No Covid vaccine possible
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covid vaccination illegal |
As medical students taught on the first two any medical degree, there is no vaccination possibl to Covid flu all the common cold. As those viral family is have new versions too quickly!
Covid flu is given a new number every 1st of October - to reflect the four micro genetic changes in the previous year. And a vaccination takes two years to licence!
So the Covid vaccination is obsolete only 1/4 way through testing. Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20, totally resistant to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.
So each year would require a new vaccination! Which cannot be licensed from the two years. But since 2002 there is no need. That year three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre, who published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear the inflated structure common to cancer, plus viral and bacterial cells.
The Moffitt published or 1 minute of external HIUS cause all types of cancer to be cleared from the body. Though they did not understand why. The only needed to ask!
The HIUS sets off biological molecular nuclear fusion, in the pressurise cell types. Foreign cell types have to be pressurised to induce cell replication. So all cancers and viruses half to divide in a single cell fashion - which requires an inflated cell nature.
So a body cells are not affected by HIUS: though they are affected by the exploding neighbouring cell types. Which induces the immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody to clear that dangerous cell type from the body.
1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²
So we get massive heat generation, and there cell boils and ruptures! Leading to the immune system clearing that distinct cell type from the body.
So for all viruses and cancers 1 minute of external HIUS will clear the foreign cell type from the body.
For all viral and bacterial cells, they cluster in the lungs! As they transmit through before breathing out - expelling carbon dioxide but also the foreign cell DNA.
So in 2002 the Moffitt cured all 200 types or cancer. 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound. The cheapest source is an ultrasound massage device.
In 2003 Asian doctors used ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest to clear the SARs viral outbreak: caused by Covid3.
I wrote this idea of the AIDs in 2008. As I did not know anyone be with the disease! I have a from a guy in New York 2012, who bought and used his own ultrasound massage device. And totally cleared his AIDs.
We freely share this work the world over the Internet, and there disease vanished! Much to the bewilderment of medics.
So the prescription or cancer drugs as the Moffitt Paper 2002 was criminal medical malpractice: on taking up Medical Service every registered Dr. has promised by aware off, and validate new medical advances.
So they're all bought an 8 W 3 MHZ unit, and validated the new science. Subsequent prescription of cancer drugs was criminal medical malpractice. Striking off the Dr. and drug company: primarily Astra Zeneca.
2018 there are getting desperate for a source of income! And mysteriously A. Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 this came from the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan China. The required genetic modifications were very esoteric! They were not chance.
From December 2019 Chinese medics applied the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest, an last 44,000 cases are Corona virus were extinguished.
The World Health Organisation had issued a pandemic of the specific to Corona. Withdrawn as the disease was cured by February 2020.
The drug company is for a very annoyed by their the layer the pandemic alert for SARs just a varnish. So this time they declare that the regular human influence or for 2019, was a type of Corona virus.
That is medical rubbish! Corona virus was specific to Wuhan Province in China. Extinct by February 2020. Extinct virus is do not evolved! Corona was a type of Covid18. But Covid19 was the flu strain from the next year.
And freely circulated around the whole world! A totally distinct an unrelated virus. Which I caught. And then allowed flu for three years, so it was due.
I applied ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, each side of my chest. I had a 2 hour nap and got up healthy but bored. So the Moffitt Air given the world the total cure to all flu strains.
And no registered Dr. Was allowed to work on a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold, since Covid34 star to causing the regular human influence or in 1934. As it was realized the two year drug licensing process, would automatically make a Covid vaccination obsolete an unlicensed.
As Dr. Every graduating medical student on their medical degree. Yeah suppose the registered doctors to use up to vaccinate their patients against Covid19, when we were already within the year of Covid20 - January 2021.
In fall knowledge that the vaccination itself was unlicensed an illegal human medicine. Just one Covid vaccination striking off the Dr. and drug company.
India and Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20 - totally resistant to the obsolete Covid19 unlicensed vaccination. Which would intentionally kill one in 200 healthy people!
Which is why a vaccination medicine is so unpopular with doctors. The infection has been more fatal than the vaccination - or it is illegal.
But Covid19 has ceased to exist. So the vaccination is infinitely more fatal than a nonexistent infection. As I see no point in giving an obsolete an unlicensed vaccination! They are for personal financial gain and amusement.
The most psychopathic or murderous medicine in history! Astra Zeneca Air have not given up! We're most the way it through the year of Covid21 - we're on to Covid22 October 1, 2022.
But now there medics are calling their vaccination a Covid vaccination. There is stupid! It is a vaccination to the nonexistent Covid19. Most murderous medicine ever.
The drug companies have realised in horror that the Covid 19 vaccination was obsolete an unlicensed. So ignoring the virus it is useless but fatal, Covid vaccination. Which it isn't! It was never even licensed against Covid19.
So doctors giving just one Covid vaccination, required to strike themselves off the medical register the same day. They loose Health Insurance &Medical registration! They ceased to be registered doctors.
They payout 20,000 UK pounds to surviving vaccination victims. They about the 410 million UK pounds, to and exit key and of every patient psychopathic Lee and deliberately vaccinated to death.
The former Dr. In fall knowledge that they were killing for amusement the money! I had a hand themselves and their notes into the police for criminal prosecution, for mass four counts of first degree medical murder.
On October 1 we will be on Covid22, like all viruses and cancer cured by local application of HIUS. The drug company is are furious! They want to sell over specific biochemical treatments.
But they are criminal medical malpractice now! One session of HIUS cures all cancers and viruses. The three medical professors were are pressurised into taking early retirement, by the drug companies!
But then there medical professors have the occupied positions of Medical Power: like professor Fauci, who has have eyes UK government that only a vaccination or there defective an unlicensed medication, can stop the spread of Covid19.
He was in full knowledge of that influenza strain no longer existed! And were still the vaccination was totally obsolete an unlicensed. But was still kill one person in 200.
Around the globe doctors illegally gave 3.5 billion illegal and useless Covid vaccinations. And deliberately killed 17 million global healthy an innocent citizens. The biggest deliberate medical murders ever!
In the UK they gave 2.5 million Covid19 vaccinations, when we were already within the year of Covid20. An intentionally killed 45,000 healthy an innocent UK residents.
Who gained no protection against that year's Covid20 strain. A trip to the Dr., And he could uses her and HIUS device, verified clear all cancers, to clear all viral and bacterial infections.
½ minute each side the chest! ½ minute to the top left to the chest the kidneys clears coronary heart disease. Again the drug companies are furious that heart medication is now an illegal prescription.
Which no registered Dr. Could ever give! And yet the same psychopathic individuals are still prescribing the defective and criminal cancer drugs. Criminal medicine for 20 years! Killing horribly greater expense in two agonising years.
½ minute each side ahead clears all dementia. Personally validated at saint clement's church salford quays. It clears MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, schizophrenia and depression.
So a high us will clear all viral and bacterial infections. So the prescription of infection medication since 2002, has been as criminal as prescribing the defective and fatal cancer drugs.
Striking off the prescribing Dr. and involved drug company. And the doctors were taught that a vaccination to Covid flu was not medically permissible, on the first year of a medical degree.
Yet the profession has intentionally killed 45,000 UK citizens, for the role of personal amusement and fun! No possible medical gain. The most psychopathic or murderous medicine in history.
And a every registered Dr. Knows this!
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