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Medicine losing so much money |
20 years ago air the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear cancer and viruses. Doctors found that e.g. 1 minute of HIUS also clear all bacterial infections.
The foreign cell types will require a non native inflated cell structure. As you apply HIUS externally the cells boil and rupture. Causing the immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody. A drug free cure to illness!
1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound was medically published as a cure to all cancers out there. That was 80% of the income of drug company is and doctors gone. It is folly 90% of hospital income gone as well!
- 1Review
Dr.s who continued to prescribe cancer drugs, were struck off! Though they have remained pretending to still do medical practice. The National Medical regulators must see year these individuals are ejected for ever from medicine.
Doctors took early retirement in 2018, six years after cancers would cured. There are professional oath demanded that they use best published medicine on the day! So patients who had died and the biochemical medication, invoke a is 10 million UK pound fine.
And the Dr. receives 25 year jail term in high security prison. Drug company is are not allowed to make and sell defective medicine. So he should have stopped making and selling cancer drugs 2002.
Those that continued were struck off. Though they are still acting as if nothing has changed! Although drug patents all invalidated. There share price set to zero, they can no longer borrow from banks to make payroll: from 2002! Some banks have acted with massive financial imprudence.
Drug company is like Astra Zeneca so bankrupt! They lost 90% of the income. So they NHS Health trusts are losing money! 90% of them are in the red.
And all the doctors who return to medical practice 2018, come back into retirement 2022: as a have now accepted they were actually struck off. No longer registered doctors, there prescriptions are invalid and illegal.
But registered doctors kept the NHS afloat. By voluntarily paying some other pills of the health centre or hospital. Now those doctors are no longer even pretending two legal medical practice, all that money has vanished!
The NHS Trust funds are financially insolvent. They always assumed that the government would bail them out. But the cancer cure, some 90% of the income. Annie is a really have no relevance!
½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to the top left to the chest the kidneys clears all heart disease. Hence the sudden crash in coronary heart rates! Good doctors can use the cancer cure unit, to clear all heart disease.
Three weeks ago air doctors complained the diabetes has vanished from the world as the disease. The patients were ecstatic! ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, totally cleared type two diabetes. That have been 5% of the income of medicine, they cancers were active.
Now it was 60%. And till he was suddenly cures! 1 minute of HIUS totally clears type one diabetes. So all American and German diabetes has vanished!
This leaves the NHS with a massive black hole in their finances. And no doctors to bail them out.
And the NHS it serves no great purpose. The rest or medicine loses money. ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead was personally proven to clear MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia 2013. Three the shared on the Internet!
The Moffitt Paper covered the cure of viral infections. The idea works for bacterial infections as well. The share the inflated cell structure of cancers. ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.
Including Covid flu and the common cold. Which form the main income source of medicine now. They are staffed by their wards with nurses in expectation of a winter C0 infections.
Their now have your can cure the infections as home. No hospital or Dr. or nurse involved. The hospital wards will be spectacularly empty. Which is wasting yet more money.
Never that 90% of NHS Hospital trusts have gone into the red, nurses have decided this is a good time device for inflation busting pay rise. The NHS does not have the money! And has no leverage on the government to get at more money.
A nursing strike could will C the closure of hospitals. I rather doubt that the unions have for this through. Medicine is haemorrhaging money already. The use should be more concerned with keeping nursing jobs, rather than seeking pay rises. Which are not going to arrive!
Doctors and nurses also constrained from taking strike action. The doctors gave them cells the right to go on strike recently. Every striking Dr. To do is sent a P45 through the post.
The doctors believed they were indispensable! Or having taken early retirement 2018. Return to medical practice despite being struck off, 2019. As they reckoned A global vaccination for Covid was imminent.
½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections. Including Covid and the common cold. Vaccinations kill one person in 200 needlessly. They are medically prohibited for cured infections.
And all Covid strains are cured. Covid19 only existed for a year from the 1st of October, 2019. So was only six months into drug testing, the obsolete and totally medically useless!
Dr.s pressed on wth vaccinated people from January 2021. When we were already within the year of Covid20. Indian Bahrain demonstrated the Covid19 vaccination was medically inoperative against their next year's Covid20. They gave 3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations, and deliberately killed in excess of 17 million healthy an innocent global citizens.
The biggest deliberate medical murder in history! India cures 77,000 cases of Covid20, using a medically published HIUS. Which cause the inflated cells to boil and rupture.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray
This technique even cured HIV aids for a personal contact in New York 2012. A decade ago! Making AIDs treatments criminal medicine. That ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest will cure all haemophilia acts of the HIV who were injected with. Through contaminated factor 8 blood clotting agent.
It sure the involved doctors struck off, and prosecuted for criminal and defective medicine. IA fine of 10 million UK pounds, for each HIV death they created.
AIDs no longer exists in the wild! HIV and the continues because there are defective medical practice. And every registered Dr. Has the unit to cure all infective disease included AIDs and Covid.
So oh trusts are in great financial jeopardy! And no government is going to bail out and the relevant part fatal Medical Service. And the nurses chooses time to go on strike. Are they mad?
Strike action was struck them off as registered nurses. And now we no work for them to return to. All the energy is hospitals were closed as financially unsustainable and development folleys.
The NHS assumes that it cannot be allowed to fail. It is not noticed that medicine has advanced, and doctors plus drugs are now are irrelevant and deficient medicine. The main income stream of medicine has vanished!
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