Clear wrinkles

   A Covid jab 2 years obsolete, but still fatal.  Prohibited medicine.

Wrinkles cleared, cancer and Covid CURED

This idea also fix is all organ damage.  As well as clearing cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.  We use what the Americans term of High Intensity UltraSound device.

Am grateful to professor Z at Sheffield University.  For pointing out ultrasound NG liquid water did nuclear fusion.  As every lightening strike around the world demonstrates!

We have the turbulent descent of rain or snow particles in storms.  And they do nuclear fusion.  Professor Argent termed this molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E² so we get nuclear fusion with one metre of turbulence at four atmospheres.  The chaotic descent of rain or snow and gives us the required conditions.

So he can study this Energy System by drilling water droplets over a one metre descent, into the kidneys paddling pool.  But there isn't much easier method.

We get a potential of 5000 volts 100 amps, we get lightening!  The positive charge ions collected above the clouds layer.  The negative charge falls of electrons to the ground.

We get a lightening strike around the world every 3 minutes throughout the year.  Nature gets 10⁴⁰ W of energy from this Energy System around the earth.  We only get 10⁶⁰ W from direct solar radiation.

The lightening down strike discharges the electrical potential.  Setting up a 1.2 megawatts/m Energy System.  But then we get the twice as large energy discharge, as the steam plasma does molecular nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) 2E²=2.4 MW of heat from a 50x1cm steam plasma in a glass cylinder at four atmospheres.

We use this to drive a steam turbine.  Which generates 1.2 MW our carbon neutral power.  This totally an eye eights the nuclear fiction of manmade climate change.

Interestingly enough, the construction of an 18 billion per hundred megawatt nuclear power plant, releases in two years the carbon equivalent amount from a commercial power plant or the carbon dioxide emissions in 25 years.

Since Chernobyl every operating nuclear power plant has needed annual insurance cover of 40 billion.  They find it cheaper to bribed the nuclear regulators!  The largest corporate crime in history.

And carry a criminally insufficient 50 million of annual insurance.  So nuclear power is 1/4 largest source of man made carbon emissions on the planet.  Very much not carbon zero!

By the garage scientist can set up an operating plasma power plant.  And over the weekend started generating 1.2 MW of mains electricity.  B steam turbine will come with the necessary electronics, to synchronise frequency and voltage with the mains supply.

The national grid will send us a check annually for six million UK pounds.  For all that lovely carbon neutral electricity.  The carbon free electrical power for 150 houses, or four medium sized businesses.

Businesses can use their maintenance engineers, to implement a 1m x2cm steam plasma Power System at four atmospheres.  And generate 9.6 MW of mains electricity.  Getting an annual check for 42 million from the national grid.

Their own power usage is almost insignificant!  Whatever else is really have no consequence.  42 million annual income.

So electricity with no carbon emissions!  But all scientists studying manmade climate change, have a head to buried deeply in the sand.  So will never acknowledged the development of carbon neutral electricity.

Conventional power plants can change over to 11 1m x2cm steam plasma is at four atmosphere.  And generate 100 MW of electrical power.  With no carbon emissions!

No oil or gas burn.  Basically free electrical power.  Utilising just 10⁻ⁱ⁴cc of regular water annually.  They will struggle to measure it!

And the ceased burning carbon fuels.  No more carbon emissions!  The carbon dioxide to nature: the limit to active life on earth, is available carbon dioxide sucked out of the air.

Leaving just the usual 2 Parts Per Million carbon dioxide in the afternoon air around the world.

Every year above the arctic ice, carbon dioxide levels double to 4 PPM.  Air temperature -50° C.  My thanks go to emeritus Professor Bernard Argent for this idea.

He have been screaming at other santis since 1986 and the year of Chernobyl, that plants suck Ian carbon dioxide to grow.  There that he NG afternoon carbon dioxide around the temperate earth to just 2 PPM.

There was no money to be made so this drove him to an early death in 2015.  The greatest scientific mind I have ever come across!  He was an emeritus professor.  Surely worth listing to!

Sheffield University have never published this science insight!  The total cure of the fictitious manmade global warming and climate change: just science fiction by the paid phones to nuclear power.  Again, the fourth biggest source of carbon dioxide from man's industries.

We can use x 25x1 cm steam plasma are four atmospheres, to release a constant 600 kW of heat.  From such a miniscule volume of water, we'll never measure it!

Link two a thermoelectric generator to freeze a constant 75 kW of electrical power.  The family hatchback only needs 8 kW of electrical power.  A small helicopter 45 kW.

So can fly between cities totally carbon neutral.  One car wash, we used immeasurably more water and fire in the car in its lifetime.  Totally carbon neutral!  No stop as a filling station ever.

So every house can cured totally carbon neutral.  Selling its excess current to the national grid.  Who will send us an annual check ingratitude for six million UK pounds.

The price of heat and power has crashed for ever!  Gas and oil burning are out of it.

To clear wrinkles, we use a medically licensed beauty device.  An 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit.

I applied externally will clear the stated cells from the body.  Clearing all wrinkles and limb damage.  External application will clear all cancers and organ damage.  The alder an inactive cells will be cleared away, new working cells will fight off intact stem cells.

So we rejuvenate the mind and body.  And clear away all wrinkles without a facelift!  The facelift they it sets off the society's scale scavenging by the immune system, so rejuvenating the skin.  But at massive cost!  And it is not safe surgery.

Application of the HIUS ultrasound device will clear all wrinkles.  Rejuvenating the body and clearing cancers, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.  Without any Dr. or drugs involvement.

Any Dr. Prescribing biochemical treatments for diseases of age above, is criminal medical malpractice.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.

So any surgeon has ever given a facelift are done cancer surgery, the struck off without legal question.  There is no legal challenge to the doctors Hippocratic oath.

And a every registered surgeon and Dr. Validated the effectiveness of HIUS clearing all cancers and the rest in 2002.  Doctors were then globally prohibited from the research or application of cancer drugs.

Heart disease and diabetes medication became equally criminal.  No biochemical research into dementia ever legal.  As all dementia already cleared physically.  Using one session of HIUS.  Enjoy!

To my contacts and friends in New York, see you soon.  In 2012 my New York friend used ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest to clear AIDs: which turned out to to be just a weak virus.


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