AIDs cure published 2002

AIDs totally cured 2002 (sic - and yes I am)

It was a total one session cure to all cancers and viruses.  But medics were addicted to the money from the biochemical cancer treatments, so even though they have pledged to use best new medical science, they continue prescribing the no defective cancer drugs.

The idea was it published 53 medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre: familiar to every registered Dr. and drug company on earth.  Who had to validate the new medicine - or they were struck off and totally removed from medical practice.  There prescriptions then invalid!

So who prescribed cancer drugs after 2002?  There every registered Dr. Had validated the total cancer cure.  It also clears the inflated cell structure common to viral and bacterial infections.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So the aids cure having validated by every registered Dr. On earth.  Who is then legally and a medically constrained from the prescription of cancer or AICs treatments.

I was doing a PH D work into nuclear fusion, hence I got interested in ultrasound causing cancer cells to emit X rays - of which there is no chemical source.  And free use immaculate droplets of helium and oxygen gases.

I wrote the idea up about AIDs 2008.  Four years after Freddie mercury died!  Six years after the cure two viral infection was medically published and ratified by every registered Dr. On earth.

A guy who was HIV⁺ in New York got in touch 2012: and play my drugs since he bought and used an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit.  ½ minute each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.


US $4.13 - 5.45/ Piece
  • 1Review
  • $5.45

2019 it totally clear Corona virus from Wuhan Province China.  Declared globally extinct February 2020.  A Bio chemically altered form of Covid18.  I cured my own Covid19 November 2019, using the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side of my chest.

I had a nap, because of to hours later well for bored.  They use or same device 2013 to clear type two diabetes.  ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas.

But I want to the full minute!  So it 2012 and the cure to AIDs was practically confirmed.  And no registered Dr. Is allowed to research eight, or prescribe biochemical treatments planet.

The drug companies RE as five billion to research AIDs.  And chemo with nothing!  Confirmed the cancer cure also work for all viral infections including HIV, plus a 10th 1000 pounds in Computer Equipment.

The cured of AIDs was freely shared with the world.  And there disease vanished.  And medics stopped talking about it.  Though they did not return the and spent research money they had managed to acquire to research the condition.  Now cured!

Registered doctors are still prescribing the defective AIDs treatments and till I contacted the New England Medical journal 2018, and those defective prescriptions stopped!

The virus is ceased to circle the world 2012.  The AIDs treatments lead to a patient's death within the decade.  Hopefully as a result of the AIDs virus!  Otherwise he is back to death by hypodermic.

This is now 2022.  The SARs viral outbreak in Asia 2003, was caused by Covid3: the number increases automatically every year on the 1st of October.  The last two digits of the year!  It is just the regular human flu.  Covid being the medical name.

Are cured my own Covid19.  Oath which only existed for a year from the 1st of October, 2019.  Yet January 2021, doctors started giving the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.  Obsolete only six months into a two year drug testing regime.  Never licensed human medicine.

No Dr. Is allowed to give obsolete an unlicensed medical interventions.  Just one Covid vaccination ever and the doctors struck off losing Health Insurance.  There medical prescriptions then invalid and illegal.  There medical practice criminal.

So every registered Dr. Validated the AIDs cure 2002.  But for purely financial reasons it kept prescribing the defective and criminal AIDs treatments.

Medical or is very explicit with: just one defective medical prescription, and the Dr. and drug company struck off.

So registered doctors knew about the AIDs cure 2002.  Yet Freddie mercury is medicated to death by 2004.  He to those prescribing doctors service struck off.

I was researching nuclear fusion!  And even I he knew about the AIDs cure.  As always tended not to bother writing it up - just so obvious!  And medically published.

Yet 2022 and the haemophilia acts who were given HIV buy a hypodermic, are still being prescribed the defective and fatal AIDs treatments.  They can each be cured in 1 minute using the 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit, confirmed by every registered Dr. To clear all cancer and viruses.


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