cancer & Covid doctors struck off
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Covid19 extinct Oct 2020. Cancers cured 2002 |
2002 and three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses. It also clears the inflated cell structure common with infective bacterial.
On taking up Medical Service doctors promised to apply only the best medicine, with no financial preference. Once they realized this may cancer drugs illegal, they sought to weak enough lecture to the lasagne pledge: promising not to do warm.
Cancer drugs kill the cancer patients in two agonising years, HIUS cures all 200 cancers in 1 minute. So cancer drugs became unethical and defective medicine! Country even to the lasagne pledge.
1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound will clear all 200 types of human cancer. But doctors carried write on prescribing cancer medication, even though this was in direct contravention of the Hippocratic oath. They had talked when entering Medical Service. It is contrary even to the lasagne pledge.
Striking off the Dr. and drug company. Plus the assisting nurses and pharmacists - who take their nightingale pledge. Which prevents them applying defective medicine. Or again struck off for life!
So any cancer drug prescribing doctors since 2002, the struck off without legal argument. Ceasing to draw all wages since their first cancer drug prescription. There medical practice then criminal.
Or there prescriptions invalid and he illegal. And they are obviously draw no pension! If they took early retirement, this is meaningless. They were struck off.
Of a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, for any patient they so callously medicated to death. Not just the cancer patients! Although prescriptions illegal and invalid.
There medical practice then an insured and criminal. They were not doctors anymore! They have sought to continue the illegal medical practice over the telephone. But there prescriptions are invalid! And there medical practice illegal.
2018 and doctors suddenly realised in horror that they were criminal mass murderers. And sought to take early retirement! Though as outlined above there were entitled to neither wages of pension so the first cancer drug prescription.
2018 the drug companies started publicising the regular flu as if it was a pandemic virus. The pandemic was declared for Corona virus in Wuhan China: but pandemic alert was withdrawn as it was realized the Corona had never penetrated the world health organisation quarantine.
Worse still ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections, including Corona. In 2012 my contact in New York used it to clear his AIDs. But suppose the registered doctors continued prescribing eight medication for six years.
The Hippocratic N is very definite, you are not allowed to prescribe medication for non existent disease! Or the Dr. and drug company struck off. Medicine kiss goodbye to a $680 million dollar business.
For a most eliminates all viruses are now a totally cured! Using medicine published as the cancer and viral cure by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002, so he to those AIDs treatments prescribing doctors, who continue there prescriptions after 2012, also struck off.
And all doctors men to be super ethical! But they have continued with the illegal prescriptions causing massive human death and suffering. Or owning an sells a nice little fortune!
November 2019, one month after Covid19 took over from Covid18, I cured my own so flu was totally curable flu and influence or using the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.
All flu totally curable and medicine prohibits a vaccination to a cured infection. As a vaccination intentionally kills one in 200 healthy an innocent individuals. HIUS cures all infections.
Making the prescription of viral or bacterial medication since 2002, criminal and potentially fatal medical malpractice. Again striking off the Dr. and drug company! Plus assisting nurses and pharmacists.
But all the stroke off doctors have continued in medical practice irregardless! Though there prescriptions were illegal and invalid. There medical practice an insured and criminal!
Declaring are still to the world 'we keep the highest level of ethical standards!', well intentionally medicating their patients to an needless death. For their own financial gain! This is criminal medicine and totally medically illegal.
Each resulting patient death warrants a 10 million UK pound fine, and the Dr. receiving a 25 year jail term in high security prison. The jail term is shared with the managing director of the drug company.
The involved hostel or health centre also are struck off! No duty cinema and are seeking to continue their criminal medical practice, over the telephone.
Medicine has to return face to face! They cannot be done over the telephone and if there doctors prescribed cancer drugs one since 2002, there medical prescriptions are invalid and illegal anyway and there medical practice criminal!
As they are no longer a registered legal doctors. Now the number of practicing G P's has shrunk to 2018 levels. And it is my guess, that the individuals pretending to be registered doctors, have happily prescribed cancer drugs has ceased to be registered doctors 20 years ago.
The three big earners of medicine where cancers, heart disease and diabetes. 1 minute externally of HIUS to where it hurts totally clears all cancers and secondary is.
½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest the kidneys totally clears coronary heart disease. And making the prescription of heart medication criminal from 2013, when this medicine was the subject of medical publication and 30 per cent double blind trial.
2013 I validated ½ minute of HIUS to the bottom right of the chest and the kidneys totally clears type two diabetes: my American friends reported type one requires the full minute. Or only remits in three days. And making metformin and insulin prescription criminal since 2013 or 2016 respectively.
So the GP prescribing diabetic medication since 2016, the struck off the same day. So Covid was never a pandemic! And pharmacists and that ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.
The big killer since 2019, has been the unlicensed an obsolete Covid vaccination. The Covid 19 vaccination would have taken two years to licence. But was obsolete only six months into animal drug trials.
Never a legal human medicine and every prescribing doctors struck off on their first Covid vaccination. Despite this the corrupt doctors gave out 3.5 billion Covid vaccinations, killing 17 million healthy an innocent global people.
1/4 fatalities from world war two! So Boselli to limit the spread of a virus which ceased to exist 31st of September, 2020. They started giving the obsolete vaccination January 2021. As every Dr. On earth is taught, part way through the year of Covid 20.
Covid21 is cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest. October 1 will be on Covid22. American medics have found that the Covid vaccination actually increases the Covid death rate.
So an obsolete vaccination is worse than no vaccination at all!
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