Covid vaccination defective medicine

Vocis vaccination criminal medicine - so fatal and useless

Ever since 1934 when the Covid flu line started to causing the regular annual influence or we've Covid34, medicine is always accepted that vaccinations are defective medicine!

The problem he is it takes two years to licence any vaccination.  But the Covid flu like the common cold her new versions more than annually!  Covid is given a new number every 1st of October.

So by medical definition Covid19 cease to exist 31 September, 2020.  Yet medics and they started giving the Covid19 vaccination in January 2021.  When Covid19 no longer existed!  We were in the year of Covid20.

And the Covid outbreaks in India and Bahrain showed that the Covid19 vaccination was medically inactive against the new predictable strain.  As realise by every registered Dr. on earth!  Who were taught this on the first year of a medical degree.

So making any Covid vaccination defective and yet fatal medicine.  Killing one in 200 of the vaccinated.  Which is why Covid vaccination has always been medically prohibited.

Any medic give in just one Covid vaccination, the struck off.  All subsequent prescriptions invalid and illegal.  All future medical practice an insured and criminal!

And get energy as doctors have happily continued vaccinating their patient's.  And sell one in 200 die within four days.

Which is why Care Homes are prohibited the Covid19 vaccination.  My impression doctors are abandoned the Sputnick vaccination: probably the bases for the an legal and unethical Covid19 vaccination.

Corrupt medics of my 3.5 billion vaccinations are globally.  An intentionally executed 17 million global citizens.  For no possible medical gain!  The Covid19 virus no longer existing.

Astra Zeneca Air is get the human drug trials, so the Covid19 vaccination was never legal human medicine.  It was obsolete!  And never fully tested.  About as illegal as any drug can get.  And there is utterly no requirement for a vaccination.

In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published a single application of high intensity ultrasound as a one session total cure to all cancers and viruses.  Which is why cancer rates have suddenly and for ever crashed!

And 20,000,000 in 2002, to one million today.  Which means that somebody is writing at unethical and illegal prescriptions.  All cancer drugs became defective and criminal medicine 2002.

So medics have intentionally medicated 200,000,000 cancer patients to an needless agonising expensive death.  And the prescribing doctors struck off!  And the prescription records are held by the medical regulators.

Medics had never used the high intensity ultrasound as it makes them no money.  And required no Dr. or drugs!  An 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device at full power, I applied externally to where it hurts, clears all human cancers.  All 200 types!

Astra Zeneca them believed they could vaccinate for Covid flu.  Not possible.  The virus changes quicker than it can be tested and licensed.

No Covid vaccinations ever been legal in recorded history.  Every prescribing Dr. knew they were killing for money!  And they are so obviously struck off and face criminal trial, for mortal counts of patient murder!

Just cure one vaccination struck the Dr. and drug company off.  Without any legal appeal!  Just 1 minute of the above HIUS applied to the chest will clear all Covid flu strains.

Making the annual flu injection defective and criminal medical malpractice.  The flu jab kills 0.5% of patients.  And has only limited potency against the next year's flu.

HIUS has 100 per cent potency against the flu strain the patient has.  The exploding cell type steam at immune system to freeze the active specific human antibody, to watch them a viral or cancer or infection the patient has.

So every vaccinating Dr. Struck off!  Along with the involved drug company.  So all flu cured!  And Covid is just the medical name for seasonal flu.  It will also clear all viruses all the common cold.

Which medicine has never pretended he can medicate for.  Absolutely no need.  The medical cure to cancer published 2002, also clears all viral and bacterial infections.

½ minute of HIUS to each side the chest.

So all the 17 million people killed by the Covid vaccination, concert use first degree medical murder.  Warranting a legal fine of 10 million UK pounds.  The Dr. and drug company managing director receiving a 25 year jail term for each patient murder.

The Dr., Nurses and assisting pharmacists, along with a pathogenic drug company is struck off.  No legal argument.  Out of medicine for the rest of time.

Almost certainly to spend the rest the natural lies in prison all be executed.  That is the inevitable consequence of give in just one Covid vaccination.  Surely the least legal and most fatal medicine ever.


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