cure of AIDs

AIDs cured 20123 - no drugs

Amazingly enough I was working on AIDs 2000: when professor z said as not doing enough work!  I also managed to devise nuclear fusion on earth.

Which explains the emission of X rays from cancer.  And with an altogether X rays emitted from the lungs for patients who were HIV⁺.

I would be the first to admit that medicine was not my primary scientific training.  So I am indebted to the Moffitt cancer centre, for publishing High Intensity UltraSound as a one session cure to all cancers and viruses.

I had only bravos the use of high power ultrasound to restrict cancer growth rates: it would far better than I thought!

Was have been bought off by Sheffield I got very involved in song writing and singing on stage.  Which he actually was the instigation Sheffield needed to end my PH D studies.  When I went singing lives on the Lowry stage in salford.

I wrote a the use of HIUS as a possible AIDs cure 2008.  And it was not for four years until I heard from somebody who was HIV⁺ in New York 2012, who bought his own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound unit.

Which arrived in five days from China!  And cured his AIDs in one session.  His GP discharged him from all Medical Care for AIDs the next week.

It is first mentioned at this point that I saw the 30% brain damage in 1988.  Professor Z was always a frustrated at my slow start back into education, but I was lucky to be alive!

So I devised a method to do nuclear fusion on earth.  The simplest way is to fire up A steam plasma - my American contacts has fired up a 30x1.5cm steam plasma, and got a 1 MW of carbon zero heat.

Which will drive a steam turbine to produce 500 kilowatts of carbon zero power.  This was my science area!  And I would have expected professor Z to have published the work.  Giving the world carbon zero heat and power is so very important.

Applying ultrasound to the inflated cells common to cancer and viruses, causes the foreign cell type to boil and rupture.  Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody.

My thanks here to my medical friends for teaching me so medicine!  Primarily the now retired Dr. MatZinger.

I might have been interested in AIDs 2000, but he was a personal intervention of my American friend who was HIV⁺ that proved the idea: my gay friends did not luckily have HIV!

Only 70% are my brain left!  And found the cure to most pernicious previously incurable virus in human history.  Or five billion of research funding did not go to me!

I spend 100 UK pounds.  An utilised my Internet link to share my ideas with the world.  So ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, from an ultrasound massage device, to each side the chest clears all viral infections.

It cleared Sars,AIDs,Corona and November 2019 he used it to clear my own Covid19.  We are now on Covid21, so the medically produce a vaccination to Covid19 is of no use.

I am a little curious, as medicine prohibits any research or application of a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.  The Covid vaccination was under halfway through drug testing, when obsolete.

Never a legal human drug!  All Covid viruses are cleared by the usual ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest.  As medically published 2002.

By the Moffitt cancer centre in Florida.  Who were belatedly awarded the noble prize for curing cancer, 2015: 13 years after the paper had been published!

Medicine has never acknowledged that eight was cured 2012.  They had just stopped talking about the condition!  Though they continued prescribing the no defective and criminal eights treatments until 2018.  Striking off the involved Dr.s and drug companies.

I worried tomorrow's newspapers with interest, but I do not expect them to tell the world AIDs was totally cured a decade ago.  The drug company advertising budgets have bought their silence of the world's media.  So much for a editorial independence!


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