Covid vaccination worsens death rate!

Covid vaccination increases Covid death rate

The problem is that Covid flu, has a new version every 1st of October.  Covid omicron is the drug company name for Covid20 - agreed by internationally agreed medical naming convention.

Covid19 only existed for a year from the 1st of October, 2019.  It would then take six months to produce the antibody, and two years to licence.

So the vaccination was obsolete only halfway through animal drug testing.  It never even entered human drug trials.  It was never a legal human drug!

All Santo is now kicking up a big fuss, another company is copying is antibody production technique.  Totally ignoring the fact that the Covid 19 vaccination was obsolete 31st of September, 2020.

Secreting a spurious antibody is a trick viruses use to gain a vantage on the immune system.  Hence HIV AIDs secreted is totally spurious antibody.  To get the ignored by the immune system!

Now we have repay the drug companies to vaccinate and us with an obsolete an unlicensed vaccination.  Which is used statistically demonstrated to worsen the Covid death rate.

We are now on the year of Covid21 - which or drug company taught on Covid Pi.  There being the International Medical conference to agree a nine year medical name for Covid flu.

So giving a vaccination to Covid19 was sent to worsen the death rate from Covid20.  That usually kills 50,000 people a year around the earth!  It is just the regular Influenza.

Astra Zeneca by trumpeting that they had developed a vaccination to Covid omicron - Covid 20.  Which ceased to exist 31st of September, 2021.  It would take six months to to produce a vaccination, and two years to medically licence.

So not all possible legal human drug ever!  Covid 20 where there cease to exist before the vaccination was licensed.

Now Astra Zeneca it seems so exited stage right!  Leaving the vaccination market two more Santer.  But no Covid vaccination could ever be illegal!  And before any vaccination could be licensed.

Which is why medicine has always prohibited research or application of a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.  Dictating that the researching doctors, and the involved biochemical drug company are struck off.  The drug company is losing all other biochemical drug patents they possess.

The doctors ejected from medical practice for life.  And stripped or wages of pension since there first gave a Covid vaccination.

Massive numbers are doctors left medicine 2018, as he realized the Moffitt cancer centre cure to cancers published 2002, works for all cancers.

1 minute of high intensity ultrasound externally to where it hurts.  Like from an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device.

½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  Making the Covid vaccination doubly illegal!  Astra Zeneca Air have packed air is a medical registers around the world, to summon enforcing the Hippocratic oath.

They bought off medicine.  Monsanto and the other man the drug companies, do not have the financial reserves to fire of medicine.  Any registered Dr. Is automatically barred from serving on the National Medical regulators.

Otherwise you get massive self interest - that with a Covid19 vaccination.  So no Covid vaccination could never be legal!

½ minute of HIUS cleared my Covid 19 November, 2019.  One month after he took over from Covid18.  The total viral cure!  Even clear HIV aids 2012: and the medical world has never accepted the cure!

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E² all viral and bacterial infections must have and overinflated nature to induce cell replication.  Just the same as cancers!  Was session of HIUS clears all infections without any drug licensing being required.

It adapts to the infection is his present that day.  So it will cure Covid22 when your eyes on the 1st of October, 2022.

And the Covid omicron vaccination is obsolete an unlicensed.  Just like the Covid19 vaccination was never legal.

Medics have demonstrated that a Covid19 vaccination actually increases the Covid death rate, from Covid20.  The Covid omicron vaccination will also worsened the current Covid death rate.

Doctors illegally gave 3.5 billion Covid vaccinations - in direct contravention to the Hippocratic oath.  It cause 17 million additional global deaths!  There patients killed for no good reason.

Just the doctors' amusement and profit!  1 minute of HIUS to the chest will clear all infections.


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