Every Covid Dr. Struck off

Covid vacc kills 1 in 200
Feel lucky punk?,astra

Since 1934, the Covid flu line has been causing the regular seasonal influenza.  Started Covid34.  Covid19 been the regular flu for 2019.

It takes two years to fully licence or a vaccination - medical interventions it intentionally kill 0.5% of those vaccinated.

For which reason obsolete vaccinations are never legal!  They are infinitely more fatal than the extinct infection.  And the Covid19 vaccination was only halfway through drug testing, when obsolete so never licensed!  Never a legal human drug.

Registered doctors are not permitted to give obsolete and spurious vaccinations.  Or they are struck off the same day!  Stripped of Health Insurance &Medical registration.

In 2021 lawyers were instructed to go to private doctors, and be given the illegal Covid19 vaccination.  Which is always medically unethical!

One in 200 of them died as a direct result of the unethical and illegal vaccination.  Covid19 cease to circulate the world 1st of October, 2020.  Bio internationally agreed medical naming convention we're on Covid20, and no registered Dr. Is allowed to work on any Covid vaccination ever!

Who free use a Covid19 vaccination?  Obviously struck off doctors.  And the drug company is are voluntary signatures to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  And are constrained from the manufacture and sale are defective medicines.

To do sir is to is stripped of the biochemical drug licence.  Drug company is like Astra Zeneca was stripped of all their drug licences 2002.  Although drugs then illegal and outside legal medical prescription.

Any Dr. Prescribing illegal medication struck off again.

The pathological murderous 'doctors'vaccinated 3.5 billion global inhabitants.  Nearly half the world!  And smiled happily as the sort 17 million and dying as a direct result!  The Covid vaccination is a most fatal medicine ever.

Each death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  And there is no argument to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  Within the UK and 45,000 individuals were killed, 345 million spurious an obsolete vaccinations given.

A family just within the UK of 450 billion.  Globally we are looking at a fine of 170 trillion.  And each surviving Covid vaccination victim gets 20,000 UK pounds for each Covid vaccination.  Which doubles the fines!

And a every vaccinating Dr. Struck off and totally removed from medicine for ever.  Of a small smile trials for first degree medical murder.

And lawyers have access to the energy as data.  Every Covid vaccination death the 10,000,000 UK pound fine.  The law firm receives one million, for each successful case.

And the first case would be written into contract law.  After that there is no call case the fine is automatic.

Globally the fire in for just the Covid deaths, is 170 trillion - in excess of the worth of the planet.  The surviving vaccination victims each get another 2000 UK pounds for each vaccination.  Doubling the fine!

So the Covid vaccination was and is illegal and unethical medicine ever.  Resulting largest number of deliberate medical deaths in history.  Every energy as Dr. Struck off!  Or so every private Dr. In the UK.

Including Professor Chris Whitty, the mdu Astra Zeneca.  Who believed Boris Johnson PM into the legal and spurious vaccination process.  Biggest structure of medical killing ever.  Chris witty has been directly responsible for 45,000 UK deaths.  The most horrendous mass murdering bastard in history.

So unsuitable ever to be UK chief medical officer.


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