present Covid vaccination is obsolete and illegal

Covid vaccination illegal

The Covid viral family star to causing the regular human influence or in 1934, we've Covid34.  Each viral strain only exists for a year, from the year ending the those two digits.

So every medical student on earth was taught that Covid19 only existed between the 1st of October 2019, and 31st of September, 2020.  Medicine has always prohibited any work on a vaccination to Covid flu or the common cold.

So Covid19 has not existed since the 31st of September, 2020.  And any work on a vaccination to Covid19 struck off the Dr. and drug company: and the vaccination is only halfway through drug licensing when obsolete.

We were then on the year of Covid20, to which the previous year's vaccination had no potency!  Indian Bahrain had high rates of Covid19 vaccination.  Tragically application of the obsolete an unlicensed medication, killed one person in 200.

And no registered Dr. Is allowed to give obsolete unlicensed medication.  Or they are struck off that day!  Alloing a legal fine of 20,000 UK pounds, for it to the defective Covid19 vaccinations they ever gave.

Alloing 10,000,000 UK pounds, to and exit key and of every individual they deliberately vaccinated to death with an obsolete an unlicensed medicine.

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So globally giving one Covid19 vaccination removes the Dr. and drug company from legal medicine.  Yet 2021, and the drug company is are still promoting the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.

Which no registered Dr. or nurse could ever give! without the same day being struck off for life.  And the drug companies won't let the matter drop!  That the Covid 19 vaccination is without a shadow of doubt the most illegal or murderous medicine ever.

3.5 billion healthy individuals around the planet given the illegal vaccination: How and by whom?  Every vaccinating Dr. and nurse struck off after their first Covid19 vaccination.

And every registered Dr. and nurse, is aware they even research of let alone applying, any Covid vaccination is illegal and unethical.  Murderous medicine in a hypodermic!

India cleared Covid20 outbreak, using the medically published High Intensity UltraSound.  1 minute externally, will clear the pressurise cell structure of all 200 types of cancer.

So just one prescription or cancer drugs in chemo and radio therapy, the struck off the Dr., Nurse, hospital and drug company the same day.  Since 2002 all cancer drugs have been illegal medicine.  The

Just one cancer drug prescription striking off the Dr. for ever!  To face criminal trial for curative first degree medical murder of their patients.

And now we're in the year of Covid21.  Also cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest - the totally medically and four, pound cure to all viral and bacterial infections.

As her pressurise cells boil and fragment.  Inducing the immune system to clear the exploding cell type throughout the body.  Clearing all cancers and viruses etc.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So all cancers and viruses cured 2002.  Any Covid vaccination criminal medicine since 1934.  The Covid19 vaccination was obsolete and never licensed.  It is sent the criminal and illegal medicine today.

No registered Dr. would ever dream of giving!  Or they were struck off the an expelled from medicine the same day.  The fines listed above!

The UK government cannot give vaccinations.  And no global registered Dr. Could ever give a Covid vaccination..  Oh open and shut the illegal medicine.

Even the researching the manufacture of any Covid vaccination, illegal medicine.  Expelling the drug company from medicine for ever.  Invalidating all other biochemical drug patients the company possesses.

Who cease to have a valid share price 2002.  As they continued the illegal manufacture of cancer drugs.  So he ceased to be our to raise money from the banks to make payroll.  They are bankrupt!  18 years before you got to the illegal Covid19 vaccination idea.

Always prohibited never legal medicine.


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