Covid test illegal

Covid test pointless and illegal

No medic is allowed to give a test for an extinct virus or bacterial infection.  The drug company is really are not interested in that tests.  Their interest is in selling the vaccination to the infection.

For Care Homes have now ended Covid19 vaccinations from their properties.  And the doctors have realized that one in 200 people dying from the Covid 19 vaccination.

The vaccinations would have taken two years to licence.  But Covid flu has a new strain every 1st of October.  So he never did the year and trials on the Covid 19 vaccination.

Which he is a medically prohibited all around the world.  E personal injury or just one Covid vaccination, the struck off.  Losing medical registration and Health Insurance.  Making all criminal practice illegal.

Now Astra Zeneca has lost the Covid vaccination market.  The C or they earned 1.3 billion from the Covid vaccinations: a level they describe as a miniscule!  Pfizer sold 18 billion of Covid 19 vaccinations.

For an infection it cease to circulate the world 31st of September, 2020.  On the 1st of October, 2021 we're on Covid 21.

But the medical world is accepted that the production and research of a Covid vaccination is against medical law.  Striking off the Dr. and drug company.

So no work is ever been started even on a Covid20 vaccination!  And now we're on Covid21 all over the world.  There is no Covid 19 anymore!

There C in America are 150,000 people were killed by the Covid 19 vaccinations!  Not content of again one partially fatal vaccinations, they have written for a second and third totally pointless locked fatal vaccination.

Every vaccinating Dr. Around the world has given just one Covid19 vaccination, struck off.  But medicine also prohibits testing for an extinct pathogens.  So just one Covid test also strikes off the medics.

Not one person in history as a licensed it positive for Covid19, and they only started testing and so the Covid19 virus was extinct.  So just one Covid chest and the Dr. ejected from medicine for life.

And only registered doctors could have prescribed the Covid test.  Nurses are ethically restrain from giving it, by their nightingale pledge.  Just one Covid chest and the nurse also are ejected from medicine.

But he would have required the Dr. to prescribe the test.  And all around the world the chest is medically prohibited.

We are now or the year of Covid21.  Nobody around the world has Covid19.  Boris Johnson is being bullied into testing people as the commitment to the UK.  Presumably so then they can vaccinate against - well the extinct virus!

Nobody would ever test positive.  The PRI test (not sure of the names) might give a positive results, but there is no Covid19 anywhere in the world.  My medical definition we are on Covid21.

And there is no use for the drug companies!  As the Covid19 vaccination is all they pretend to have!  The vaccination was never licensed in time to be useful.  So it is obsolete and never licensed.

So let us return to 150,000 Americans double vaccinated to death!  The infection which ceased to exist two years ago air.  Each death warranting a fine of $16.00 million.  10 million UK pounds - the calculations are easier.

So each Covid champ was illegal and medically prohibited.  Striking off and there the Dr., hospital and drug company.  For a pathogen which is not existed for two years.

So the total legal fine is a 1.5 trillion.  Way beyond the scope of the drug company insurance.  The fine would have to go out to the IMF and World Bank.  The company is are the most horrendous the bankrupt corporations in history.

Even testing for Covid19 is medically prohibited.  But he turns out the Hippocratic oath is not absolute law.  The drug company is like Astra Zeneca applied money, and sun the only is permitted.

Year the 150,000 livres vaccination deaths in the U.S..  After Zeneca is staffed by the most persuasive people on the planet.  While not troubles that the Covid19 virus does not exist.

And the were on Covid21.  So the Covid 19 vaccination can have absolute no medical value.  Only killing one person in 200.

Carers a plant the vaccination.  So now the drug company is are pressurise him parents to drive their children over to the G P's surgery, to be vaccinated potentially to death.

Healthy an innocent children.  One in 200 being killed!  The least ethical and legal medicine ever.  And Astra Zeneca is now working hard to stop people using the Pfizer vaccination.

Not bothering the eight vaccination kills one in 200 needlessly.  There is no Covid 19 virus in the world - not for two years.

So every global Dr. Is prohibited from testing of vaccinated for Covid19.  Maurice Johnson is being pressurised to tighten the Covid restrictions.  Which is medical speak, to induce feeble to be vaccinated to death.

The Covid19 vaccination is criminal all around the world.  We are now on Covid21.  To which there will never be a legal vaccination.  The Covid19 vaccination was never legal.

3.5 billion Covid19 vaccinations given.  The medically accepted death rate for any vaccination is one in 200.  So the annual flu chap given to the aged, deliver the murder as one in 200 of them.  The biggest deliberate medical killing over!

The Covid19 vaccination has intentionally executed 17,000,000 global citizens.  To prevent the spread of an already extinct virus!  That she is in 1984 and at doublespeak.  The Covid19 virus is not existed for two years.

And there was never a the world Covid19 vaccination anyway.  The vaccinations given its strike off every involved former Dr..  Warranting a legal fine of 170 trillion.  The planet is only worth 138 trillion!

But they killing goes on.  Astra Zeneca and the other drug companies are not remotely interested that the Covid19 virus is not existed for two years.

The psychopathic mass murdering doctors are still trying to induce patients to research activity the policy fatal Covid19, obsolete an unlicensed vaccination.

But here in just one Covid19 vaccination ever, the struck off the Dr., Drug company and hospital.  There is no legal argument to the doctors Hippocratic oath.  Although drug companies want a relate sign.

Even testing for Covid19 is medically prohibited.  The virus is extinct!  The chest is spurious.  And medically prohibited.  There has been no Covid19 virus in the world for two years.


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