Covid vaccination biggest medical murder ever

Corona extinct Feb 2020.  No re;ationship with Covi19

Since 1934 medicine no strictly prohibited a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold  - as those viral family is changed too quickly for medicine to keep up with.

Covid flu has a new version every 1st of October.

Covid was never given a pandemic warning.  As he is been killing 3.5% of infected people ever since - A serious illness but below pandemic level.

The drug company is are geared the Covid19 was suddenly a type of Corona virus.  Though the genetic analysis showed us a biochemical enhancement of Covid18.  So a distinct virus from Covid19.

Corona virus was confined within and eradicated within Wuhan Province China.  The flu virus has seasonal outbreaks is legally the globe!  And he is a with absolute certainty that extinct virus is do not evolve!  They are gone.  They are no more!

Covid19 was just the regular flu strains from the 1st of October, 2019, and till the 31st of September, 2020.  That freely circulated the world!  Genetically distinct from Corona virus.

In all probability Corona are ours has own genome which is not even in Covid19!  As is a Bio chemically enhanced Covid18.  That escaped from the biochemical power plant around the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan China.  And to the skating killed five million Chinese!

Allying the escape of a dangerous pathogen and is criminal!  Mysterious he the medics had arranged a Corona quarantine around Wuhan, almost instantly!  The body was even really established as a significant disease.  Almost as if they knew exactly what was coming!  That they had August rated the release of Corona virus.

So Corona virus was extinct by February 2020.  But Covid 19 how it emerged 1 October, 2019.  So can I have been an evolves type of Corona, as he predated it!

I cured my own Covid19 using the medically published ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  Using an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device.  Never even saw the Dr.!  I had a 2 hour nap and got up better.

The world health organisation canceled the pandemic alert for every 2020.  As the virus Corona virus was extinct.  No pandemic alert was ever issued for Covid flu - by medical definition not fatal enough.

The drug company is are bitterly regretted having let the pandemic alert for the SARs viral outbreak having died away: the outbreak was caused by Covid3.  Totally cured ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  Even before I was interested in the area of medicine.

All through the year of Covid20, drug companies are desperate to apply the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.  And 1/4 way through drug testing when obsolete.

That flu strain having cease to exist on the 1st of October, 2020.  We're on the year of Covid20.  Which is why the medics now I'd talk about Covid as a disease.  Preferring not to include the number - which denotes the winter of that infection.

Medicine has always strictly prohibited research or application of a Covid vaccination.  Every researching are vaccinating Dr. Struck off without legal argument.  No biochemical drug company has ever been allowed to make and sell any vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.

The penalty for drug company is significant!  They are struck off and remove from medical activity.  Losing all other biochemical drug patents.  So there share prices are set to zero.

They could no longer borrow money from the banks to make payroll.  In 2002 three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre, published the use of HIUS externally for 1 minute to clear all types of human cancers.  Also clearing child, pet and animal cancers - reduce the ultrasound time according to body mass.

So Astra Zeneca was removed from legal medicine 20 years ago.  All its drugs out of patent protection!  No longer legal medical prescriptions.

Doctors are it required to return all charges for the unlawful application Astra Zeneca medicines.  Including 10 million UK pounds, four any result in patient fatality.

And cancer drugs kill the cancer patient within two years!  High us cures all cancers in 1 minute.  So cancer drug prescriptions have been criminal medicine since 2002.  As realise by every registered Dr. On earth!

Just one cancer drug prescription and the Dr. and drug company struck off.

No registered Dr. Is allowed to research a Covid all common cold vaccination.  Drug company is prohibited from its manufacture and sale.  Registered doctors not allowed to prescribe it.  No registered nurse allowed to give the defective medicine.  No pharmacist allowed to fill the drug order.

So doctors have given 3.5 billion Covid vaccinations - each Juan totally illegal and unethical.  The surviving patients get 20,000 UK pounds for each Covid vaccination.

The next of key and receiving 10 million UK pounds, but death of each family member deliberately in callously vaccinated to death.

Any global Dr. Who gave just one Covid vaccination, remove from legal medicine the same day!  There Health Insurance then void.  Their drug prescriptions illegal and unethical.

And till 1 October, 2022, we're on Covid 21.  Cleared by the usual medical application of ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to either side the chest.

Doctors don't have to understand why it works, but they are compelled to use this new medical science.  Or they are struck off!  He is why it works!

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So ½ minute of ultrasound to the chest, causes the inflated cell structure common to viral and bacterial infections, but there is to all 200 types of human cancer, to boil and rupture!

Inducing the patient's own immune system to secrete and action the specific human antibody: to which there is no tolerance!  And there is utterly no need for medical registration - as he is an innate enzymes produced by the body's own immune system.

So manufacture and sale of a Covid vaccination strikes off the drug company!  So Astra Zeneca, the Pfizer and even Johnson & Johnson.  No longer a registered legal biochemical drug companies.


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