Covid jab useless but fatal
out off medicinee for ever |
Covid is just the medical name for influenza! And medicine has always prohibited work on a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold - as those virus is involves too quickly.
A vaccination takes two years to fully licence, but the Covid vaccination is obsolete within a year. India and Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20 - irrespective of the defective Covid19 vaccination: and let us remember that every registered Dr. Has pledged to strike themselves off the medical register, the first day they applied defective medicine.
So just one flu vaccination, and the Dr. loses medical registration and Health Insurance. There medical practice is then criminal! There are void and of patients have an open and shut legal case, for return of all medical fees from 2002. If the pathological Dr. Has continued the flu all Covid vaccinations/
Covid year's influenza! So Covid19 only existed between 1 October, 2019, and 31st of September 2020. Newspapers have never carried news items on this subject!
Is utterly 3.5 billion Covid 19 vaccinations given, and the medically accepted death rate for any licensed vaccination is 0.5%. And has never forget that the Covid19 vaccination is obsolete before licensed.
India cured 77,000 cases of Covid20 using ½ minute of high intensity ultrasound to each side of her patient's chest: the medically published total cure to all cancers and viruses.
The HIUS causes inflated cell types common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections, to boil and rupture! Leaving body cells undamaged/
1 H₂O+P=HIUS→He+O+E²
The local immune system sees the exploding cell type, and generates the human antibodies to the distinct DNA - of the foreign cell type. So that cell type is totally cleared from the body.
So 1 minute of the HIUS clears all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections: firstly validated by every registered Dr. On earth 2002. The cells fill a prescription of cancer or infection medication was criminal medical malpractice. Striking off the Dr. plus drug company.
So every nursing office has an 8 W three MHZ ultrasound unit - used to validate the cancer cure. I use an 8 W 1 MHZ unit.
½ minute of this HIUS to each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections, in clear all strains the common cold or flu. The Covid19 with the vaccination was obsolete and never licensed: never a legal human drug!
It's application killing one patient in 200: for no possible medical gain. So each Dr. Has be licensed HIUS unit at hand to clear all infections.
And medicine strictly prohibits vaccinations for cured infections. The are now on the year of Covid21: it will automatically become Covid22 on the 1st of October, 2022.
Even Covid20 did not respond to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination. Just one flu all Covid vaccination history, and the Dr. struck off and totally ejected from legal medical practice.
If your GP has given just one flu jab, they ceased to be a registered legal Dr. That day! All subsequent medical practice illegal and and insured.
The drug company is are no pushover use death, to get more people to undergo the Covid19 vaccination: though the Covid19 virus is not existed in the universe for two years.
Are doctors have access to a licensed and validated HIUS unit to clear all viral and bacterial infections. Just one Covid vaccination and the Dr. struck off!
Doctors boast of their ethics: though they do not actually keep to them. If they had, every Covid vaccinating Dr. would have ceased medical practice that day.
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