drug companies repay Covid vaccinations
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Covid vaccination kills |
The drug company is voluntarily signed the Hippocratic N oath: this is always prohibited research or application of a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.
For Covid flu since 1934, when covered 34 star to causing the seasonal influence or that ciccles the earth. Those two viral families throw out new versions quicker than medics can produce a vaccination.
So Covid flu has a new version every 1st of October. So Covid19 only existed for a year from 1 October, 2019.
It entered animal drug trials only after the virus itself no longer existed! So it never entered human drug trials. It was obsolete medicine.
Tragically killing one in 200 of those vaccinated. 3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations given, the medically accepted death rate is one in 200 people - so 17 million people die as a direct result the other Dr. Giving the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.
So striking off the vaccinating Dr. and involved drug company - like Astra Zeneca. Who lost the vaccination market two Pfizer anyway. 17,000,000 people vaccinated to death deliberately, that in carers a legal fine of 170 trillion.
More than the worth of the planet! And nov or drug company is were struck off, losing all other biochemical drug patents. They cease to have a share price and could no longer borrow from the drug company is to make payroll.
The doctors struck off and totally removed from medical practice. All subsequent medical practice was criminal and an insured. They can no longer ride shared prescriptions! As oh no longer registered doctors,
They smilingly continued in pretend medical practice. Though they could no longer murder prescriptions or do any medicine.
Astra Zeneca lus lost the whole the Covid vaccination market. And the American doctors noted that a Covid19 vaccination it increased the Covid influence or death rate.
Viruses are for ande advantageous to make a spurious antibody, to distract the immune system from they dangerous and viral cells,
2002 and every cancer centre published the 1 minute application of high intensity ultrasound as a one session total cure to all cancers and viruses.
And I applied e.g. 1 minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from an ultrasound massage device, to where it hurts - and clear all cancers! ½ minute to the bottom right of the chest over the pancreas clears the inflated viral structure causing type two diabetes.
My American friends reported type one diabetes only remitted in three days. 2016 I validated 1 minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the rib cage totally cleared type one diabetes instantly.
Last week there medics are complaining that diabetes had vanished from the world! And that was the last major diseases of age.
½ minute to the top left to the chest and the kidneys totally clears coronary heart disease. ½ minute each side the school clears dementia. Obviously applied to the hair I either side of the head.
2012 my American contact the York confirmed ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest totally cleared AIDs. The servos the registered doctors continue prescribing the defective AIDs treatments until 2018.
The cure the HIV patient needlessly within a decade! HIUS cures all viral infections including the common cold, AiDs and Covid flu all - ½ minute each side of the chest.
Astra Zeneca are pushing their Covid omicron vaccination: this standard medical name he is Covid20. Having planet given up on the Covid19 vaccination - as it became apparent the useless vaccination increase the Covid death rate.
But October 1, 2021 we're on the year of CovidPi/21. 1st of October, 2022 will be on CovidRho/22. Ande again the Covid20 vaccination can not be licensed until March 2020.
And well increase the Covid death rate from Covid22 or Covid21. The Covid vaccination is a most fatal medical intervention ever!
Astra Zeneca lus linking the wall by lack the halcyon days of IC or so the Covid19 vaccination January 2020. When the Covid19 virus no longer existsed! But and the obsolete vaccination increases the Covid death rate.
The vaccination itself would be expected to cause 17 million patient deaths, to stop the spread of a virus it kills 50,000 people a year. But the vaccination itself or the increase the Covid death rates!
Each Covid vaccination death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, and the Dr. and drug company managing director, getting 25 years in high security prison: without parole.
All in countries of the death penalty, their murderous individual is just executed! So professor Fauce as the kentish plover all those 17 million needless human deaths. He is a most pathological mass murderer in history.
As the Hippocratic declared 1934, no Covid vaccination could ever be legal. Obsolete only part way through drug testing. The vaccination totally obsolete only halfway through animal drug testing.
MonSanta is arguing with a the drug companies about patent infringement on the Covid19 vaccination. There is no biochemical drug patents are cycle to fatal medicines. Which are globally prohibited.
No drug company ever allowed to make and sell any Covid19 or later vaccination. There is no legal argument! Totally ****ing illegal.
So each Covid vaccination actually increases the risk of dying from the current Covid vaccination. Patients are paying to increase their risk of death! And no drug company is allowed to make and sell death inducing medicines.
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