Covid jab unethical and illegal

Covid jab murders

Any vaccination takes two years to licence.  The drug development itself would take six months!  But Covid flu and the common cold have new strain so much more rapidly than that!

Covid is given a new number every 1st of October.  So Covid 19 only existed June 1 of October 2019, and 31st of September, 2020.  We then have the year of Covid20.  Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20 - totally resistant to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.

They cleared their Covid outbreaks using the medically published high intensity ultrasound.  ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to either side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.

Ultrasonic Ion Face Lift Facial Beauty Device Ultrasound Skin Care Massager Ion cosmetic lead-in instrument

£1.71 - 2.02/ Piece
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As there non native pressurise cell structures, boil and rupture.  HIUS does not affect body cells.  It causes a full immune action against any viral or bacterial infection.  Included Covid flu and the common cold.

My contact in New York 2012 I used it to totally clear HIV AIDs.  They do viral disease totally incurable by a Bio chemistry, physically cured by 1 minute of ultrasound.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

The Covid vaccination itself was never licensed.  And any vaccination would intentionally kill one in 200 people vaccinated.  Healthy an innocent people executed for Dr. and drug company profits.

So the Covid19 vaccination, now renamed the Covid booster, the most fatal and murderous medicine in history.  People have noted the medical staff will not be vaccinated!  Sun cells are refusing the Covid booster.

No registered Dr. Is allowed to apply obsolete an unlicensed medicines.  Particularly those with fatal results!  3.5 billion people around the world vaccinated, 17 million them to death!

Deliberate them predictable medical murderers of the innocent!  No wonder medical staff don't want to be vaccinated to death!  There medical people still want Joe public to be vaccinated.  Though we are now on the year of Covid21.  The Covid19 vaccination did not even affect Covid20.

Absolutely no affect on Covid21.  Totally cleared by the standard ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.

A 1 minute total cure to all viral and bacterial infections.  You can purchase the device over the Internet.  A total disease cure in 1 minute.  Vaccinations are deliberately murderous medicine.

And the Covid booster is obsolete an unlicensed!  No medical person would ever dream of allying the murderous Dr. Knew them with a hypodermic loaded the when the Covid19 vaccination.  Or they would end up dead!

The Hippocratic oath is very clear!  Any Dr. It giving obsolete an unlicensed medicines, particularly if potentially fatal results, struck a off and for ever removed from Medical Service.

The involved drug company also struck off and ejected from medicine.  Losing all other biochemical drug patents.

Registered nurses are also prohibited from applying the defective vaccination.  Or they are also are struck off.

The Covid vaccination programme the most deliberate murderers medical intervention in history.

Deliberately killing 45,000 innocent and healthy UK residents.  For no possible medical advantage!  Criminal medicine on a stick!  There is no legal argument.  Illegal medicine the time.

Even inducing a body to take the defective Covid vaccination, is medically unethical and he illegal!  The Covid booster was served absolutely no medical purpose at all.  Just killing one person in 200, for the doctors' profit and personal amusement.

All I should say, the struck off doctors.


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