Doctors return wages

Covid money goes back

On taking up medical practice every Dr. promises to be aware of, validated and then use best new medicine.  So every Dr. On earth validated the 2002 Moffitt cancer centre paper, on high intensity ultrasound clearing all cancers and viruses.  It also works for bacterial infections.

So since 2002 every prescription of cancer or infection medication, has been criminal medical malpractice, warranting a totally unnecessary patient death!

Each death warranting a legal fine of 10,000,000 UK pounds.  HIUS would have cleared the cancer or infection without any drugs.

So all strains of Covid flu are cleared by e.g. ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound to each side the chest.  This would have worked we've Covid19 - as it were with Covid3.  Behind the the cells outbreak in Asia 2003.

The number is attached to Covid and or the year of the infection!  It takes two years to licence any vaccination.  So a vaccination to Omicron could not be licensed until 2024.

Just as the Covid19 vaccination was not licensed when the drug company is illegally started making and selling it.  It never went through human drug trials!

So was never an legal medical prescription.  So every prescribing Dr. Was required to strike themselves off the first time they prescribed a Covid vaccination.  Since 2002!

The doctors ceased to be a legal insured Dr. the same day.  And the prescription records are kept by the NHS in a tight bomb proof Data Storage units around the country.  Every prescribing Dr. and consultant struck off.

They must return or wages and pension paid to them since 2002.  Additionally payout 10,000,000 UK pounds to and exit key and of every patient illegally medicated to death.

Omicorn is just CovidO - a version of Covid24.  Which will obviously not respond to the obsolete an unlicensed Covid19 vaccination.  All Covid19 vaccinations were unethical and illegal.  The prescription charge should be returned to the government!

The Las Vegas I cell was that the Covid vaccination programme and so far cost 680 billion pounds.  All that money returned to the government!

Which means all that money must be returned to the chancellor.  And each prescribing Dr. and consultant struck off the first day they gave the Covid vaccination.  Then removed instantly from medical practice.

Ever since they have been illegal and unlicensed medics.  It goes without saying that any vaccination that the Covid19 vaccination is the highest level of fatal medical malpractice!

Striking off the Dr. hospital and drug company.


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