Covid vaccination fatal

Covid vacc so fatal

Any vaccination intentionally kills one in 200 of those vaccinated.  So the infection needs to be more fatal than the vaccination - or it is a medically prohibited.

Every 1st of October but the Covid flu virus is given a new number.  Some 31st of September, 2020, Covid19 ceased to exist.  We were on the year of Covid20.

It India and Bahrain family is indifferent to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination: it takes six months to develop a vaccination, and licensing it would take two years.

But any vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold is obsolete only part way through testing.  The Covid flu vaccination obsolete within six months!  So never a licensed human drug.

And no Dr. Is allowed to give an obsolete an unlicensed medical intervention.  Just one Covid vaccination, and the Dr. and drug company struck off without legal argument.  3.5 billion Covid vaccinations given, which tells us that 17 million healthy an innocent individuals or vaccinated intentionally to death.  For a viral strain that no longer existed!

It gets a lot darker!  People who have been vaccinated with the Covid vaccination, are going on to develop mental health problems so massively increased number.  My lady friend isy in a mental health unit in Manchester, with our Alzheimer's - subsequent to no Covid vaccination.

So the factor eight blood clotting agent and a him and fill acts, gave them HIV!  So no registered Dr. Should ever have prescribed contaminated blood products.  Or again struck off without legal argument!

2012 I validated ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to either side the chest and cured AIDs.  We freely published our work, and the previously incurable viral infection vanished!  Everyone he got better.  No Dr. or drugs involved.

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And 2013 I validated that ½ minute of this High Intensity UltraSound to each side ahead cleared all dementia - MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia cured.  So the Covid vaccinated induced our Alzheimer's is now cured.

The medics are not happy!  They have bargained on selling the cancer was the real science patients.  And giving a contaminated pointless vaccination, was a way he to increase the number of mental health patients.

Who were going to die needlessly!  For a Health Products that did not improve any body is health.  We're on Covid21, even Covid20 was resistant to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid 19 vaccination.

So the drug company is trying to vaccinate the world we contemplated for MS vaccines, which are massively increased the dementia rates around the world.  This is without a shadow of a doubt the most evil medication ever devised.

½ minute of HIUS each side the chest totally clears HIV.  From a medically licensed home beauty device there can be purchased for under five UK pounds.

The same idea will clear all viral infections that ever exist.  Obviously including Covid flu and the common cold: the vaccination to either is medically prohibited!  And Astra Zeneca signed the Hippocratic oath, but never intended applied it by its legal strictures.

They continued manufacture and sell the no defective cancer drugs since 2002, the struck off all involved drug company is and stripped them of all other biochemical drug patents.  They cease to have a share price, and not leverage their borrowing from the banks on a share price, to make wages every month.

They are the most bankrupt corporations in earth history.  The manufacturers of the infected Covid vaccination leading dementia, are the most criminal drug firms that have ever existed.

And this news item has not been reported in the newspapers!  Who will bought off by the drug company advertising budgets.


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