medics cannot test for Covid

Covid vacc useless but fatal

By medical definition we are now on Covid21.  But the latest validated tests of the Covid19, which ceased to circulate the world 31st of September, 2020.

The vaccination for Covid 19 was obsolete before licensed.  So it was never a legal medical drug application!  It intentionally killed 0.5% of the vaccinated, for no possible medical gain!  The vaccine was obsolete and unlicensed.  A criminal drug application!

Medics and are talking about CovidOricorn, just four micro strains of Covid21.  Oh drug industry has no answer even to the extinct Covid20.

India had an outbreak of Covid20.  Totally resistant to the unlicensed Covid 19 vaccination.  Medics gave this he illegal vaccination to 3.5 billion global inhabitants.  And kills 17,000,000 people!

1/4 fatalities from world war two.  Executed by their illegal medics!  As on their first Covid19 vaccination, any Dr. and the drug company is struck off.  Health insurers withdrawn - medical practice then illegal.

So the Covid 19 vaccination is the biggest peacetime medical execution of the innocent.  Each and every vaccinating Dr. Struck off!

The Indians use A single application of High Intensity Ultrasound - the medically published cure to all viruses and cancers.  The Covid vaccination was released legal medicine in history.

Two months ago the number of practicing doctors was back below the 2018 Dr. Crash.  I wish level the energy as cannot function!

The 2002 Moffitt Paper or also he used HIUS to clear cancers.  There 1 minute of external HIUS clearing all 200 types of human cancer.

The inflated cells common to cancer plus viral and bacterial infections, all boils and rupture on application of HIUSD.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray

So every registered Dr. On earth validated the HIUS cancer cure, they were legally constrained from ever prescribing cancer drugs for chemo or radio therapy ever again.

To do so constituted criminal and tickle malpractice.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.  Both totally excluded from medicine for ever!

So HIUS clears all cancers in 1 minute of external ultrasound application.  I apply the ultrasound to where it hurts!

Just one prescription of cancer drugs since 2002, and the Dr. struck off and excluded for ever from legal medical practice.  Along with the involved drug company!

½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound, will clear all strains of Covid flu.  It will clear Covid21 included Covid Omicorn.

And medics are not allowed to apply obsolete an unlicensed medication.  They are also not allowed to give people spurious and are obsolete tests.  That constitutes a violation of the Hippocratic oath.

The PRI test, says nothing!  Covid19 cease to exist 31st of September, 2020.  And there is a most recent Covid test the reins.  Now medically illegal.

Viruses it on to V saying they will test all fuel coming in to see UK the PRI test.  Why?  It does not test for Covid21: no such tests has been the divider and went for two years.

All Covid strains are cleared by the usual ½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.  Covid is not so strange new dangerous pathogen.  It is just the regular flu!  Corona virus was a modified form of Covid18, totally exhilaration as Chinese medics applied HIUS in the usual way to Corona viral patients.

The drug industry is still automati deskmate cell is obsolete and unlicensed Covid19 vaccinations.  Which are now medically illegal!  They were always obsolete an untested.  They became obsolete only halfway three testing.

So any Dr. Around the world who has given just one Covid 19 vaccination, the struck off.  With no legal argument!  It is a verdict out of the Hippocratic oath.  The drug company is signed voluntarily.

So every drug company verified HIUS back in 2002.  The one session cure to all cancers and viruses.  Making the prescription of cancer or infection medication criminal medical malpractice.

Striking off the Dr. and drug company.  Covid is just the regular flu and we are now on the year of Covid21.  Totally curable for under ½ minute of the ultrasound from the 8 W 3 MHZ unit, every registered Dr. Bought to validate the cancer and viral cure.

So the prescription they Covid vaccination is most horrendous and fatal medicine ever!  There is no justification for the prescription of obsolete an unlicensed medication.

Any medical advisor to Boris Johnson has ever given one Covid vaccination, will struck off!  Including Dr. Fauci - the managing director Astra Zeneca, so desperate to sell the obsolete and useless Covid 19 vaccinations.  Which are fatal results!  Dr. Foci is the most dangerous man in history!

17 million people like dead at his feet.


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