All Covid and flu jabs illegal
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Death by Dr |
In the usual way, the drug companies have renamed the flu jab a Covid booster. As if it magically later that medical intervention legal!
But as a every medical student was taught to their studies, the doctors Hippocratic N oath prohibits any Covid vaccination. Which is also a prohibits the flu jab.
The problem is that the Covid viral family has a new version declared the 1st of October. The flu jab would only be six months into a drug licensing process.
So no flu jab has ever been legal. A registered doctors are not allowed to give obsolete an unlicensed medicines. Just one flu chap, and the doctors struck off from medical practice for life.
There vaccinations then all illegal and invalid: not just the Covid booster and flu jab. All biochemical prescriptions invalid and illegal!
The party logical Dr. Is stripped of medical registration, and Health Insurance. There medical practice then illegal and criminal. But doctors are signs the same Hippocratic oath.
Promising not to manufacture and sell defective medicines. And the Covid Brewster's were just the flu jab - and was so illegal!
The Covid19 flu strain cease to circulate the world September 31, 2020: the Covid virus was contained within the Wuhan quarantine in China.
½ minute of High Intensity UltraSound, was medically proven to clear all cancers and viruses 2002. It also clears the inflated structure common to bacterial infections.
The Covid 19 vaccination was never legal medicine. 1st of October and the world was on Covid20. Which is not contained within the Wuhan quarantine in China. Just the regular seasonal flu.
To which no vaccination is never legal! In their usual way and the drug company is renamed it Covid omicron. Which is a Greek letter O. We're almost threw the year of Covid21 - the drug company is are no doubt name CovidPi.
So on the 1st of October we're on CovidRho. We are obviously not on Covid19C1. As the Covid19 virus ceased to circulate the world 31st of September, 2020.
All Covid flu strains are cleared by 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, the ultrasound unit owned by every registered Dr. On earth since 2002: as it was found to clear all 200 types of human cancer. So no cancer drug prescription from 2002 has been legal medicine!
Striking off the Dr. and drug company. Without legal argument! The Hippocratic oath is absolute law - which are there is no legal challenge.
The drug companies are beginning to talk about Covid omicron. Which is not existed in the universe since the 31st of September 2021. I remember 1st of October, 2022 we're on Covid Rho.
Just like HIV AIDs totally cured by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. Or personal contact in New York was HIV⁺. He bought and used ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to either side use chest.
His GP discharged or all Medical Care the next appointment: as he was legally required to do, as the patient reports well and diseased free.
We shared our work freely on the Internet, and HIV AIDs vanish from world. It was sent to the largest problem if it faced! Since the drug companies renamed Africa's Slim disease, if the drug companies cannot cure a condition, they rename it.
There is an do noble prize on offer for the cure of HIV. Which effendi due to my PH D work at Sheffield University 2000. When I found the cure to cancer, they yanked the PH D from under my feet!
So all Covid flu strains are now cured. And medicine prohibits a vaccination to a cured disease: as a vaccination would intentionally kill one in 200 healthy an innocent people.
3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations given, where were already on the year of Covid20. Totally irresponsible to the previous year's obsolete an unlicensed vaccination. And it GP is stopped taking the obsolete an unlicensed vaccination, as we are on the year of Covid20.
Indian Bahrain demonstrated is totally responsive to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination. And phase the drug company is cent of Covid vaccination centres.
Staffed by registered doctors not doing general practice. Are struck off doctors could not legally prescribe anything. And just one Covid vaccination the doctors struck off, losing or wages and pension contributions.
So any Dr. Giving just one Covid vaccination, ceased that day to be a legal Dr.. Stripped of all income and pension.
The drug companies are trying to increase the dry water is paid to doctors to give out there Covid vaccination: even now experiencing the Covid omicron - the obsolete Covid20. Again the vaccination having absolutely no medical use!
Still horrendously fatal and criminal. So any Dr. It giving a Covid vaccination totally struck off, and stripped of their patients. There medical practice then illegal and an insurable!
So now the specialist Covid vaccination centres have all been shut down around the world: as medicine has realized the Covid vaccination is criminal medical murder. Yet again the drug companies are looking at the family GP!
Who is so not interested in the Covid vaccination. All that any money! Medical murder in a hypodermic. And the vaccination of is the Covid20, when will be on the year of the Covid22 the flu strain.
And I reiterate, Covid is just the medical name for the regular seasonal flu that's circulates the world. Obviously no direct relationship with the extinct Corona virus. Globally extinct by February 2020: only ever within Wuhan Province China. Never within Europe or the U.S..
So no person on earth can give a Covid vaccination. Registered doctors and medical professors power of equally constrained from such murderous medicine.
And let us not forget that Astra Zeneca, Pfizer and other drug company is who made and sold a Covid vaccination, automatically struck off: without legal challenge! Dated back to 2020.
The Hippocratic oath demands that they are structural all other biochemical drug patents. Ceasing to have a share price. They can no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll. They are as bankrupt as it gets.
Every Dr. Giving a Covid vaccination there is a legal fine of 20,000 UK pounds, to patient's he survived the murderous medical intervention. The 410 million UK pounds, to and exit key and of those vaccinated to death.
And the ones registered doctors deliberately executed 17 million global citizens. A legal fine of 170 trillion. In excess of the worth of the planet! All those doctors are taking up early retirement again - they retired 2018, 16 years after medicine cured all cancers.
But they did not take early retirement. They were struck off! Then could never legally return to medical practice. Each Covid vaccination was delivered medical murder. So the usual legal fine of 20,000 UK pounds, to every vaccination surviving patient.
And people are lining up for the fourth Covid 19, totally medically pointless but fatal vaccination. Which cannot be given by any person in the universe! Deliberate medical murder in a hypodermic.
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