All Covid cured

Covid booster illegal

It responds to the standard cure to cancer and viruses, published 2002 by three medical professors at the Moffitt cancer centre.  Who were all belatedly awarded the noble prize for this work 2015.

All cancers and viruses, plus bacterial infections, have and overinflated non native cell structure.  So when you apply ultrasound scans, they give off X rays!

1 H₂O+P+US→He+O+E+X-ray standard medicine, familiar to all doctors and drug companies: the drug company is voluntarily signed the Hippocratic oath.  So what the doctors' hours to validate and then use best new medical science, ceasing to use auld and now defective medicine.

The Moffitt cancer centre paper detailed the external application of high intensity ultrasound to clear all cancers and infections at one session.

2 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So from 2002 every registered Dr. Had validated the total cure all cancer plus viral and bacterial infections, and already owned the required HIUS unit.

But the drug company is illegally financially induced registered doctors, to ospheres still prescribe the now defective and criminal cancer drugs.  Every cancer patient death warrants a 10 million UK pound fine, and the Dr. and the managing directors of the involved drug companies receive a jail term of 25 years in high security prison.

All those psychopathic murderous doctors talk early retirement: as medicine have now lost 80% of its economic income.  I was a massively loss making!  Yet in 2018 the struck off doctors illegally re-entered medicine.

Even illegally serving at the National Medical regulators - like the AMA or GMC.  Though there a mass of the ineligible for such crucial Medical Service.  All the legal judgments handed down is for a National Medical regulators must be retried, and the drug company's expense.

And obviously has the struck off doctors totally removed from medicine totally.  Returning or wages are low income paid to them since they were struck off.  Getting no pension.

A legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds for every patient medicated to death by their illegal medical prescriptions.

In 2018 a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18 the escape from the biochemical laboratory in Wuhan China.  He killed five million Chinese citizens.

Before December 2019 Chinese medics applied ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, to either side the chest of Corona patients.  Unless 44,000 cases on earth were all cured.

The pandemic was extinguished!  Covid have been the regular human influence or since 1934, we've Covid34: the Covid number is just last two digits of the winter of that infection.

So Covid 19 it will totally separately and distinct from the Corona virus.  The pandemic never applied to Covid flu.  Helium below pandemic level since 1934.

Ensure you copy this message to your general practitioner!  No Covid vaccination ever legal all necessary.  The Covid19 vaccination is only halfway three drug testing, when obsolete!

Never a legal human drug.  Any Dr. It giving just one Covid vaccination, are struck off and remove from medicine.  All subsequent medical prescriptions illegal and invalid.

The doctors who RE entered medicine after 2018, were struck off.  And there prescriptions were illegal and invalid.  No registered pharmacist should ever have filled one drug order from, and no nurse allowed to add Mr. the illegal medication.  Without both groups being struck off for life.  And remove from medicine totally.

2012 my contact in New York used the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest to clear his AIDs.  We freely published this idea.  The use of five UK pounds ultrasound massage device, totally clearing the most pernicious viral infection in history.

So I cured AIDs, but there was no noble prize on offer.  Five million people died from HIV AIDs.  Costing the world five billion.  Totally eradicated by my ideas in 2012.  Again and firstly validated and then had to use by every registered Dr. On earth.  Or they were struck off and remove from medicine!

So all cancer drug an eight prescription charges returned to surviving patients or their next of kin.  And most psychopathic doctors removed from medicine.  All subsequent medical activity prohibited!

½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest will clear lung cancer, plus all viral and bacterial infections.  Making a vaccination medicine criminal medicine!

It intentionally kills one patient in 200.  Healthy an innocent individuals sacrifice for Dr. and drug company income.  All Covid flu strains cured.

We have gone through the year of Covid20, that began 1st of October, 2020, with the drug company is still frantically vaccinated people against the obsolete an nonexistent Covid19,

3.5 illegal Covid19 vaccinations given: each and every involved Dr. and drug company struck off without question.  So they are void only killed 17 million people around the world.  Again healthy an innocent individuals.

The legal fine for every vaccination death is 10 million UK pounds.  The surviving vaccination victims get out of 20,000 UK pounds, for each potentially fatal Covid vaccination they survived.

The vaccinating doctors as usual, totally struck off and remove from medicine.  The total legal fine around the world is 170 trillion.  Which is in excess of the worth of the planet!

But they killing goes on!  The drug company is have now renamed there lethal vaccination, a 'Covid booster'.  It is actu the obsolete and useless vaccination to the extinct Covid19.

Which he is illegal medicine!  No registered Dr. Could ever give.  The a fine of 20,000 UK pounds applies to surviving booster patients.  10 million to and exit key and of the healthy an innocent individuals boosted to death.

½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest clears today's Covid21.  Every patient in a hostel we've Covid flu, can be given an application of HIUS by any nurse, using the Dr. validated 8 W 3 MHZ HIUS unit: the one session cancer cure.

So the Covid boosters are the same illegal and obsolete Covid19 vaccinations.  Globally prohibited defective and pointless medicine!  Often with fatal results.

No registered Dr. has ever been allowed to give just one Covid vaccination since 1934.  The Covid rooster equally as criminal!  The involved drug company is also are struck off without legal appeal.

The manufacture and sell the Covid booster criminal medical malpractice.  A show the drug company is removed from medicine.  And all other biochemical drug patents void and of no value.

Its drugs outside legal medical prescription.  All its drugs illegal!  So Covid19 cease to exist 31st of September, 2020.  When the Covid19 vaccination is only part way through drug trials.  When obsolete and totally criminal medicine.

The application of cancer or infection medication including vaccinations, criminal back to 2002.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.  With the usual legal fine structure!

All vaccination medicine no medically illegal and criminal.  No legal argument.


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