No Covid test required or posible

Covid so cured 2002

In 2002 three medical professors from the Moffitt cancer centre used a single application of High Intensity UltraSound to clear cancers and viruses.

Every registered Dr. On earth bought an 8 W 3 MHZ unit and confirmed the new medical science.  The time below offer an 8 W 1 MHZ unit.  The three MHZ unit is Mr. Affective may be even quicker!

In 2000 I was studying a PH D into nuclear fusion at Sheffield University.  And got intrigued that ultrasound scans cancers and viruses give off X rays.  They were doing molecular nuclear fusion.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+X-ray

This works it was the ultrasound sets off nuclear fusion in the pressurise water.  You don't need to know that!  Pressurise cells emit X rays, boil and rupture!  Inducing local immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody clear the pressurise cell type from the body.

All 200 types of human cancer cured in one session!  Confirm personally by every registered Dr. On earth 2002.  Making the prescription of cancer drugs in chemo and radio therapy, criminal and defective medical malpractice.

Killing the patient needlessly in two agonising expensive years.  Every registered Dr. had personally confirmed the cancer cure.  Every cancer patient death since 2002 warrants a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.

And each prescribing Dr. Struck off to face criminal trial!  For cases of first degree medical murder.  The intentional murder of cancer patients.  When they had the curative device in the nursing office.

Drug companies are desperate to plus cancer drugs suddenly stopped selling!  So today he there is still over a million people being medicated to death from cancer.  2002 20 million people died from cancer.  There is no excuse for the prescription of defective medicine.

The individuals can buy a an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device over the Internet, E bay and Amazon are sources, no Dr. Intervention or drugs required!  All 200 types of human cancer cured.

Of viral cell types also require the same pressurise cell structure - to induce cell replication.  Body cells bud off DNA intact stem cells.  Nobody ever never replicate!

So ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest will clear all viral and bacterial infections.  And a every registered Dr. On earth has the required ultrasound unit.  Dying of loneliness from unused in the nursing office.

So this makes the prescription of drugs for viruses and bacterial infections criminal medical malpractice.  Again striking off the Dr., Nurses, pharmacists and the biochemical drug company.

There is no legal argument to the doctors Hippocratic oath - the drug company is are voluntary early sign.  So every drug company on earth verified HIUS cured all cancers 2002.

The Hippocratic oath which Chinese subsequent manufacture and sell any cancer drug criminal medical malpractice.  Striking off the involved drug company.

December 2019 Chinese medics cleared Corona virus from Wuhan Province China, using ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.  The virus was declared globally extinct the world health organisation February 2020.  They could have cleared the virus 2018.

Is are no relationship of Covid19 - the next year's influence or buck that circulates the world.  Not limited to Wuhan Province!  Corona may have been a Bio chemically altered form of Covid18, absolutely no relation year of Covid19.  That was has ever total drug company science fiction.

I cleared my own Covid19 November 2019: the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.  The idea that cleared AIDs via a personal friend in New York, 2012.  The 2018 the eight treatment market was an illegal $680.00 million business.

Or there medical fees charged by eight medicines since 2012, should automatically be repaid to the families of the surviving patients.  No doubt some man around the world is still being medicated for AIDs.  The cured condition.  No treatment legal.

To clear Covid in my personal experience to EC usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest: though I did have a 2 hour nap, and then got up bored.

The Covid strain is immaterial.  The drug company is are still trying to promote the defective vaccination for Covid19 - which is obsolete only halfway through drug testing.  So never licensed for human use.

No registered Dr. Is allowed to prescribe obsolete an unlicensed medication.  It is criminal medical malpractice!  We are now on the year of Covid21 - there is a new strain declared automatically on the 1st of October every year.

Back to 1934, when Covid34 star to causing the human flu.  All through the year of Covid20 drug company is and doctors are busy vaccinating people against Covid19, which no longer existed.

They vaccinated 3.5 billion people around the world, an intentionally killed 17 million: the accepted death rate for any vaccination is 0.5%.  That is 1/4 of the fatalities from world war two,

But Covid was already cured!  Like all viruses it is cured by the same medically published HIUS, they cures all cancers in 1 minute of external application.

½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest clears all viral and bacterial infections.  It should also clear malaria!  The strain is immaterial.

At the medical vaccination is no ****ing use.  It then so drug company and the Dr. had money.  It has absolutely no medical benefit.

The vaccination was applied from January 2021, and sale of or killed 17 million healthy an innocent people.  The biggest deliberate medical execution of the innocent in history.

It goes without saying, every vaccinating Dr. Struck off!  A fine of 10 million UK pounds for each death.  And 25 years the Dr. in high security prison for each patients murdered deliberately.

We live in the age of the greatest collection of murderous doctors in history!  Focused on the own financial self interest, killing for profit and money.  No apology ever!

With Boris Johnson is promoting the PCR test.  Which has nothing to do Covid.  Annie is totally improved!

All Covid cleared by 1 minute of HIUS from the unit owned by every registered Dr. On earth.  A free cure!  The doctors published charge for a medical test.  And send away and the patient and cured to die.

We are talking about the most callous mass murderers in history.


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