Covid booster kills one in 200

Covid booster kills for money

It takes two years to licence any medical vaccination.  But Covid has a new version every 1st of October!  So we're on Covid21.  But the drug company is are no of using a vaccination for Covid omicron - the internationally agreed naming is Covid.

The experience of Indian Bahrain was that the obsolete vaccination to Covid19 has no affect on Covid20.  India has 77,000 cases of Covid20.

All totally cleared by 1 minute of High Intensity UltraSound to the chest.  I use an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device.  The medically published cure to all cancers and viruses.

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So medicine has prohibited a vaccination to Covid flu since 1934.  The influenza came in with Covid34.  So ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections including Covid.

And medicine prohibits a vaccination to a cured disease!  So all Covid vaccinations are doubly criminal and prohibited.  The manufacturing biochemical drug company struck off and structural all other biochemical drug patents,

So Astra Zeneca is a most bankrupt corporation ever!  Being struck off and cease to have a share price 2002.  When they continued to make cancer drugs after HIUS as publisher and verified by every Dr. On earth.  Making cancer drugs prohibited and criminal medicine!

And drug company is voluntarily signed the Hippocratic oath.  Which in 194 I thought was a bit unnecessary!  As every registered Dr. On earth has signed the Hippocratic oath.  And is thus prohibited from giving cancer or infection medication.

By Astra Zeneca does what the hell i wants!  Every Dr. Involved in pissing the Covid vaccination struck off and remove from medicine 2019.  The Covid 19 vaccination was only six months into a two year drug licensing process, when obsolete.

And tragically vaccinations kill one in 200 healthy people we vaccinate.  Thus obsolete vaccinations are globally prohibited.

So the drug company is are going appears to have to Covid - drama singing no cancer if Covid omicron: so they have given up totally on Covid19.  Which has not existed for three years!

But the Covid omicron vaccination is similarly unlicensed.  And will be obsolete only 1/4 way through drug testing and is never a legal human drug.

Any Dr. giving just one obsolete vaccination struck off and totally removed from medicine.  They lose medical registration and Health Insurance.  They continued medical practice is the biggest criminality in history!

Or there prescriptions are automatically illegal and criminal.  They cannot even prescribe Aspin after one Covid vaccination.

Were still the Covid doctors get a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, and 25 years in high security jail for every patient homicide the any effect.

Just giving one Covid vaccination in carers a legal fine of 20,000 UK pounds.  For each illegal vaccination.  My mother's has had three.  But still try to vary the I's should submit myself to want.  Not a plastic chance in hell!  13 PO is a 60,000 UK pounds for her and her boyfriend.

Chris's girlfriend are owed 80,000 pounds each: she is a practicing nurse - hence his phone calls every six months to encourage me to go are based.  100 times no!  The Covid this to stop obsolete unlicensed and potentially fatal.

The worst medicine in recorded history and striking off every vaccinating Dr. and drug company.  So of course Astra Zeneca and Pfizer struck off again!

So when they go to the banks to borrow money to make payroll, they will have no share price to leverage the loan against.  So the banks to give them no money.  They are bankrupt.

Every vaccinating Dr. Has to return or wages to there first gave a Covid vaccination.  And receive no pension!  But 10 years in prison and for every patient so callously vaccinated to death.  Deliberate medical killing for money!  Not nice people.

I rather doubt the and can be classified as a human being!  They are evil personified.  He vent demons will be embarrassed by their murderous actions.


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