practice totally criminal.

The doctors who continued in medical practice after any Covid vaccination, must strike themselves off!  An return or all medical fees to their unfortunate patients since the first illegal and unethical Covid vaccination.

We are now on the year of Covid22: the Covid19 virus ceased to exist by medical definition 31st of September, 2020.  And I repeat, no Covid19 vaccination was never medically and legally permissible.

The vaccinating doctors dismissed the same day from legal medicine!  To clear Covid22 and or later versions, is only required to give ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  Just like cleared my own Covid19 November 2019.  And freely published my work on the Internet!

Which had to be read and validated by every registered Dr. On earth: who is then prohibited from giving any Covid vaccination.  Vaccinations kill one in 200 healthy an innocent people.

3.5 billion global citizens vaccinated against the now extinct Covid19 influenza strain.  Resulting the 17 million people died needlessly!  Death by hypodermic.  The doctors delivered and psychopathic mass murdering bastards.

Who are free to argue with this comment.  Just that year he was with Alison all the names of her patient's you intentionally vaccinated to death for no reason.  I will have cause to four of them to the European courts on human rights.  Who have legal supremacy over the GMC and medicine.

Doctors realised in horror, that the Covid vaccination was death for hypodermic.  And stopped using it!  After they have personally accounted for over 2000 human deaths each.  A legal fine of two billion UK pounds.  And 5000 years in high security jail.  Without parole!

So all Covid cured without drugs or Dr. Involvement.  Just as all 200 types of human cancer cured by 1 minute of HIUS.  Also with no drugs or doctors.


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