Omicorn Covid21 cured

Omicron already cured

Omicron cured

And medicine specifically disallow nursing any biochemical research into already cured diseases.  Specifically no Dr. Is allowed to research are applying a vaccination to already cured disease.

And in 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound to clear cancers and viruses at one session.  It cures all 200 cancers out there!  And a every virus are will ever exist.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E² it causes the pressurise cell structure common to cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections to boil and rupture.  Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the active specific human antibody to clear that dangerous exploding cell type from the body.

Biochemical science cannot move quickly enough to cure Covid - the medical name for influenza.  The Covid19 vaccine would have taken two years to fully licence.  But was obsolete within a year!

So never a legal drug manufacture and sale to family GPs'.  The drug companies thirties emergency medical licence NG for specialist immune hospitals.  And salt the vaccination to ever wanted it!

So was never a legal drug application for G P's.  Who intentionally vaccinated 3.5 healthy an innocent patients around the world.  An intentionally vaccinated 17 million of them to death: the medically accepted death rate for a vaccination is 0.5%.

Last week the drug industry was talking about vaccinating over 12 year Olds.  But the vaccination is not legal for any age group!  This it they are talking about over eighteens, same problem - the this is not legal medicine for any age group.  It is criminal medicine.

Any Dr. giving just one Covid vaccination struck off - along with the involved biochemical drug company.  The doctors are then prohibited from NHS and private medical practice.

The NHS doctors are not leave him for a private medicine.  They are globally struck off!  Throughout the UK it they have vaccinated 45,000 healthy individuals to death.  When the Covid19 influenza strain cease to exist 31 September, 2020.

Each death pointless and he illegal!  Medical first degree murder.  Free medicated killing.

But the standard viral cure published by the Moffitt applies to all strains of Covid flu.  ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to either side the chest.  The most medicine is a total home cure to all viral and bacterial infections.  The Dr. and drugs are not involved!

Every registered Dr. already has an 8 W three MHZ unit, firstly validated to clear all 200 types of cancer, plus all viral and bacterial infections.  Stop the ultrasound as the patient reports feeling warming and yanks away.

It would have taken two years to licence an Omicron vaccination.  This a legal requirements set in medical stone.  After all we are talking here he is the annual seasonal flu for 2021.

The issue to Moffitt Medical Paper 2002, already cured!  No registered Dr. Could ever research a biochemical treatment or cure.  As all flu strains are automatically cured.

The Covid19 virus ceased to exist 31st of September, 2020.  Any Covid19 this day is obsolete and was never licensed.  Never legal human medicine.

Any Dr. Giving just one Covid vaccination, are struck off along with the drug company.  No legal argument.

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