Covid19 no longer exists

Covid19 RIP Set 31 2020

Medicine has an internationally agreed medical naming convention for the regular human influenza.  The Covid number is given a new number designation every 1st of October.

So Covid19 came into being 1st of October, 2019.  And was automatically replaced on 31st of September, 2020, by Covid20!  The drug company is and doctors hate this!  As it means any vaccination for Covid flu, is obsolete only halfway through testing.

So the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete only half tested.  So was never given drug licensing.  The common cold also changes quicker than vaccinations can be licensed, so medicine always prohibited a vaccination for Covid flu all the common cold.

No registered Dr. Was ever allowed to work on a vaccination to Covid all the common cold: or they were struck off!  I lost medical registration and Health Insurance.  They became criminal doctors.

So only no biochemical drug company has been led to the manufacture and sell a Covid vaccination.  Or they are also struck off!  So no Covid19 vaccination was ever legal.

And drug company is like Astra Zeneca Air were never allowed to pretend they could make a legal Covid19 vaccination.

All the drug company was struck off, losing all other biochemical drug patents.  Although drugs then outside legal medical prescription.

2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound, common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.  Making all cancer drugs criminal and defective medicine.

The HIUS works by causing the inflated cell types common to cancer plus infections, to rupture and boil.  Cancers, viruses and bacterial infected cells can only replicate if they have a non native cell structure.

The more flaccid body cells bud off DNA intact stem cells: cancers plus viral and bacterial infections are locked out of the stem cells totally.  Any cell showing DNA in one application, is forced to undergo Apoptosis - structure cell death.

Cancer cells get around this by inducing cell replication in a single cell fashion.  They grow in a viral fashion!  So dodging the stem cells and the DNA intact tests.

In 2000 professor Z suggested to me that ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in liquid water.  The most brilliant idea I ever heard!  So a steam in turbulent flow and does what professor argent turned molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂Og+TU→He+O+E² TU= more than 1 W turbulence.  Causing the high June ions to fuse together to form of helium ions.

Medics have known since the 1950s that ultrasound scans of cancers causes emission of X rays.  They had actually stumbled across molecular nuclear fusion!

In 2002 the Moffitt used High Intensity UltraSound to cause cancer and viral cells to boil and rupture.

2 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+P+E²+X-ray they found that e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound cause cancer and viral cells to rupture.  Inducing the local immune system to secrete and action the specific human antibody, to clear the exploding cell type throughout the body.

Known to the importance of the cell pressure - regular body cells are not affected by a HIUS.  Ultrasound burns cut Ian at greater power levels.  It is the product of power and frequency that is an important member.  >20 W 1 MHz will damage body cells.

So if we use an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, I applied externally to where it hurts, all 200 cancers are cleared.

So 2002 the cancer drugs in chemo and radio therapy became defective and criminal medicines.  In a panic Astra Zeneca suddenly decided they could vaccinate against Covid flu.

Though that was totally contrary to the doctors Hippocratic oath they had a C and freely signed.  No Covid vaccination ever legal!  And no registered Dr. Could give one Covid vaccination.

Just one Covid vaccination and the doctors struck off and remove them cells totally from legal medical practice.  Tragically vaccinations kill one person in 200.

And the use of HIUS for ½ minute each side the chest, clears the inflated cell structure common to all viral and bacterial infections.

Which is how the medics in Asia totally cleared the SARs viral outbreak 2003: which had erroneously been declared a pandemic!  Totally cured.  Medics still do not accept that the virus is totally extinct.  They keep expecting it to resurface!

In December 2019 Chinese medics applied ½ minute of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound to the chest are Corona patients in Wuhan Province China.  All 44,000 cases of Corona would cured.  By February 2020 the rise was declared extinct.

The drug companies have massive problems of this!  They decide they Covid19, the regular flu and we can track back to 1934, was a type of Corona virus: which emerged from the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan China 2018, extinct 2020.  It was apparently a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18.

That came and went!  The seasonal flu for 2018.  But nobody gave any attention to.  I cured my own Covid19 using the usual ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side of my chest.

I freely published my work on the Internet, which had to personally verified and use by every registered Dr. On earth.  And no vaccination for a cured disease was never legal!  HIUS cures all Covid strains, with no patient death.  No Dr. or drugs involvement either.

This year we are now on Covid21, totally cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.  So the drug company is are suddenly decided to stop calling the Covid strains by their Greek letter.

2020 we're on Covid 20, and the drug company is started calling the second micro strain Covid delta.  There are four micro strains a year.  Totally cured by the usual ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest.

I've published a document detailing the cure of Covid epsilon, zeta, eta, theta, iota, kappa, lambda, mu.  The drug company is missed out nu1, xi and went straight to Omicron.  Which only existed for four months - and was a type of Covid21.

So all the drug company is talking about Covid 19 Omicron are talking rubbish!  Covid19 cease to exist by medical definition 31st of September, 2020.

So the French are reported there medicines of Covid Pi.  Omicron is no more!  So we should have Covid pi1, rho, sigma, tau, upsilon, phi, chi1, psi1, omega.  Covid Upsilon is by medical definition a type of Covid22.

So drug companies are still trying to sell the obsolete an unlicensed vaccination to Covid19.  That is not existed in the universe since the 31st of September, 2020.

It was obsolete halfway three testing, so was never licensed.  And no research work into a Covid vaccination was never medically legal.  And no registered Dr. Is ever allowed to use obsolete an unlicensed medications.

And there is absolutely no need!  The standards ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections: which share the non native inflated cell structure, with cancers.

But since 2002 drug company is and corrupt medics have ignored the medical publication of HIUS as a one session cure to all 200 types or cancer: the energy as medics in chorley medicated my father to death, from lung cancer!

I have personally cleared somebody of lung cancer, using the standard ½ minute of HIUS each side use chest.  And he will have returned to his GP, and ultrasound scans were shown the cancer was cured.

At this stage the Dr. had the legal imperative to demand the explanation.  And tell the world!  Ever happened.

So chemo and radio therapy have been criminal medical mall conduct since 2002.  1 minute of HIUS externally to where it hurts, clearing all cancers.

Each Bio chemically assisted cancer murder, invoking a fine of 10 million UK pounds.  Striking off the involved drug company and doctors.  Plus assisting nurses and pharmacists.

So they medicated my father to death!  I tried to tell him, that farmers are no better!  Even if he kills them.  Which it did.  They also medicated my friend or core of to the road, a retired nurse, to death using aggressive chemotherapy.

He was a nurse, and always held his hand up and said he knew all about cancer.  And till he killed him.  Again the usual fine of 10 million UK pounds.  Each involved Dr. and nurse struck off.

So since 2002 Astra Zeneca and other drug companies, have intentionally medicated 200 million cancer patients to death.  Needless agonising and expensive deaths.

And a every involved Dr. Had personally validated HIUS, and was under the legal imperative to use HIUS and not cancer drugs.  But the cancer drugs made them so much money, so there is money watched their patients die in two agonising expensive years.

And Astra Zeneca so struck off!  And they will not allow doctors to use HIUS to cure Covid: there repay only if we apply the defective Covid vaccination!  Which will intentionally kill one person in 200.

An was obsolete and never licensed.  What are side the world we live in!  Are doctors turn murderers intentionally for money.  And there actions are watched over by other registered Dr. Lawyers.

Each had personally validated HIUS clearing cancer and viruses.  But is totally inactive!  An allows the deliberate medical murders to carry on.

So if you have cancer.  By your own 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager Ion cosmetic lead-in instrument

£1.7 - 2.01/ Piece
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½ minute externally to where it hurts will clear all 200 cancers.  No Dr. or drugs involved.  A one session 100% cancer cure.  No newspaper has reported on!  I make no money for saving cancer patients lives.

80% of Dr. Income is derived from medicating a cancer patients to an needless death.


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