biology sorts the climate for free

Biology eats CO2 to support life on Earth

As a late professor Bernard argent pointed out to me 2000, plant's and eat carbon dioxide.  Down to the present limit of just two parts per million.

They use it to do photosynthesis - a type of biological molecular nuclear fusion.

1 mCO2+(n+r)H₂O+Luv+chlorophyll→(Cₘ(H₂O)ₙ+mO₂-E)+r(He+O+E²+Lb+X-ray

Plant's in the light sucking carbon dioxide around the temperate earth, does use two parts per million.  The static trace of carbon dioxide in the temperate there.  Which supports all life on earth!

Animals eat the carbohydrates of plant biomass, combine it with the oxygen excreted by plants, and get at the residual nuclear fusion energy.  So your life is dependent on fans taking carbon dioxide.

So that I wrote the earth is had a static trace of carbon dioxide at just two PPM, since before man the evening evolved!

Above the arctic ice In winter there is no photosynthesis, and we get four PPM carbon dioxide, air temperature-50° C.  I thought to come dioxide was meant to cause global warming.  It so obviously doesn't!  We have experienced 26 years of global cooling.  Nuclear power has turned climate change!

A static trace gas affects nothing.  The climate strings are controlled exclusively by a predictable solar emission cycles.  Which is why all the planets in the inner solar system have been calling for last 26 years.

Another two years until we are back into natural global warming.  Book your holidays today!  Another 1976.  We were in the depths of the global economic recession, so little carbon dioxide production.

The warmest year previously on one record, was 1938.  In the depths of the global economic downturn.  Again little carbon dioxide production from industry.  And a massively a hot year!

If we a further back throughout history event the mineral records tells us the carbon dioxide levels double in a natural ice age.  When the snow covers the land, and the ice Covers the seas.

So the global average carbon dioxide level rises in the natural ice age.  Then we get a warm medieval period.  A very warm period of modern history.  With very little carbon dioxide production from burning plant matter.

So we are seeing that the formation of carbohydrates takes in heat, released as they are burnt.  But the resulting carbon dioxide is taken in by local plants, to stimulate plant growth.  Converting the carbon dioxide back into the carbohydrates of life within 5 minutes.

City gardens sucking carbon dioxide released by mankind, to stimulate plant growth.  So in the afternoon air all around the temperate world, we are back to the average of two PPM carbon dioxide in the air.

The carbon dioxide levels rising in the arctic winter, to four PPM, air temperature -50° C.  The manmade global warming idea was invented by nuclear power after Chernobyl in 1986.

When the required annual insurance free nuclear power plant rose to 40 billion for 100 megawatt power plant.  90% of the safety recommendations after Chernobyl when never implemented.  Nuclear power decided they would two expensive!

For the major recommendations was to have a secondary emergency cooling plant.  When the earthquake struck in Japan in 2010, we got the Fukushima incident.  Which will have cost 200,000 lives across Asia.  Through increased rates of cancers and heart disease.

Each of life lost warranting a legal fine of 10 million ECUs Tokyo nuclear am a Japanese government.

We are looking at 2000 trillion!  The biggest corporate find in history.  Far in excess of the worth of the planet.  That is what nuclear power does.

Building a nuclear power plant uses a massive fossil fuel burn to freeze concrete, for the plant building.  Releasing in two years the carbon equivalent of from a conventional power plant in 25 years.

Making nuclear power man cannot fourth largest source of carbon emissions.  And the only totally of voidable carbon source!  So nuclear power is so not carbon neutral.

For nature does massive carbon neutral power every day.  Every 3 minutes around the world there is a lightening strike.  Where the term and interaction of rain or snow particles, again does molecular nuclear fusion.

2 H₂O+P+TU→He²⁺+O⁺+3e⁻+E²+X=ray

So a heavy rain or snow storms, turn some of the rain or snow into massive heat, with a trace of helium and oxygen gases, and emission of X rays.  The issues of rain does nuclear fusion.  Continuously all around the earth!  Which is why heavy rain warms the air.

We fired up a steam plasma in a 50x1cm glass cylinder at Sheffield University 2001.  We use the electronics from old fluorescent light, to set up a standing strand of lightning.  We had found the carbon neutral plasma burn, 80 times as dynamic as uranium nuclear power.

3 H₂O+P+PL→2(E²+L...X-ray) 2E²=2.4MW our continuous carbon neutral heat.  At four atmospheres pressure.  Turning 10⁻ⁱ⁵cc of regular water into carbon neutral non toxic heat.

So we drive a steam turbine boiler room.  And get out 1.2 MW our carbon neutral mains electricity.  The carbon free power for 150 houses!  An annual income from the national grid of six million UK pounds.

For saving life on earth!  We produce another hyper toxic radioactive waste of uranium nuclear power.  Which today needs annual insurance cover of 100 billion.  They carry a criminally insufficient 50 million,

So every nuclear power plant in the world is running hyper toxic and an criminally under insured.  There being no global reprocessing capabilities, since Windscale shut down.

Nuclear power is illegally using a temporary storage capabilities around at a service nuclear pounds, as long term storage for their radioactive waste.  Which remains toxic 400,000 years.

The ultimate target for a terrorist dirty bomb.  The cost was safely storing at radioactive waste for the rest are history, was never costed for.  So nuclear power has personally costs and paid to our descendants!

Who will be paying for the nuclear excesses of 20th century for the rest of human history on earth.  And still the nuclear waste is piling up!  And there is no available storage capacity around the earth.

But a plasma power plant releases 2.4 MW of heat, or 0.2 MW of electricity from a miniscule amount of regular water.  Free using no toxic waste!

No spraying of plutonium and strontium radioactive isotopes, over the local continent.  So no impossible insurance required.  Plasma power - the clean carbon neutral Power System of the future.  That is almost free!


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