All Covid cured

Covid vaccination most fatal medicine

Since Covid34 star to causing the seasonal influence or around the earth 1934, medicine has prohibited research or application by Covid vaccination.  As the vaccination would take six months to develop, then two years to licence!

But after only six months of testing, halfway through animal testing, that Covid strain would be obsolete!  So 1 October, 2020, we were on Covid20.  Which he India and Bahrain had demonstrated was totally indifferent to the obsolete and unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.

No registered Dr. Could ever work on a Covid vaccination.  So each of the involved medical professors at Oxford University, who developed the obsolete Covid19 vaccination struck off.  No legal argument!

Oxygen oce medical school itself struck a off!  All its medical degrees void and invalid.  Students get return of all the medical fees for and oxygen medical degree since 2018.

And the doctors Hippocratic oath acts without any legal involvement.  The doctors are interested to strike themselves off and cease medical practice.

Drug company is all voluntarily signed the Hippocratic oath.  And so are prohibited from the manufacture and sale of any Covid vaccination.  Are they are struck off, losing all other biochemical patents.

Medics published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers on earth - which share the inflated cell nature with infective viral and bacterial organisms.  I wrote up this idea about HIV AIDs 2008.

It was picked up by my contact in New York 2012.  Who was then use an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device: the cheapest medically licensed home HIUS unit.  All doctors bought and validated an 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound unit, clearing all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

So all doctors on earth and the unit to clear all viral infections from 2002.  After my contact in the U.S. cleared his own AIDs, the idea spread around the world and there disease vanished.

Making the prescription of AIDs treatments defective and criminal medical malpractice for last decade.  No registered Dr. Was allowed to prescribe AIDs treatments.

Which explains why medicine has stopped talking about AIDs, there doctors were very reluctant to give out prescribing the no defective AIDs treatments.  To do sir struck off the Dr. and drug company.  The drug company is making anti retro viral medication, struck after a decade ago.

Gilead has long been a leader in the development of antiretroviral therapy for HIV. Gilead researchers have developed 11 commercially available HIV medications and are advancing a robust pipeline of next-generation therapeutic options.

HIV/AIDS - Gilead Sciences

B a manufacture and sale of or cancer drugs has been criminal and fatal medicine since the Moffitt 2002 paper.  So Astra Zeneca Air lost 90% of its income 20 years ago.

No corporation in earth history has survived losing 80% of its base income.  After Zeneca Air responded by launching a vaccination to Covid flu: even though that was prohibited and for Britain medicine.  They packed air to the National Medical regulators with practicing doctors, and just did what the hell they wanted!

From Jenny 2012 they vaccinated 3.5 billion people.  The medically accepted death rate for any licensed vaccination is one in 200: and remember any Covid vaccination is automatically obsolete and never licensed.

Covid omicron is just Covid20 - they are agreed by International Medical convention.  Which we all had in got better from!  There 50,000 people around the world had died from Covid20.

The vaccination killing was 17 million healthy an innocent individuals.  The biggest deliberate medical execution of the innocent in recorded history.  This a result of the actions of professor Fauci - who was totally aware there any Covid vaccination was countries to physics medical.

In their wake Pfizer and Monsanta launched her own Covid19 vaccinations: indifferent to the fact the Covid 19 virus ceased to circulate the world 31st of September, 2020.  And any vaccination kills one in 200 healthy an innocent individuals!

Resulting me any Covid vaccination is outside biochemical patent protection.  As any Covid vaccination was obsolete only halfway through animal testing.  The Covid19 vaccination never even entered human drug trials.  Never a legal human drug!

So the first day your GP applied the Covid vaccination, was there last day as a legal registered Dr..  All medical practice then illegal.  A fine of 10 million UK pounds, for every vaccination killing.

And remember one in 200 died as a direct result of the obsolete unlicensed vaccination.  But doctors payout 20,000 UK pounds, to the surviving Covid vaccination victims.

Who gained no protection from later versions of Covid.  October 1, 2022 we're on Covid22.  Even the Covid20 the virus was indifferent to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.

Tell your GP that any Covid vaccination is automatically illegal and or medical law, and lighter colour drain from her face.  Any Covid vaccination dismisses the Dr. from legal medical practice.

Which is why all the doctors who retired 2018, only six years after all cancers are cured using 1 minute of external HIUS to where it hurts, only RE entered medical practice in the prospect of a financially lucrative flu vaccination.

Though that medicine was specifically prohibited from 1934.  Though no special exemptions.  The Corona virus died out within the Wuhan quarantine in China, extinct by February 2020.

No direct relationship we've Covid19 that freely circulated the world.  Corona was a Bio chemically enhanced version of Covid18.  Allying the escape of a dentist pathogen from biochemical facility, is criminal.  He killed five million Chinese people.

Like all viruses it is totally cleared by ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.  The infected structure boils and ruptures.  Inducing the patient's own immune system to secrete and action the specific human antibody to clear the exploding cell type from the body.

This method cleared AIDs 2012: the most pernicious and previously incurable viral infection in history.  I cured my own Covid19 using the medically published ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest, November 2019.

One month after he took over from Covid18.  The regular flu strain for 2018.  Covid19 was not a dangerous new pathogen!  It was the seasonal flu strain for 2019.

Cured using the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  This idea cleared the Indian outbreaks of Covid20, that affected 77,000 people.  All totally cured without drugs in 1 minute.

Now we're in the year of Covid21, and the drug companies are desperate to get rid of their remaining stocks of the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination: irrespective that any Covid vaccination kills one person in 200.

And Covid19 does not exist in the universe there!  So the Covid vaccination years the Dr. induced death by a hypodermic.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.  Plus assisting nurses and pharmacists.  No legal argument!

1st of October, 2022 and the standards ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear the new flu strain when it arrives.  And the drug companies will still be trying to get rid of their stocks of the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccinations: even though that drug use deliberate medical murder!

Any Dr. Giving just one Covid vaccination in recorded history, struck a off and removed totally from medical practice.  Along with the involved drug company.  The absolute medical professors who were involved in the research are back to the Covid19 vaccination, medical murder so the worst sort!

All struck off and remove from medicine 2019.  There were cures resulted in the medical killing of 17 million people.

The vaccination centres for the Covid19 vaccination of all shut down: and the S they killed 17 million healthy an innocent people.  All involved doctors struck off for life!  If he killed just one patient, the get a 25 year term in high security jail, for each patient homicide.

The jail time shed by the MD of the involved drug company.  And this is not forget the Astra Zeneca was struck off 2002, they've rates continue manufacture and sale by now or defective cancer drugs.

The Hippocratic oath dictates that all other biochemical drug patents then by such a psychopathic murderous drug company, are void and worthless.

The share price is the athletics some of although companyis drug patents.  So Astra Zeneca Air ceased to have a share price 2002.  And they can no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll: there is bankrupt corporation in history.

Analysed for confirm there is no legal challenge to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  Though as all global citizens rested on the doctors' medical ethics.  Which is why 17 million healthy an innocent global citizens were killed by the obsolete an unlicensed Covid vaccination.

There will be no research of a Covid22 vaccination - just as there never should have been any Covid19 vaccination: the involved medical professors are Oxford University struck off three years ago, with no legal challenge.

Harvard and Cambridge universities were never involved.  Though there medics are properly researched the Covid19 vaccination.  Though it was never a legal drug.

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