Astar Zeneca slipped into loss

killed by the Dr

It is a legal requirement for every publicly quoted company and Astra Zeneca to post profit last accounts on the Internet.  Yet the most recent graph I could find was so at 2021.

But the financial year ends by convention in April!  He Astra Zeneca Air has accounts show the company have moved into last by February 2020.  Is has already conceded that the Covid19 vaccination has moved into loss.  Pfizer have taken them to the cleaners!

Yet medicine specifically prohibits pressure vaccination to the fast changing viral lines all the common cold and all Covid flu.  Covid flu has a new version number on the 1st of October.  So we are now on Covid22.

Medicine has found that the vaccination for the orld extinct viral strain, it weakens the immune response to the new viral strain.  So the Covid19 vaccination will increase the Covid death rate from Covid20.  And heat we are now on Covid22!

We are not on Covid19C4 - that is drug company science fiction, the two digits denoting the year of infection, has been internationally agreed.

What ever variant designation has been drowned out by the drug companies, is medical rubbish, so the Covid19 vaccination cancer and and 50 UK pounds, to give you obsolete an unlicensed medical intervention.

Which has been proven to weak in your response to the present Covid strain.  And the flu vaccination was Astra Zeneca's hope for an economic future.

When high intensity ultrasound was proved by the Moffitt cancer centre, to clear all 200 types of cancer.  A single session total cure, we cure cancer drugs illegal and criminal medicine.

Doctors would not allowed to research or give a flu vaccination.  It was medicine specifically prohibited by the doctors Hippocratic oath.  Which is absolute law, there is no legal challenge.

So Pfizer and MonSanta, always prohibited from the research or production of all flu vaccination.  To make and sell the such criminal medicine, is to invalidated all the other biochemical drug patents.

The company is then ceased to have a share price.  And can no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll: they are bankrupt!  Mind you Astra Zeneca Air was bankrupt 2002 - and it never let a little thing like medical or interfere with its activities.

The Covid19 vaccination was given to 3.5 billion people.  The medically accepted death rate for any licensed vaccination is 0.5%.  So the Covid19 vaccination killed in excess of 17,000,000 healthy an innocent individuals around the world.

If a Astra Zeneca Air can do for 15,000,000 of those needless deaths, the of a total legal fine of 150 trillion, each prescribing Dr. the sooner 25 year jail term in high security prison, for each medical murder.

A fine of 10 million for every vaccination death.  Each Dr. owing somewhere around 200 billion.  And there are four the dismissing them cells from legal medicine, and the first potentially fatal Covid vaccination.

Death by hypodermic!  1/4 of the fatalities from World War II.  In just six months!  The most fatal and psychopathic medical murderers in history.


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