Covid vaccination wipes out global medical staff

Covid vaccination defective medicine

The influenza virus has the medical name of Covid.  Ever since covered 34 star to causing the regular seasonal flu in 1934: the Covid number is just the winter of the infection!

Medicine has longer realized that a vaccination for flu a medically unethical.  As vaccinations take two years to licence.  And Covid has a new strain every year.

The Covid 19 vaccination was only halfway three drug licensing when obsolete.  An medically useless!  India and Bahrain had outbreaks of Covid20, irrespective of the Covid19 vaccination,

But vaccinations are not the nice cosy medicine people think!  They kill one in 200 feeble vaccinated.

So the Covid19 vaccination was never medicine!  It was obsolete before licensed.  And so never walls licensed!  Never used as to Covid19 are seemingly spurious medicine.

India applied the medically published cure to all cancers and viruses 2020.  High intensity ultrasound!  And cured last 77,000 people we've Covid20.  Nobody died!

This works as all cancers and viruses have and overinflated cell nature.  And the ultrasound causes the cells
to boil and rupture.  It stimulating local immune system to secrete and action the active human antibody.

1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²

` this idea cures all 200 types of human cancer in one session.  All the cancer drug prescriptions since 2002 were criminal medical malpractice.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.  Plus the assisting nurses and pharmacists.

No registered Dr. could ever prescribed a Covid vaccination!  As the Covid19 virus no longer existed before the Covid19 vaccination was licensed.  So never walls licensed.

The Covid busy shops or as criminal as a reason the Covid19 vaccination.  Every vaccinating Dr. Struck off.  Which is why had two months ago emerges Dr. Numbers have shrunk to below the levels of the 2018 Dr. Crash - then the energy is basically stopped functioning.

And this applies equally well all over the world.  So or Health Services no insufficient doctors!  If the Dr. had given just one Covid vaccination ever, the struck off and lost Health Insurance.  There medical practice criminal!

The assisting nurses gave the Covid19 vaccinations.  Even though their nightingale pledge made by application of defective medicine criminal.  And the Covid 19 vaccination was criminal.

So all the nursing staff involved the Covid vaccination programme, the struck off.  If they are with cancer drug delivery since 2002, they were struck off 2002.  I must return or wages paid to them ever since.

There nursing registration is revoked, as he is out of the assisting pharmacists.

So no registered Dr. Could prescribe the Covid vaccination without being struck off.  And no nurse could give it we are also being struck off!

The Dr. numbers have shrunk routine the minimum critical number.  Of 40,000 registered doctors!  All the assisting nurses also are struck off.


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