Covid all cured

Covid vaccination useless,unlicensed but fatal

Covid is just the medical name for the regular human influenza.  There are still Internet files describing the difference stream flu and Covid: medically they are the same disease - there is no difference.

Covid19 was the regular human influence or for 2019.  Ceasing to exist 31st of September, 2020 - we were then on the year of Covid20.  Tragically corrupt medics started applying the unlicensed vaccination to Covid19.

Any vaccination would take two years to licence but the vaccination to Covid flu and the common cold, obsolete within a year - halfway three testing.  So the Covid19 vaccination was never legal human medicine.

Every Dr. Who is given just one Covid19 vaccination, the struck off the same day.  Losing Health Insurance all medical practice was then an insured and criminal.  The National Medical regulators carry the Health Insurance, so should have informed every Dr. That a Covid vaccination was never legal medicine!

Killing one healthy person in 200.  0.5% of the vaccinated.  Around the world 3.5 billion Covid vaccinations illegally given.  By the struck off doctors!  Who were prohibited from ever giving a second Covid vaccination.

Resulting 17 million global citizens medically executed for no reason.  To vertex against a flu strain that no longer existed.  And the vaccination itself was the most lethal medicine ever devised!  Always an registered and never licensed.

So every vaccinating Dr. Struck off!  No legal argument.  Along with the biochemical drug company like Astra Zeneca.  Him a six and and 40 billion 2020.  2021 down to just over one billion.

They have lost the illegal Covid vaccination market and Pfizer.  Who like Astra Zeneca are stripped of all other biochemical drug patents, and their share price set to zero.  They can no longer borrow from the banks to make payroll.  They are bankrupt!

Both viral and bacterial infections have a non native inflated cell structure.  Just like cancers!  And 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear all cancers and viruses.  Also clearing all bacterial infections.

½ minute of the ultrasound from an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit, clearing all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.  There every registered Dr. on earth has an 8 W three MHZ unit, which they are legally required to use to clear all infections.

Professor Whitty is now saying that Covid21 will begun in a couple weeks.  The Covid version increases every 1st of October.  Hence Covid19 is not existed since the 31st of September, 2020.

Astra Zeneca Air have must lost the illegal vaccination market to Pfizer.  But the Covid vaccination is still illegal and unlicensed medication.

Every Covid vaccination death warranting a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds, and the Dr. plus nurse and pharmacists expelled from medicine for the rest or time.  Along with the drug company - who are stripped of drug licences.

Chris Whitty so that the application of the illegal Covid19 vaccination was the only possible starvation life on earth.  The UK vaccination programme intentionally executed 75,000 UK residents.  Security for naked drug company and Dr. Profit!  The drug never licensed or even useful!

Every registered Dr. Being aware that the Covid number rolled over every 1st of October.  Yet some are financially induced to give a Covid19 unlicensed vaccination, where were already in the year of Covid20.

The Dr. and drug company struck off no legal argument!  They Covid vaccination the most murderous use is an unlicensed medical drug ever.  Only halfway through drug testing when obsolete.  Doctors are not allowed to give obsolete and useless but the century fatal medicines.


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