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All viruses cured

In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre confirmed that high intensity ultrasound clear all cancers and viruses: and the world changed!  80% of the economic income of the health centre and drug companies was based around cancers.

Covid10 vacc unlicensed but fatal

Are at a stroke in 2002 the external application of 1 minute of HIUS to wear a hat clear all cancers out there.  The drug company is and doctors lost 80% of the income, and became economically insolvent.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So we are off using the hydrogen ions from a jet of water molecules.  A process so late Professor Bernard Argent named molecular nuclear fusion.  And my idea went by the NI H to the Moffitt.

And the next year the published it as a one session total cure to all pressurise cell structures, so including all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

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2012 my personal contact in New York used it to clear AIDs - he had been HIV⁺.  This idea has since circulated around the world, and there disease has vanished!

There medics are still frantically prescribing and the spurious and useless AIDs treatments until 2018.  Each prescribing Dr. Struck off, with their drug company plus assisting nurses and pharmacists.

And 2002 every registered medic on earth confirmed that HIUS clears all cancers - and we subsequently confirmed it cures all viral and cancer and infections.

Covid flu and the common cold are not trivial viruses.  The common cold kills 35,000 people around the world every year, and Covid flu 50,000.

Them since Covid34 star to causing the regular human influence or in 1934, medicine is prohibited any research work or application of a Covid vaccination.  As a common cold and Covid flu have new versions far more frequently than the drug industry can't keep up with.

We've Covid flu the of a new version every 1st of October.  Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20, and further they are still unlicensed and illegal Covid19 vaccination was totally useless.

A vaccination takes six months to develop illegally, and then terrace two year drug licensing process.  Which would automatically end in six months - as the next year's Covid strain took over.

So the Covid19 virus ceased to exist 31st of September, 2020.  We were then on the year of Covid20.  That as I have mentioned, tears are resistant to the unlicensed and illegal Covid19 vaccination.

Which or drug company is are still desperate to get people.  Tragically killing one in 200 of the vaccinated.  We are now or in the year of Covid21.  On the 1st of October, 2022, will be on Covid22.  But the drug company is are still desperately trying to polish the unlicensed and used as Covid19 vaccination.

Which pays the drug company is and doctors money, but he is totally useless!  An unlicensed and illegal medicine.  Any Dr. Giving just one Covid19 vaccination, the struck off.

As by the drug company is riding they had a new Covid19 vaccination.  No they didn't!  We are in the year of Covid21.  And no registered Dr. Has ever been allowed to work on any Covid vaccination.

There is absolutely no need.  The doctors already have an 8 W three MHZ personally validated HIUS unit.  That I is for the offer an 8 W 1 MHZ unit.  Which can be purchased over the Internet for under five UK pounds.

Totally clearing all types of human cancer, plus all viral and bacterial infections in 1 minute at home!  No Dr. or drugs involved.  Any person giving just one Covid vaccination has ceased to be registered Dr., Losing Health Insurance - there medical practice then criminal.

So the drug company is are locked into a constant cycle of giving Covid19 vaccinations every six months.  Though the Covid19 virus ceased to exist 31st of September, 2020.

October 1, 2022 will be on the year of Covid22: and expects the seasonal outbreaks of flu in the UK.  Now automatically cleared by ½ minute of HIUS eight side the chest.  From a person's own HIUS unit.

Doctors are fixated with prescribing the Covid19 unlicensed vaccination: which has no medical value at all against Covid22.  It is not even work against Covid20.

HIUS will clear all viral and bacterial infections as they arise.  It cured AIDs from the world 2012.  It clears SARs from Asia 2003.  Caused by Covid3.  Medics are still waiting for SARs to reemerge.  It won't, the causative virus was exterminated with HIUS.  And cease to circulate the world 31st of September, 2004.

Just the regular flu for 2003.  Corona virus was apparently a Bio chemically modified form of Covid18.  So no direct relationship with her next year's Covid19.  Chinese medics were remanded to apply ½ minute of HIUS to the chest are Corona patients.

An last 44,000 cases on earth the cured!  Never penetrating the Wuhan quarantine in China.  No direct relationship with her next year's Covid19.  I cleared my own Covid19 November 2019 - using ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  I did have a 2 hour nap.  And got up healthy but bored.

So some are cease are dying back of the Covid flu.  In the winter Covid22 will emerge around the world.  The Covid19 vaccination totally ****ing useless and unlicensed.

½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral infections.  Including measles, mumps, shingles, Covid flu and the common cold.  No Dr. or drugs involvement even legal!


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