Whitty promotes medical murder


Whitty wants you dead

The Covid 'booster'is the obsolete and unlicensed vaccination for Covid19.  Medicine always strictly prohibited any research or application of a vaccination to the fast changing viral lines Covid flu and the common cold.

So it was never legal ever to produce a Covid vaccination!  Every researching Dr. and involved drug company struck off without legal argument.  The Hippocratic oath allows no legal argument.  And the drug companies lined up to sign it voluntarily.

Every registered Dr. has to sign it also.  Every registered Dr. and drug company personally validated the Moffitt cancer centre paper, on High Intensity UltraSound totally clearing all cancers and viruses at one session.

Which is why had 20,000,000 people died from cancers 2002.  Today it is 1.6 million!  All of whom had died and or defective biochemical drug prescriptions.  Which all illegal and criminal medicine.  Again striking off the Dr. and drug company.  Nobody need die from any cancer today.

The present Covid booster is for the time limited Covid 19.  That only existed as the regular flu strain between the 1st of October, 2019.  And 31st of September 2020.  The Covid number is the last two digits of the year.

Ever since Covid flu starting killing in 1934 - we've covered 34.  Killing 3.5% of infected people.  So serious infection, but by medical definition not a pandemic!  Which has to cure over 5%.

And since the Moffitt Paper, every registered Dr. Has realized that ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz (or a shorter time for 8 W three MHZ - stop as the patient reports warming) to each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.

Elementary first year undergraduate physics.  Due to the ideas of professor Z at Sheffield University, we realise that ultrasounding water did nuclear fusion.  A process that skills exponential he with cell pressure.

What this means in English, is a external application of HIUS for 1 minute will clear all cancers and viral infections.  No Dr. or drugs intervention required.

That is a medical science Boris Johnson should be advocating!  That is a medical science professor Whitty has had to tell Boris about.

A one session total cure of all infections.  A disease vaccination is Time limited.  I was fast changing viruses like Covid flu all the common cold, there vaccination is obsolete and never licensed.

Medics do not really like vaccinations.  As they intentionally kill one in 200 people vaccinated!  And the virus itself has been extinct for two years, but drug companies are asking registered doctors to deliberately medically executed one in 200 people for no chuffing reason.

Covid19 has been extinct globally for two years.  The Covid booster so was no medical purpose.  But will still deliver the execute one in 200 other people paid to the vaccinated.  With no need to be killed for no reason!

And doctors and medical professors are prohibited advocating such fatal and pointless medicine.  Professor witty has removed himself from the doctors' medical register.  He is are ineligible to be the UK chief medical officer.

And to compound is illegality, he was to vaccinate people again in 12 weeks, against a non existent flu strain!  Killing one in 200 again.  This guy is a most serious psychopathic mass murderer in history.

Getting suppose the registered doctors to be he is paid stooges!  Each and every registered Dr. Prohibited from giving a Covid vaccination.  The most criminal medicine ever!  Yet not one newspaper has reported on the biggest deliberate medical killing in history.  Merry Christmas, to people still alive!

Chris witty as a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds, for each individual vaccinated to death for non existent of Covid viral strain.  The most serious and psychopathic murder ever.


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