Covid boosters pointless

The present Covid vaccination is for Covid19.  Which existed June 1 of October 2019 and 31st of September, 2020.

So the viral strain was extinct when the vaccination was under half tested: which is why medicine always prohibited a vaccination to Covid flu all the common cold.  The virus is change too quickly!

So now or at people are queuing up to the vaccinated against a virus which is not existed for two years.  Indian Bahrain already had outbreaks of Covid20 - totally resistant to the unlicensed an obsolete Covid19 vaccination.

Which is being given by registered doctors and pharmacists plus nurses.  But the vaccination itself and is totally pointless.  It has no affect on today's Covid21: will automatically be on to Covid22 the 1st of October, 2022.

RIP Covid19 2020 - by medical definition

And tragically vaccinations kill one in 200 of the healthy people we vaccinate.  3.5 Covid19 vaccinations given for absolutely no medical reason.  Result limit 17 million global citizens have been deliberately in callously vaccinated to death.

Paying to be medically murdered!  And now my friend has badly been boosted for the fourth time, but her medical records from the pharmacy have gone away it without leave.

As presumably the pharmacist is realised in horror that the vaccination is criminal medicine!  Striking off the prescribing Dr. the pharmacist plus the nurse.  Or those of registered legal medicine for the rest of time.

And medicine specifically prohibits any registered Dr. Working on a Covid vaccination: yet drug company is launched their Covid19 vaccinations - which had never been medically divide and were unlicensed but partially fatal.

Striking off the drug company-who loses all other biochemical drug patents.  After Zeneca will back away from its Covid vaccination: even though it launched the unethical and illegal medicine.

But no Pfizer have massively undercut them!  But Pfizer could not to use a Covid vaccination either.  Never produced by registered Dr.!  Not legal medicine.

So we are on the year of Covid21, the Covid19 flu line has been extinct for over two years.  And the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and never licensed!

ThereIs applie no point in having a Covid booster.  As a Covid vaccination was always illegal!  Striking off the prescribing Dr. Plus the pharmacist and involved nurses.

And not forgetting the biochemical drug company - the struck off losing all other biochemical drug patents.  Setting it share price set to zero.

So since it first quarter Covid vaccination, all its drugs were illegal prescriptions!  It should no longer have been held for a from the banks to make payroll: the most bankrupt but murderers corporations in history.

And every involved Dr., Nurse, pharmacist or drug companies struck off.  Removing them cells totally from legal medicine for ever.  Hence the pharmacist also anxious to lose a Covid vaccination records!

Any Covid vaccination is illegal and defective medicine.  Totally ****ing pointless two.  Their patients get the one secure feeling - but the Americans have noticed that people who have survived a Covid vaccination, get a new strain of Covid at the same rate as the unvaccinated.

Or patient have done is pay money to the drug company is and doctors.  For a one in 200 chance of dying.  The Covid vaccination programme.  The most deliberately murderous medicine in history.

Strangely enough not reported in one global newspaper!  So much for a editorial independence.  The advertising budgets of the drug companies, have purchased their silence.

All Covid strains are cured by the published medicine it cures all cancers and viruses.  High intensity ultrasound - published 2000253 medical professors at the Moffitt cancer hospitals.

The HIUS causes the inflated viral or bacterial cell, to boil and rupture.  Inducing local immune system to make and action the specific human antibody.  To clear that dangerous cell type throughout the body.  A one session total infection cure.

E.g. ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to either side of a person's chest.  Cures all viral infections- including AIDs and all cancers.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

All infections cured 2002 and no vaccinations legal.  The Covid vaccination has killed 17,000,000 healthy an innocent people around the world.  The biggest deliberate medical execution in history. 


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