Drs cured all cancers 2002


Medicine can't prescribe drugs now

Doctors confirmed the Moffitt cancer centre report.  That 1 minute of high intensity ultrasound clears all cancers and viruses totally.  But it made them no money!

There was no lucrative repeat drug prescription required!  They are verify the paper using an 8 W 3 MHz unit.  ½ minute each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections- again with no drug prescription involved.

My research area where they came up this idea 2001, was that the local application of high power ultrasound into liquid water sets off nuclear fusion.  A process that skills exponential he with liquid pressure.

Cancers plus viral and bacterial infections all require a non native inflated cell structure.  So the ultrasound passes through the body, causing all cancer all viral cells to boil and rupture.

Hence 1 minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, medically proven to clear all cancers and infections.

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½ minute to the bottom right of the chest cleared the pressurise viral structure in the pancreas, causing diabetes!  This cures type two diabetes instantly.  Type one requires the fall minute - or only remits in three days.

1 minute externally to where it hurts, clears all 200 cancers out there.  As medically published and confirmed by every registered Dr. On earth 2002.

That year 20 million people died from cancers.  Suddenly they were all cured!  Yet today 1.6 million people around the world are being medicated to death the cancer drugs.

Though they are defective and criminal medicine!  But there may the Dr. and drug company so much.  Curing cancers removed 80% of the economic income of doctors and drug companies.

But neither had any choice!  Drug companies were compelled to stop the manufacture and sale of the no could defective cancer drugs.  An registered doctors were no more allowed to prescribe them.

Just one prescription or cancer drugs from 2002, and the Dr. lost both medical registration and Health Insurance.  There prescriptions then invalid and illegal!  There medical practice criminal.

By only doctors could have prescribed cancer drugs.  Only doctors are allowed to prescribe don't medicine.  And cancer drugs were granted until 2002.  Nurses are allowed to prescribe drugs out of patent protection.

But even nurses are constrained from the prescription of the obsolete an defective cancer drugs.  Or they are also are struck off!  An remove them cells from legal medical practice.  They are not even allowed to assist the most psychopathic individual illegally prescribing cancer drugs.  The former Dr. Is on their own.

There prescriptions are illegal and invalid.  No registered pharmacist can fill the drug orders!  Just as no nurse can hell with drug delivery.

So the former doctors are medicating at 1.6 million cancer patients to an needless an agonising expensive death.  All the time having the curative high us unit in the nursing office.  Validated to clear cancers and infections.

½ minute of HIUS to the top left to the chest and the kidneys, was confirmed by registered doctors to clear coronary heart disease at one session.  Also clearing Angina.

I've published my diabetes cure 2013.  And this was verified in use by other registered doctors around the world.  This year doctors were complaining that diabetes was suddenly cured.  It uses 5% of the income.  No it accounts for 40%.

The rest or medicine loses money!  And the cancers, heart disease and diabetes made money.  2013 I also validated ½ minute of HIUS to each side ahead totally cleared MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and schizophrenia.

There is no be any effective biochemical treatment for dementia.  Now a totally cured!  There no Dr. or drugs involvement.  If you cure your viral and bacterial infections, ½ minute of HIUS each side the chest, he never develop cancers, heart disease, diabetes or dementia.

Doctors are particularly annoyed, they spent four years trying to promote the mental health problems identified since the 1930s, as the big income or replacement now I cancers are cured.

But then the dementia cure response to the same idea as cancers.  Again involving no Dr. or drugs!  Drug company is and doctors are desperately trying to find in no other disease as an income source.

Already will be cleared by local application of HIUS or for 1 minute.  Doctors are not interested!  They want to prescribe repeat courses are fatal biochemistry.

Any individual with dementia, can purchase the ultrasound massage device over the Internet, and cures cells as home.  Doctors are not allowed to medicate the well!  So no drug prescription to avoid drug patients.  Of patients recover from heart disease and diabetes or dementia.

All viral and bacterial infections are cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.  Which causes the pressurise cell structures common to all infections, to boil and rupture.

Just as ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest clears lung cancer, plus asthma.  Application externally to the stomach will clear food allergies.  Again caused by inflated viral structures on the heart.

Making inappropriate Interleukin 2.  That also causes MS and arthritis.  So what are it is also cleared by ½ minute of HIUS to the affected joints.  The interleukin causes the inappropriate excretion of chemokines - causing tissues UK inflamed and sore.

Giving a biochemical drip of Interleukin 4 water target the viral rump structure causing these conditions, which are then be totally cleared from the body.

Using ultrasound unit - cheaper and simpler.  Requiring no Dr. or drugs.

I lost my second wife to MS.  Just as I was finding out how to clear the disease!  They also lost my father to Bio chemistry prescribed by his Dr. for cancer.

Idea clear the type two diabetes for my mother and stepfather: I cured them without telling them what I was doing!  They decide they have suddenly had it is the diabetes away, in a day.

Dieting away diabetes type two requires the adoption of a stone age diet for three months.  Most people can't manage!

So then we get to Covid flu.  Causing human influenza since 1934.  A new version every 1st of October.  When any unethical vaccination is only halfway through drug trials, when obsolete!

So the Covid19 vaccination entered trials in 2019 - obviously.  The number is the last two digits of the year.  So was obsolete 1st of October, 2020.  So never even entered human drug trials.  Always illegal medicine.

As every registered Dr. On earth was aware!  Never a legal human drug.  Just one prescription of the illegal Covid19 vaccination sore the Dr. struck off - probably again.  As a former Dr. Would have continued with the illegal prescription of cancer drugs since 2002.

So the Covid vaccination programme began January 2021.  When the Covid19 virus no longer existed.  There were no remote pockets!  The whole world was by definition on Covid20 1st of October, 2020.  Reflecting the four genetic changes to the Covid flu virus in the previous year.

Indian Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20, totally unresponsive to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination: never a legal drug!  Striking off the prescribing Dr. and the drug company.  Plus a hospital and health centre.

Now we are on the year of Covid21, but drug companies are still have to engineering courses of the Covid19 vaccination to Covid off.  Though there were compelled by their Hippocratic oath signing, to destroyed and never cell or manufacture defective drugs ever.

And no registered Dr. Around the world ever allowed to prescribe the Covid19 vaccination months.  This story is not been covered in any newspaper!  The most important news in history.

The continuing prescription of cancer drugs since 2002, on itself is killed 200,000,000 people.  A legal fine of 200 trillion.  Striking off every involved Dr. and drug company.

The illegal Covid vaccination programme, has affected 3.5 billion people around the planet.  So killed in excess of 17 million of them.  Healthy an innocent individuals, sacrifice by psychopathic murderers for the financial gain and drug company is and the former doctors.

So ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest will clear Covid flu and the common cold.  All strains totally cured!  Medicine prohibits a vaccination to a cured infection.

It is also are totally prohibited research or application of a vaccination to a fast changing viral line like Covid flu all the common cold.  Both diseases now totally cured!  85,000 in human lives saved annually around the world.

The Covid vaccination programme has intentionally executed 17 million people.  The worst medicine in history!  Striking off every involved Dr. and drug company.

The drug company is losing all other biochemical drug patents.  Which are then outside legal medical prescription: presume the UK had to find a legal registered Dr. Around the world.

Struck off doctors cannot prescribe anything!


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