Viagra out of patent

Covid vaccination illegal and so fatal

Pfizer was doing some tests on an angina drug.  And discovered that the side effect was to give men an erection!  Now that was interesting!

So they branded it Viagra, and were granted by a 25 year patent on it.  Patents are not meant to protect  fortuetus side effects.

So it developed a vaccination to Covid19.  Though that was strictly prohibited medicine!  The doctors Hippocratic oath prevented any research or application of a vaccination to Covid flu or the common cold,

All drug company is signed the doctors Hippocratic oath.  The penalty for transgressing the Hippocratic oath, is the drug company is to be prevented from manufacture and sale of the specific drug.  But also lose all other biochemical drug patents.

Astra Zeneca was well aware of it was breaking biochemical law.  Its continued manufacture and sale of cancer drugs after 2002.

That year three medical professors the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear cancers and viruses at one session.

So 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, was confirmed by every registered Dr. On earth to cure all cancers in 1 minute.  Making cancer drugs criminal and defective medicine!  They continued manufacture and sale after the Moffitt Paper was criminal medical malpractice.

In direct contravention to medical mall.  And the human rights lawyers should have stepped in, to ensure drug companies follow the Hippocratic oath they had so freely signed.  Which dictated that since 2002 Astra Zeneca he should have stopped main factory cancer drugs.

Totally criminal medicine!  Every person who had died and or cancer medication, invokes a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds against a Dr. and drug company.  Striking off all involved nurses, pharmacists plus the health centre and hospital.

Which is why Astra Zeneca has backed away from the Covid vaccination market it developed!  Pfizer and more Santer are in a legal contention after the biochemical drug patent infringement over the Covid vaccination.

It is very simple!  No Covid vaccination could ever be illegal.  Never subject to a biochemical drug patents.  The drug firm is mere fact ring the Covid vaccinations struck off without legal argument.

The law firms involved no patent protection, doing legal malpractice.  Struck off the legal medical register.  And family excluded from all law.  After Zeneca Air ceased to be a licensed an legal biochemical drug company 20 years ago.

As a back away from the Covid vaccination market, they must be aware that there cancer drug manufacture since 2002, made all the other biochemical drug patents void.

The drug company share price is the athletics some of although its drug patents.  So Astra Zeneca Air ceased to have any value at all.  They can no longer leverage their borrowing from the banks, to make payroll.

They are the most bankrupt corporations in earth history!  Pfizer has continue the illegal manufacture and sale of the Covid19 vaccination - Astra Zeneca Air will no longer do!

It is so are horrendously illegal and invalidates all other drug patents owned by Pfizer.  So patents protecting a Bio growth is now void and worthless.  No registered law firm could ever defend void patents.  Without an sells being struck off the legal register.

So Pfizer has also lost it share price.  And Corona longer borrow from banks to make payroll: all drug company is have continued the manufacture and sale of cancer drugs since 2002.

So every drug company on earth struck off.  There share price is set to zero.  And they can no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll.  The academic medics who have continued researching biochemistry and cancer drugs, also struck off.

Ceasing to be registered doctors.  There medical activity is strictly prohibited.  And there is no legal argument to the doctors Hippocratic oath.

All viral and bacterial infections share the same inflated cell structure we're all cancers.  So ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest will clear all infections as they arise.

Medicine prohibits alternative cures!  So since 2002 no biochemical research into infection medication has been legal.  Each and every medical academic struck off!  Or their medical papers shredded, and deleted from digital archives.

Dementia is caused by an inflated viral structure left behind by a fall viral infection: just as cancers are cured by an inflated viral structure left behind from infections.  So MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and depression all personally cured 2013.  At my church health group in salford quays in England.

I freely published the cure on the Internet.  At which stage the doctors Hippocratic oath, demanded that they personally verified and then use the new medical science.  Or they were struck off the first day they wrote out a biochemical prescription.

And there is no legal argument!  Every Dr. On earth had to validate my work 2013 and then use the new medical science to clear all dementia.  Just as HIUS cure all cancers.

They said after Zeneca divide an illegal vaccination to Covid19.  Which is obsolete only six months into a two year drug licensing scheme and never even entered human drug trials and was never a licensed medical drug for people.

Ask any Dr..  Prescribing obsolete an unlicensed medication strikes off the Dr. and drug company.  Plus assisting nurses and pharmacists, and the hospital or health centre.

HIUS is adaptive.  It causes all inflated cell types to boil and rupture.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray this is why the ultrasound scan of the inflated viral cells causing dementia, causes the emission of heat and X rays.  So a high intensity ultrasound causes the foreign cell types to boil and rupture.

Inducing the patient's own immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody, to clear that dangerous foreign exploding cell type totally from the body.  So it will cure all types of dementia.

As have personally confirmed 2013.  Since when no Dr. Has been allowed to research are five biochemistry to Dementia.  As all dementia is cured.  Totally nine years ago!  Medicine strictly prohibits research or application of alternative treatments to cured infections.

And every registered Dr. Was required to validate my work 2013, or they were struck off and remove from medicine totally.  So no biochemical research into Alzheimer's has been legal for nine years.

Astra Zeneca was banking on dementia being used next income stream: after it was found that HIUS cured all cancers, plus heart disease and diabetes.  And nine years ago I confirmed the cure to all dementia.

The lawyers at Astra Zeneca Air would have instructed the drug company that no biochemical research work into dementia or was legal or ethical.  And there is no legal argument!

Mysterious he and the Covid19 vaccination, which is obsolete an unlicensed, also seems to cause our Alzheimer's.  As suppose it vaccination to prevent the spread of all flu strain that no longer existed, gave patient's a previously incurable mental health illness.

That ½ minute of HIUS each side of the head or even clears Covid vaccination induced Alzheimer's.  He with the Astra Zeneca Air used cell husk, to make the Alzheimer's causing enzyme within the human central nervous system.

So application of HIUS for ½ minute each side of the head, even clear Astra Zeneca induced Alzheimer's.  So the Covid vaccination was the most spectacularly evil medication in history.

Leading on to a previously incurable mental health illness.  As it happens after Zeneca Air was aware of my work 2013, into the cure of Alzheimer's.  But held out for a unethical biochemical treatment.  Which was medically prohibited!

Every registered Dr. On earth has to use HIUS to clear all mental health problems.  Even serious conditions like schizophrenia.  The actual type of mental health illness does not matter.

They all share the inflated cell nature we is infective viruses.  So are all cleared by HIUS.  The Astra Zeneca Air will protest that it does not understand the medical science.

That does not matter!  Doctors are constrained to use best medical science, irrespective of understanding its means of action.  Just as they had to use HIUS from 2002 to clear all cancers.

It till the chemical equation above for the biological molecular nuclear fusion, HIUS sets off in pressurise cell types.  Which is first year undergraduate physics at university.  Really not very difficult!

So all dementia cured in 1 minute.  Including the Alzheimer's people infected the unfortunate patients with.  On the pretence of giving life saving medication.

For a viral strain that no longer existed in the universe!  Massively expensive and fatal medicine.  Which is contrary to all medical law!

Medics divide a contaminated factor eight blood clotting agent, to do sir haemophiliacs.  Which turns out to have a HIV infection.  So doctors happily gave the hemophiliac patients the was incurable AIDs.

Which struck off every involved Dr. and levid the cast of a lifetimes eights treatments on the Medical Insurance Companies.

Who will be ecstatic tree might 2012 work on curing AIDs.  This standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  My New York contact verified he worked with AIDs.

We freely published our work on the Internet, and there disease vanished from the world with no medical comment!  Presumably so corrupt medics could still prescribe the AIDs treatments which kill the patient predictably in a decade.

HIUS totally cleared aides in 1 minute.  With no continues drug usage.  Just as it cured all cancers.  Plus 2020 he cured Covid flu: that's right, every registered Dr. On earth owns the unit to clear all viral and bacterial infections on demand.

Making all vaccinations defective medical malpractice from 2002.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.  Prescribing vaccinations from 2002 resulted in the avoidable deaths of one patient in 200 healthy people.

And he is medically prohibited.  As a common cold and the seasonal influence or of first cured.  Without any drug use.  ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally eliminated coronary heart disease from the world.

Medics are now are talking about B trivial to ventrial fl anductuations.  Also cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest.  That was the new disease the drug company is were pinning her hopes for an economic future on.

Already totally cured without drugs.  ½ minute of HIUS was personally found to clear type two diabetes 2013.  Type one diabetes requires the full minute.  Those conditions used to kill 5% of the developed world.

The drug companies are frantically looking for a condition which requires biochemical prescription.  But they already all cured using local application of HIUS.  The Covid vaccination giving people the previously incurable our Alzheimer's, is criminal medicine.

The vaccination itself was obsolete an unlicensed.  Luckily he ½ minute of HIUS each side ahead clears all dementia including our Alzheimer's.

But hospital was already full of people with mental health problems.  Some caused by the medication prescribed them by doctors.  So you affairs vacated by cancer patients.

Locally all mental health is fixed by HIUS.  The doctors involved and the production of the viral infected vaccination, so struck off!  There so you will medicine in history.

And the drug company is lose all other biochemical drug patents.  Like Pfizer has lost the patent for Viagra.  No legal argument.  Eight law firm defending the void patents, doing legal malpractice and automatically struck off the legal register and shut down.


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