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Plaques cause dementia

Presence of Striatal Amyloid Plaques in Parkinson's Disease ... › articles › PMC3423968

by BN Dugger · 2012 · Cited by 33 — The spread of amyloid plaques to the striatum and other brain regions beyond ... J. Does striatal pathology distinguish Parkinson disease with dementia and ...

All dementia is caused by viral structures in the brain.  They show up under ultrasound scans.  MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia are all caused by the hardened all viral structures - just like cancers!

In 2013 as at my church health group, using an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device.  This was the High Intensity UltraSound that have been published as a one session total cure to all cancers!

6 IN 1 Ultrasound Fat Cavitation Face Skin Beauty Device Machine SPA Massage IN

Popular item 14 viewed per day

£2.70 each
TV must transmit truth

This is medically published 2002 by 3 medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre.  So had to personally verified by every registered Dr. On earth or they were automatically struck off!

Although subsequent prescriptions were then invalid and illegal.  There medical practice was an insured and criminal.  2002 20 million people around the world had died as a result of being medicated for cancer.

My PH D supervisor at Sheffield University suggested that ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in liquid water.  I sent this idea to my medical friends, and the next year the Moffitt published their paper.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

The idea works as the

Overnight the world knew the cancer cure: it works for all 200 types of cancer.  As the cancer all viral cell has to be pressurised to induce cell replication.  The more flaccid only experience ultrasound burns at higher power levels.

So all dementia it shows up under ultrasound scans at 5 W 40 kHz.  Just as all cancers sure in the same way!  Giving off X rays - of which there is no chemical source.

The Moffitt Paper covered the clearance of all viruses.  Including Covid and the common cold.  Which is how a shown doctors cleared SARs from Asia or 2003.  Caused by Covid3.

Every year the Covid number increases on the 1st of October.  So Covid 19 only existed from the 1st of October, 2019, and till the 31st of September, 2020.  We then of the year of Covid20.

India and Bahrain had outbreaks - totally resistant to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination: any Covid vaccination it would be only halfway through drug testing, when already obsolete.  So the Covid19 vaccination was never licensed.

Any registered Dr. Writing air just one Covid prescription, the struck off the same day!  Totally removed from legal medical practice for ever.

On TV tonight we have got Professor Chris Whitty, talking about Covid all micron being Covid19.  Medical rubbish!  It is by medical definition a form of Covid21.

Drug companies want to sell the Covid vaccination.  But it was obsolete and never licensed!  No possible effect on Covid Omicorn.

½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Including all strains of Covid flu and the common cold!  Which together kill 85,000 people annually around the world.

So not as fatal as cancer was before he was cured!  1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, from an ultrasound massage device purchased over the Internet, clears all Covid Omicorn totally.

Medicine prohibits vaccinating for a cured disease.  As by medical definition the vaccination will kill one person in 200.  HIUS has a medically published 100% cure rate of cancer and viruses.  Without any patient death!

1st of October, 2020 and a every drug company in the world was required to destroy all samples of the unlicensed an obsolete Covid19 vaccination.  All the drug company is struck off and removed from medicine totally!  All other biochemical drug patents void and worthless.

Here we have the UK chief medical officer, broadcasting medical rubbish!  Covid19 cease to exist over two years ago.  The Covid19 vaccination was medically useless against Covid20.  And all subsequent Covid strains.

Every registered Dr. On earth is legally constrained from applying obsolete an unlicensed medications.  Every Dr. Vaccinated against Covid flu struck off the same day.  And removed totally from medical practice.

Professor witty is flirting medical fatal rubbish!  He was thus removed himself from his position as he UK chief medical officer.  And there is no legal challenge to the doctors Hippocratic oath.

The drug companies freely sign!  As a one and three medical professors from the Moffitt, before the financing due to retire, personally told me.  After Zeneca Air was removed as a legal biochemical drug company 2002.

Yet since then suppose the registered doctors have medicated 200 million cancer patients to an needless agonising and expensive death.  Each one remove from medicine totally!  Total legal fine 2000 trillion.  The world is only worth 138 trillion.

It is legally constrained from broadcasting factually inaccurate and fatal advertisements.  Any other talking about Covid19 as if it was alive virus, is fiction!  The Covid19 vaccination is fatal an defective medicine.

Again there is no challenge to it's professional oath: every adverts must be true factual are not harmful!  So that voters funds for Covid19 cannot legally be broadcast by any TV station in the world.

I will be covering the issue are to my contact at the European court of human rights.  Factory dangerous and potentially fatal about systems are contrary to human rights laws.

Thanks to Sheffield University for teaching me this basic law.  It is reasonable to expect every global newspaper or to carry this article!  Which will save lives.

Chris Whitty is up for criminal prosecution the I have access route of first degree medical murder.


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