medics can are already cure Covid

Covid booster kills for profit

In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound to totally clear the pressurise cell structures common to all cancers plus viral and bacterial infections.

2002 20 million people died around the world from cancers.  All totally cleared by a single application of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound: every registered Dr. On earth bought an 8 W 3 MHz ultrasound unit, verified and then had to use this new medical science.

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Or they were instantly struck off and barred from medical practice.  So for under five UK pounds you can purchase the required device over the Internet, and use it safely at home.  1 minute of the ultrasound from an ultrasound massage device, or where it hurts cleared all 200 cancers out there.

I would tend also to cure 1 minute of the liver and colon, each armpit and side of the head.  So 2002 and all cancers are cured 19 years ago!  Yeah suppose the registered doctors are still medicating cancer patients to an expensive an needless two year decline to death.

HIUS cures all 200 cancers out there.  This is the single greatest medical advance in history.  For which the medics were belatedly given the noble prize 2015.  With absolutely no publicity!  The cure to all cancers.

Cancers boil and rupture on application of HIUS.  They have to pressurised my viruses, to induce body cells to divide and replicate.  DNA intact body cells bud off intact stem cells and never replicate.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So all 200 types or cancer totally cured using this physical science, which drug companies are never acknowledged!  So they can continue the illegal manufacture and sale or cancer drugs.  80% of Dr. and drug company income.

Though both doctors and drug companies want only signs the Hippocratic oath.  Which requires them to validate and then use best new medical science.  I abandoning the old and now defective medicine.  So 2002 every cancer drugs on earth became defective medicine.

And no registered Dr. Could ever prescribe defective medicine.  It is criminal and fatal medical malpractice.  IA fine of 10 million UK pounds for every cancer patient who had died and the biochemical drug prescription.

The doctors receiving 25 years in high security prison, for each patient death.  Including tragically enough my own father, who died from lung cancer and the biochemical prescriptions from Chorley NHS.

Law firms can sue the doctors for each cancer patient biochemical death.  The family get a payout of 10 million and the law firm gets an uncontested payout of one million.

And around the world 200 million people had died from cancer centre cure was medically published 2002.  A total fine of 2000 trillion!  Striking off every involved Dr. and drug company.  Along with their nurses, pharmacists, hospital or health centre.

Drug company is lost 80% are their legal income overnight!  So desperately invented other reasons to exist.

2012 and good doctors published the use of ½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the back over the kidneys, to totally clear primary and secondary coronary heart disease.

A single HIUS session.  And heart disease totally cured without drugs.  The prescription of heart medication ever since has been criminal and fatal medical malpractice.  Again striking off the doctors and drug companies etc..

And every Dr. Has placed on taking up Medical Service, to know about,.  Validate and then use best new medical science ceasing to avoid the old and now defective medicines.

So any Dr. Prescribing cancer medication just one since 2002, C.s that date are illegal aninsured registered Dr..  They must return or wages back to the Moffitt Paper, are not receive a pension!  Or any other secondary income from medicine.

But viruses also divide in the same single cell fashion - requiring the inflated cells of the same non native inflated cell structure.

If we apply he ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest, we clear all viral and bacterial infections.  Ity eradicated AIDs my and my personal contact in New York 2012.  Since only had he has taken it is around the world.

Chinese medics employed it from December 2019, and totally eliminated Corona virus from the world by February 2020.  It never escaped the Wuhan quarantine.  Apparently a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18, that escaped from the Wuhan biochemical laboratory funded by president O'Bama, they had no relationship with her next year's regular flu - Covid 19.

In the UK the chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty has earned a fantastic living out of telling Boris Johnson, that Corona virus has magically become the next year's Covid19.

Even though there is no direct relationship!  And Corona virus was only ever within the Wuhan quarantine in China.  China had an outbreak of Covid19, after Corona virus was eradicated even within Wuhan Province.

I cured my own Covid 19 November, 2019, the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.  October 1, 2020, by internationally agreed medical naming convention, we were on Covid20.

The Covid19 vaccination was only halfway through drug testing.  So obsolete and never licensed.  Never a legal human drug.  Medicine has always prohibited any research work into application of a Covid vaccination.  Prohibited medicine since 1934.

But Astra Zeneca signs the Hippocratic oath, but then does what the ****ing hell he wants.  Having packed out there National Medical regulators, we've paid stooges - registered doctors imposing medical or and other registered doctors.  Or rather not!  A massive self interest.

A acting with criminal self interest strikes off lawyers and doctors.  So the Covid vaccination was always criminal medicine in history.

Into was designed to stop the spread of Covid19.  Though since the emergence of the common cold and Covid flu, medics have realise that quarantine and vaccinations did not work against as fast changing viruses.

So no vaccination against Covid flu all the common cold was ever legal.  And the Covid19 vaccination was obsolete under halfway through drug testing.  So never legal medicine.  It was never a legal human drug.  Any Dr. Prescribing just one Covid vaccination ever, remove from medicine the same day.

They lost Health Insurance, and all subsequent medical practice was an insured and criminal.  There were no longer doctors!  Will face criminal prosecution for the application of defective medicines.

A fine to every individual who have survived the far too fatal Covid19 vaccination.  The drug company is have now started turning it a 'Covid booster'.  How interesting the stopping word vaccination being used!

Even though the boost it use the same defective an unlicensed Covid19 booster.  They mean got the UK prime Minister Boris Johnson promoting the fatal Covid booster.  Which will kill one in 200 of those vaccinated.

Potentially stopping the spread of the Covid19 strain that cease to exist over two years ago.  Medics have given 3.5 billion global Covid vaccinations.  So intentionally medically executed 17 million global healthy an innocent citizens.

And are not licensed drug, with an no potency against a viral strain that cease to exist two years ago.  All through the year of Covid20 global drug companies are obsessed by getting rid of the doses of the Covid19 vaccination a already had.

Each vaccination costing under 50 UK pounds.  3.5 billion vaccinations, that isn't income stream of 2000 trillion.  The world is only worth 138 trillion!  So the money has gone around again and again.

Each round of Covid vaccinations useless unlicensed and fatal.  Surviving vaccination victims get a payout of 20,000 UK pounds for each vaccination.  The patient's is have died needlessly as a consequence want a 10 million UK pound fine - money paid to the families.

The fair is cent without any lawyer intervention.  The vaccinating Dr. Struck off on their first defective an unlicensed Covid vaccination.  And doctors pride themselves on their ethics!  And are globally prohibited from the application of obsolete and flashy fatal spurious medicines.

And the Covid vaccination all booster, totally obsolete and never licensed.  Without a shadow of a doubt the most dangerous medicine in history.  World War II killed 60,000,000 people.

Since January 2021, NHS medics have deliberately vaccinated 2.5 million UK citizens.  So I have intentionally killed 45,000 healthy an innocent UK residents.  The European Court of human rights, has the legal imperative to stop him and stop the policy fatal and totally spurious, Covid 'booster'programme: the fatal Covid vaccination by another spurious an unnecessary name.

The UK he health minister Sajiv Javid has promoted the fatal Covid booster.  But he can't give the fatal injections!  And no registered Dr. Around the world is allowed to.  The vaccination was obsolete, medically prohibited and never licensed.

It was never a UK legal or global drug.  Every vaccinating Dr. Under the legal imperative to remove their name from the doctors' medical register, and cease medical practice.

And he themselves into the police, open and shut case is resulting in 25 year jail term for every patient murder.  Every Covid vaccination striking them off from medical practice for life.

Not just prohibited from the illegal Covid vaccination programme.  Also removed from all other medical activity.  They ceased to V registered doctors on their first cancer drug prescription since 2002.  There must return or wages back to the data Moffitt Paper, and receive no pension.

So the Covid vaccination idea intentionally killed 17 million people around the world: for no possible medical gain.  As a vaccination is both obsolete and unlicensed!  Never a legal Dr. Drucker application.

Which every registered Dr. Was taught on the first year of their medical degree.  No Covid vaccination could be researched are given over!  And now are on the year of Covid21, and the Covid 'booster'is for the unlicensed and far too fatal Covid 19 extinct viral strain.

So no registered Dr. Around the world could ever give aCovid 'booster'.  And Boris Johnson the UK prime minister, is not allowed to parade fatal an defective medicine.  So the UK government can ever from out the far too fatal Covid r''bter'

Any minister promoting that fatal medicine, remove from the stereo office the same day.  Motions is promoted the same fatal Covid19 vaccinations.  Shamelessly leading to those debts of 45,000 UK healthy an innocent residents.

Which is why the UK promise to answer the vanished!  He has transgressed their ministerial code.  And he is no longer a legal prime minister.  Even though he could not give the fatal vaccination, he has induce people to line up and be vaccinated to death.

But the doctors were globally prohibited from the Covid vaccination, since 1934!  Just ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  With no drugs or patient death.  Best viral and bacterial medicine.

In the same way that 1 minute of HIUS to where it hurts clears all 200 types of human cancer.  Cancer drugs criminal and are totally fatal medicines.  Killing horribly great expense within two years.

Winter they're all cancers plus infections are cured.  And don't the drug companie hate it!  Preparing their own patients to die needlessly, giving them money!  One man was as term blood money.


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