AIDs has been cured
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HIV history |
But the drug companies don't like it! All viruses respond to the same High Intensity UltraSound that clears the pressurise structure common to cancers and bacterial infections.
And the cancer work was verified by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002: after I suggested the idea of using higher power ultrasound to restrict cancer growth, to my medical contacts at the NI H.
Professor Z thought he was releasing me from my PH D at Sheffield University, to embark into medical Ph.D. on the cure to cancer. Cambridge never offered!
Despite the use of HIUS to clear pressurise cell structures being published 2002, the three medical professors from the Moffitt retired in discust 2010! As other medics refused to use a lifesaving HIUS - and continue prescribing the no defective and criminal cancer drugs.
The doctor's professional oath demands the know about and use best new medical science. Every registered Dr. On earth red the Moffitt Paper! That of an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, to verify the work: or they were struck off, and removed totally from legal medical practice. There prescriptions invalid and illegal.
But the doctors carry straight on. Smiling as he medicated cancer patients to an needless agonising and expensive death.
Freddie mercury was still alive. And the Moffitt Paper covered the use of HIUS to clear viral infections. ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, clearing all viral and bacterial infections from a patient.
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2012 my personal contact in New York, who was HIV⁺, use the standard medically published idea, and I'm I guidance, to totally clear AIDs. Buying his own device - as we are on opposite sides of the Atlanta Commission.
That is an idea! A medical concepts that can induce a disease cure over 10,000 miles. As his next GP appointment he was discharged from all medical AIDs care. As demanded by the doctors Hippocratic oath. They are not allowed to medicate the well. The side effects or medication kills.
We freely share the idea with the world. Primarily of course New York. Where I have been three times since. And AIDs, once the most pernicious viral infection in history, he was totally eradicated in 1 minute per patient. Using a five UK pound medically licensed home beauty device.
The three medical professors will family awarded the noble prize in medicine for the eight cure of AIDs and all viruses, 2015. Still other medics would not adopt the life saving medicine.
Medicine prohibits a vaccination for cured diseases. Which kill one in 200 healthy people! HIUS cures all HIV AIDs, with no patient death. The drug company is are talking about there being a hand AIDs₂. Of course not!
All AIDs eliminated from the earth. As all viruses churd are being cured. ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest eradicated Corona virus within the Wuhan quarantine in China. 44,000 cases totally cured!
Obviously no relationship we've Covid19, the fre the circulating influenza virus from the next year. It was foree Corona was a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18.
I cured my own Covid19 November 2019: only one month after its superseded Covid18. And freely published my work on the Internet! Which had to be read, validated and then use by every registered Dr. Within interesting Covid.
The Covid19 vaccination was obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing regime. Never a licensed human drug! Tragically was given to 3.5 billion global citizens.
The medically accepted death rate even for a licensed vaccination is 0.5%: and no Covid vaccination could ever be licensed. So the Covid19 vaccination killed at least 17 million healthy an innocent global citizens.
That is a total legal fine of 170 trillion: the world is only worth 138 trillion! Continuing to prescribe cancer drugs has led to the early deaths of an estimated 200 million global citizens.
A legal fine of 2000 trillion! Which in obviously never be paid. The Medical Insurance Company is after my own money to each other frantically, and then a house th payout of all the money that drug companies owe.
All this work was started at Sheffield University. Within the department of Engineering Materials. There are professor Z confirm idea that ultrasound sets off molecular nuclear fusion.
I did a was to work on this idea was busy writing songs and singing in Salford. Over 22 years! Just the income all the individuals who had died needlessly from AIDs over the last two decades.
The curative device cost under five UK pounds. And requires no Dr. or drugs intervention. So AIDs has termed out to be the biggest deliberate medical murder in history. It being totally cured, and the cure known globally to every registered Dr. On earth, 2002.
I confirmed the idea 2012. But I am not a registered Dr.! So only red the Moffitt Paper 2010. Everybody to give thanks to Sheffield University for the cure to cancer and AIDs - work which is plant in the freezer for two decades by the drug companies.
Who pays five billion to research the biochemical cure to AIDs. Which he never did find. No biochemical research into the cure of contention of AIDs is not legal.
They should return the balance so that cash to the donor's.
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