Covid vaccinations do not work

Covid vac useless but kills

Since 1934 and the Spanish flu caused by Covid34, medicine has prohibited any research or application of a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.  As those viral family is change too quickly!  The vaccination was obsolete before it can be used.

So Covid19 cease to exist 31st of September, 2020: the medical world has stopped using the Covid number.  Suggesting the influenza is just one Covid strain.  That is medical rubbish!

India and Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20 as the 1st of October, 2020.  Totally indifferent to any Covid19 vaccination the individual had survived.  The vaccinations kill one in 200 healthy an innocent people.

The Covid19 virus no longer existed and killed nobody.  India has 77,000 cases of Covid20.  Cleared by the medically published cancer and viral cure, ½ minute of high intensity ultrasound each side the chest was found to clear all viral and bacterial infections 2002.  Just as 1 minute externally to where it hurt, I cleared all 200 types or cancer.

½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound clears all Covid strains.  Just as it totally annihilated Corona virus from Wuhan Province by the application of HIUS.  Globally extinct February 2020.  A Bio chemically enhanced form of Covid18.


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I cleared my own Covid 19 November, 2019, using ½ minute of the ultrasound from an 8 W 1 MHz device.  Just as it clears all cancer plus from bacterial infections which will ever exist.

Hence the desperation of the drug company is to find an infection that required a the drug.  Covid totally cured using HIUS.  Which even cleared HIV AIDs, via a personal contact in New York 2012.  So all the haemophiliacs intentionally injected with contaminated factor eight blood clotting agent, can have a HIV cleared in 1 minute.

Using the 8 W 3 MHZ unit owned by every registered Dr. On earth since 2002: sleeper clear all cancers as they arose!  For earlier to validate the Moffitt Medical Paper or struck the Dr. off anyway.  There medical practice then an insured and illegal.

I have personally cleared 30 viral and bacterial infections from 2010.  100% cure rate!  Since 1 October, 2022, we are now on Covid22, not just Covid!  A strain totally resistant to any illegally produce Covid vaccination.  I repeat no registered Dr. Has been allowed to work on any Covid vaccination since 1934.

And no registered Dr. ever allowed to give any Covid vaccination ever since.  This is totally country to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  Which drug companies sign voluntarily.

No manufacture and sell any Covid vaccination allowed!  So Astra Zeneca struck off yet again: though they continued manufacture and sale of the defective cancer drugs since 2002, the struck them off.  Invalidated all the other biochemical drug patents.  And ejected them from legal medicine.

The same ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  By your device no over the Internet, for under five UK pounds.  Clear all infections for your friends and family, as and when they arise.

It will clear all strains of any viral or bacterial infection.  There every registered Dr. Is totally aware that a vaccination for flow of Covid flu all the common cold: they are required to strike themselves off the first day they gave a defective vaccination.  And never pretend to practiced legal medicine ever again.

People now trading the influenza, can have a cleared by the practice nurse in any health centre around the world.  ½ minute or less of HIUS each side the chest will clear all infections.

I use your own 8 W 1 MHz device at home.  Your then protected from that infection strain for the next three years.  By which time Covid will have moved on to generations automatically!

Corrupt medics gave 3.5 billion Covid vaccinations, for personal financial gain.  Having no possible effect on Covid20.  As they vaccinated against the extinct Covid19.  I150 UK pounds to weak in your immune response to the new Covid strain.

All through the year of Covid21 the drug company is are frantic to vaccinate people against the extinct Covid19.  Increasing the Covid death rate!

And now we're on Covid22, to which they can never be a legal vaccination.  ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all Covid strains.  Though not version dependent!

Biochemical vaccinations are, so any Covid vaccination obsolete within six months of beginning a two year drug testing regime.  The most fatal medicine in human history!

Each vaccinating Dr. Struck off without legal appeal.


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