Biggest medical killing in history

Covid19 vacc killed 17 million

2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published the use our the external application of High Intensity UltraSound and to clear cancers and viruses.  He also clears bacterial infections!

The drug company is developed a selective deafness!  And watched in horror as people use e.g. an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, to clear all cancers at home.


£3.58 - 4.72/ Piece

No Dr. or drug involvement required!  2004 and forecast that the drug company is would want a vaccination against Covid flu all the common cold, to make up for the abrupt loss of income.

The medical name for the regular seasonal influenza virus is Covid.  But the Hippocratic oath has prohibited research into or application of a vaccination to these two major infections, since 1934!  And Covid34 star to causing the seasonal influenza.

I wrote up about HIUS and AIDs, but it was on till 2012 that a contact in New York used it to clear AIDs.  Since then the virus has vanished from the world!  Much to the disgust of the drug companies.

Registered doctors were still prescribing the defectiv and fatal AIDs treatments and till 2018: which killed an AIDs patient within 10 years.  HIUS clears HIV AIDs in 1 minute.

No doubt some suppose the registered doctors are still happily medicating haemophilia acts to an needless death from HIV: in direct contravention of the Hippocratic oath.

It takes six months to develop a vaccination to there disease.  And applies A2 year period of drug testing.  Before the drug is legal for human use.

Mysteriously Astra Zeneca started making and selling the Covid19 vaccination from January 2020.  Where the flu was already Covid20.  So the Covid 19 vaccination I thought have no effect.

Medics have protested, that he it increases Covid death rates.  That awarded viruses Makee a spurious antibody - distracting the immune system away from the real virus.

Astra Zeneca have been forced to concede that the Covid19 vaccination actually increases the Covid death rates.  And their now touring with a Covid omicron vaccination - the medical name for Covid20.  When we MS so wary through the year of Covid21.

So a Covid omicron vaccination again would increase Covid death rates.  And the 1st of October 2022 we're on Covid22.  Ande no work on a vaccination could start and till the 1st of October.

Then it takes six months to produce the vaccination, and only six months into a the drug licensing tests will be obsolete.  An increasing Covid death rate from Covid22.  It is a regular turnover of the influenza virus.

So drug company is primarily Astra Zeneca, gave the vaccination to Covid19, totally aware the vaccination is obsolete an address and now extinct Covid virus.

The medically accepted death rate for any vaccination is one person in 200.  Which is why the MMR vaccination killed two million children.  So Boselli to restrict months, the results and rubella.

Actually causing the biggest medical patient killing and till the Covid vaccination.  3.5 billion vaccinations, the expected medical death rate use 17 million innocent and otherwise healthy individuals.

But as we have seen and the spurious Covid vaccination increases, death rates from the current live Covid strain.  Which by international agreement is no Covid21, but the drug company is will call it CovidPi.

So professor Fauce has pushed for a Covid vaccination, and as a result 20,000,000 people around the world are needlessly dead.

And 1 minute of HIUS to the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  The drug company is are incensed!  As biochemical infection medication is now or defective and criminal medicine.

So professor Fauce has caused 17 million needless deaths.  The Hippocratic N oath dictates that they should be stripped of all other biochemical drug patents, and expelled from medicine.

Or they are medical professors from the Moffitt, informing the drug company is voluntarily signed the doctors Hippocratic oath.  So are prohibited from manufacture and sale of obsolete an unlicensed medicines.  Like the Covid19 vaccination.

So all drug company is will automatically return or medical fees for the disasterous vaccination.  Paying additional 10,000,000 UK pounds, for each of those 17,000,000 innocent and healthy individuals vaccinated to death.

MonSanta there is squabbling with other man the drug companies, over the patent for the Covid19 vaccination: an illegal and unlicensed drug, outside biochemical patent protection.

Any drug company ever making and selling the Covid19 vaccination struck off: as a the pathylogical murderous drug company in history.  They are Astra Zeneca air and Pfizer have no given up on the illegal Covid19 vaccination.

By Astra Zeneca is now working on the equally criminal Covid omicron vaccination.  Even they're all Covid vaccinations are strictly medically prohibited!

Professor Fauce over sore the medical murder of 17,000,000 healthy an innocent individuals.  Killing 1/4 fatalities from world war two, in six months.  I reaping Astra Zeneca deserve a legal managing director.

Who are not kill massive numbers of global citizens, for their own amusement and profit!


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