I cured dementia 2013
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Dr's killing for amisement |
I applied ½ minute of High Intensity UltraSound to each side ahead of patients with MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and depression. And they all got better! All within my church health group. Never saw the people again!
I use an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, as my home HIUS unit. That every medically proved to cure all cancers and viruses. ½ minute each side the chest even cured HIV AIDs 2012.
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We freely published the work on the Internet, which are legally had to be read and verified by every registered Dr. On earth. Who then had to use the new medical science. And cease prescribing the defective biochemical treatments.
So all viruses were cures as the Moffitt Paper 2002. So no registered Dr. Was allowed to biochemical drug research or cancers or infections for last 20 years. Or they were struck off!
No registered Dr. Could either or applying a vaccination to any strain of Covid flu. After HIUS totally cured Covid3, the virus behind the SARs outbreak in Asia or.
So when I got flu in 2019, I applied to the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. And totally cleared the infection! So then the published the 1 minute cure to Covid19.
Again every registered Dr. On earth had to validate the new medical science. And cease prescribing the no defective medicines - including the Covid19 vaccination.
Which did not enter medical trials untill generate 2021. Where were automatically within the year of the next year's Covid20. There was no Covid19 virus in the universe.
But even unlicensed vaccination kills one person in 200. As the Covid19 influenza strain no longer existed, the infection is infinitely more fatal than a nonexistent condition.
So any Covid19 vaccination manufacturing biochemical drug company, struck off. All other biochemical drug patents invalid and worthless! The drug company is can no longer raise money from the banks against a nonexistent share price. They are bankrupt!
And no registered Dr. Is allowed to research biochemical treatments for already cured conditions. Annie 2003 real doctors used HIUS in Asia to clear Covid3. And it works for all later strains of the influenza virus.
So no registered Dr. was allowed to research are applying any Covid vaccination since 2002. All the individuals and struck off. Without legal argument.
2021 and the drug companies saw her us all the users and unlicensed Covid19 vaccinations to the financial tune of $680.00 million. Though the vaccination was obsolete and useless!
Now the drug companies are desperately session every year incurable condition. After four years effort they fell on dementia. Which have been killing people since a 1930s! Very much not a new condition.
2013 I applied ½ minute of HIUS to each side of a person's head, from the 8 W one MHZ unit required to cure all 200 types of cancer. And all dementia patients would cured. No registered Dr. Has been allowed to research dementia biochemistry ever since.
And now it is can murder by the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination it gears people dementia: it seems to be Alzheimer's. This is a key and to factor eight blood clotting agent, giving him a further acts HIV.
This is not accidental! This is serious biochemical when inflation of pharmaceuticals. To include the viral sports for AIDs.
Work with a stammer ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest was validated to clear HIV 2012 for a personal contact in New York.
So the Covid vaccination gave people dementia! Which or drug company is assumed was incurable. I cleared all dementia in my church health group 2013. Medical science which had to verified and use by every registered Dr. On earth.
A medical intervention which gives patients an incurable condition, is criminal medicine! No possible medical value to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid vaccination.
But now we are seeing all our old friends had taken into mental health units. Medicated as cancers were all cured. By every registered Dr. On earth owns the validated HIUS unit, which will clear all dementia in 1 minute.
Just as 1 minute of less to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas, clear all diabetes: a condition biochemistry insists he was incurable! Cured in 1 minute using the physical medicine published 2002.
How can a vaccination give people Dementia? That is criminal medicine. Each vaccinating Dr. Ends up with a 25 year jail term in high security prison, for every resulting patient death.
The legal fine is a matter for the lawyers! A patient death in carers a fine of 10 million UK pounds. So not content with the national incidence of dementia, drug company is set out to vaccinate the world against a nonexistent influenza strain.
An income incidentally give the world dementia. There is no part of this story which is a legal! Worthy of global headlines. Though the drug companies have yearsa advertising budget to buy off newspaper comment.
Also restricting T E's ability to comment on criminal medicine.
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