clear shingles


Monkey pox cured.  Bad dancing irrurable

This condition is linked to the childhood chicken pox virus.  The child may get better from the infection, when there totally clear the virus from the body.

Chickenpox - NHS › conditions › chickenpox

Chickenpox is a very contagious infection that causes an itchy, spotty rash. Read NHS information about chickenpox symptoms and when to get medical advice.

We can use the published medical science, which clears all cancers and viruses.  So would cure monkey pox.  Medics don't even like talking about this medical science!  As he is a total cure a of infective disease - with no Dr. or drugs involved.

They are particularly unhappy that it will cure the common cold and Covid flu: the total cure to influence or there was published 2002!  Vaccinations to Covid are automatically added date, and then never actually licensed!

Medicine prohibits a vaccination to the common cold all Covid flu.  As they kill one in 200 healthy an innocent people.  Will have absolutely no affect on a virus!  Which is moved on to a new strain.  An obsolete vaccination is it will is there no vaccination as all.

The Covid19 vaccination it worsens the death rate from Covid 20... .  We are now automatically on Covid22.  Automatically cured by the standard viral cure.

½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  As it causes the foreign inflated cell types to boil and rupture.

The patient's own immune system then secrete and actions the active human antibody.  To totally clear the infection!  You cure chicken pox, and never get shingles!

People who have used the defective medicine previously to cure chicken pox, they get an outbreak of shingles.  You were under the ultrasound unit over the rash for 1 minute.

And this will totally clear the shingles.  It really is not a problem.  But the drug company is make a big fuss, even though they have validated the effectiveness of High Intensity UltraSound clearing infections, they are still locked into biochemical treatments.

They have personally confirmed that HIUS cures all infections, and easily effective cure to disease.  Biochemical treatments are no defective and criminal medicine.

Every doctor's surgery has the validated HIUS unit - clearing all cancers since 2002.  When cancer drugs became defective and criminal medical malpractice.  There prescription striking off the Dr. and drug company.

Now the practice nurse can use the validated HIUS unit for ½ minute each side the chest, to clear all viral and bacterial infections.  They should also clear parasitic infections like malaria.  Which share the same non native inflated cell structure.

The hardened surface of the malarial parasite, does not stop the parasite rupturing as the cell contents boil.  The immune system then makes an actions the active antibody to the novel genome of the exploding cell type.

So all mill area he should now be cured!  And shingles is to is not a problem!  When you fully clear chicken pox, fipe will never get shingles.

Application of a minute of HIUS to the skin blisters, should clear the shingles totally for ever.  Never to reoccur.

The drug companies have no given up on Covid.  Every registered Dr. Has the validated HIUS unit, to clear all Covid strains: ½ minute of HIUS each side of the chest.


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