Best Christmas present

medical unit proved to clear all cancers and viruses

Is or the medics term on High Intensity UltraSound device.  E.g. an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage unit.

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I applied externally to where it hurts for just 1 minute, this will clear all 200 types of human cancer.  So the device to maximum power!

It clears all inflated cell structures.  So clears all 200 types or cancer plus a every viral and bacterial infection which will ever exist.  Included today's Covid21: Covid19 has not existed in the universe sense of 1 October, 2020.  It is an internationally medical naming convention for the regular human flu.

The device will also clear the common cold.  The source of medical advance Bryce Johnson should announce proudly to the world.  He is talking about mask wearing!  Which is medically be improved to totally useless.

This HIUS will clear Covid Omicron - just a type of Covid21.  And will clear Covid Pi, when it is identified in February 2022.  Hop in a time machine go look at the newspaper headlines! 


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