pharmacists could never dispense a Covid vaccination

Covid vaccination doubly illegal
The problem is, that any vaccination takes two years to fully licence: or even licensed vaccinations kill one healthy person in 200 vaccinated!  So the disease knees to more fatal than that, or it is unethical and illegal.

But there are paid changing all viral lines like Covid flu and the common cold, have new versions more frequently than that!  Covid flu has a new version every 1st of October.

So Covid19 flu virus only existed between the 1st of October 2019, and 31st of September, 2020.

When the vaccination would have been only halfway through testing!  As it was no registered Dr. Is allowed to work on a Covid vaccination.  Or the Dr. and drug company struck off!

The drug company losing all other biochemical drug patents: so after Zeneca Air was struck off again 1st of October, 2019.

Is have been struck off 2002, for its continued manufacture and sale or cancer drugs.  As the Moffitt cancer centre or hospitals, published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear all cancers and viruses: which share the same foreign overinflated cell nature.  Also share by infective bacteria!

So no registered Dr. Ever allowed to work on a Covid vaccinations: coronavirus was a modified form of Covid18, but was contained within and driven extinct within Wuhan Province China.

Chinese medics applied HIUS to the chest of Corona patients - unless 44,000 cases on earth were all cured.  The virus never having escaped Wuhan Province!

HIUS works by causing biological molecular nuclear fusion, within the inflated cancer all viral cells.  Which boils and ruptures!  Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the specific human antibody.  To totally clear the cancer or virus from the body.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

The Covid19 vaccination never even entered human drug trials: it was never a legal human drug.  No registered Dr. Could ever prescribe - without being struck off losing Health Insurance.  Making or medical practice criminal and uninsured!

And no pharmacist could ever fill a Covid vaccination drug order: or they are also are struck off!  A fine of 20,000 UK pounds applies for every vaccination victim who lived.

The 410 million UK pounds to and exit key and of the one in 200 vaccinated to death.  And crucially every involved registered Dr., Or pharmacist or nurse all struck off!  Along with the involved biochemical drug company - who had validated the effectiveness of HIUS clearing all cancers and viruses.  So the production of a vaccination was always medically prohibited!

So just one Covid vaccination drug dispensing, and the pharmacist and drug company struck off!  And the pharmacist or then totally removed from Medical Service.  As are the doctors and assisting nurses.  The pharmacist and nurses are constrained by the nightingale pledge.

So not allowed to deal with defective medicines!  All through the year of Covid20 drug companies are desperate to vaccinate people against the previous year's Covid19.  Indian and Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20 - an cleared 77,000 people although Covid infection - using HIUS.

And it transpired the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete unlicensed and no ****ing use.  And no medic is allowed to prescribe obsolete an unlicensed medications.  The pharmacist and nurses are constrained from helping with the delivery of the defective medication.

So that is rather through your cortex.  All prescribing doctors struck off the first day they prescribed a Covid vaccination.  As the Covid 19 vaccination was only dispensed when we within the year of Covid20.  So the Covid 19 vaccination is a most fatal and spurious medication ever!

With the greatest number of medical killings in history.  17 million people executed around the world by the smiling general practitioner: he was fully aware they were dispensing defective and far too fatal medication for no possible medical gain.

We are now within the year of Covid21, which automatically becomes Covid22 on the 1st of October, 2022.  The Covid19 viral strain cease to exist over two years ago.

And worse the vaccination would take in six months to produce!  So worst two enough years added date when given to people.  With predictably fatal results!

And the drug companies are still at it!  Trying to vaccinate people to an needless death!  So Boselli to limit the spread of all flu strain which is not existed in the universe for over two years.

So the most corrupt and fatal medicine ever.  Every prescribing Dr., Plus the assisting pharmacist and drug companies, plus the murderous drug company all struck off.

So the pharmacy chains like Boots and Lloyds struck off, along with every involved hospitals and health centre.  And there is no legal argument to the Hippocratic N oath all nightingale pledge.

If no chemist has dispensed one more to the Covid vaccination, the struck off and remove from medicine totally for ever, 


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