Covid booster kills
death by needle |
Any vaccination would take two years to fully medically licensed. After six months the drug development cycle.
But Covid is the name for the regular human flu. And has a new version every 1st of October. So the vaccination is obsolete only six months into drug testing. So never a legal human drug.
Vaccinations are medically accepted to kill one in 200 of people we vaccinate. So they gave out 3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations: how? No Dr. Is allowed to give an obsolete an unlicensed vaccination, without being struck off the same day. All medical practice then uninsured and illegal.
The drug companies have reacted to the news of the Covid 19 vaccination was never legal medicine, by calling the regular injections Covid boosters. Which are just the Covid vaccination obsolete 18 months previously!
And doctors have found their horror that the Covid vaccination system, has actually increased the rate of death from Covid flu: Covid is just the regular flu. Those people get better or after three days.
Except insofar the Covid booster: then they are confined to bed for two weeks if there ever get better!
So the regular flu kills 50,000 people around the world. The Covid 19 vaccination killed17 million. For more fatal than the NAZI death camps!
And they saved not one life. As the Covid19 virus was extinct before the vaccination was first used: never having gone into human drug trials before obsolete.
Astra Zeneca on our trumpeting that the Covid booster is for Covid omicron: the internationally accepted name year's Covid20. Which is also obsolete! We're on the year of Covid21.
So the Covid booster actually increases the Covid death rate. And no registered Dr. Is allowed to Kiev medicine which increases death. So the Covid this is are illegal and fatal medicine!
The energy assist researching or another reminder for a Covid vaccination. One arise every six months. And not even sure if I will open and read it, would you set straight away.
The most murderous medically intervention in human history! And they killing goes on. The prescribing Dr. Struck off. As is the assisting nurses and pharmacists. And the involved biochemical drug company.
The drug companies are legally constrained from manufacture and sale of fatal medicine: who is enforcing the Hippocratic oath? The drug companies have packed out there National Medical regulators with practicing doctors.
Whose major income stream is from the fatal Covid boosters. So automatically struck off are not doctors! Are not eligible to serve for the medical regulators.
A it should be so simple! 200023 medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses. It also works for the inflated bacterial structures.
Every health centre and hostel or owns an 8 W 3 MHz device. I have found an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, to be equally as affective!
1 minute applied to where it hurts, clears all 200 cancers out there. ½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.
With no patient deaths! And every registered Dr. On earth has bought and validated the HIUS unit. Annie is legally constrained from the prescription of cancer or infection medication.
Just one prescription and the medical registration is revoked. There Health Insurance is void. And their medical practice is criminal.
But somebody has deliberately kills those 17,000,000 people around the earth. If your GP has given at just one Covid vaccination, they ceased that day to be registered legal Dr..
Please break their hands before they vaccinated individuals to death!
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