
New China virus not a problem

HMPV so simple to cure A surge in cases of the flu-like human metapneumovirus (HMPV) in China has raised fears of another Covid-style pandemic. mages of hospitals overrun with masked patients have circulated widely on social media, but health experts say HMPV is not like Covid, and point out it has been around for many years. They say China and other countries are simply experiencing the seasonal increase in HMPV typically seen in winter. The world health organisation has gone into a panic.  Which will never recover from the sudden cure of the Corona virus.  Which was distinct from Covid - the seasonal flu.  Which use to intentionally kill 3.5 per cent of infected people.  Below the 5% to be declared a medical pandemic. In 2002 the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of High Intensity UltraSound to clear the inflated cell structure common to all cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections. All flu strains are cleared by the standard ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz u...

Flu and colds cured

Yes, colds and flu cured @ home 2002 and the world renown Moffitt cancer centre published a single application of what they termed High Intensity UltraSound as a total cure to all cancers and viruses. A cause inflated cell structure common to all cancers plus viral bacterial infections to boil, causing infected cells to rupture.  The immune system secreting an actioning the dangerous foreign cell type the cause damage to surrounding body cells. 1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray I first use them and 50 W 40 kHz to success to clear a breast, colon and lung cancers in 1 minute of external ultrasound.  The Moffitt preferred 8 W 3 MHZ ultrasound.  And I utilised an 8 W one MHZ unit - as effective and five cheaper. 2010 I published my experiences of using my 8 W machine to successfully cleared 30 viral and bacterial infections for my friends.  Which according to the doctors Hippocratic oath had to personally verified and then use by every registered Dr. On earth. So p...

The flu vanished

flu gone I have packed air my firstly confined cure of ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound either side the chest, and all flu strains are cured. £1.67 £3.38 50% off    3+ pieces, extra 2% off +£0.33 estimated tax  Buy 3 pieces get 1% off 3 in 1 EMS Ultrasonic Body Slimming Massager Lipo Fat Burner Infrared Ultrasound Cavitation Machine Weight Loss Tool 1 minute all the news channels will form of the flu outbreak, then nothing!  As people for their own 8 W 1 MHz device, and cure their own cold and flu is as home.

Curing colds and the flu

Clds and flu medically cured 2002 and three medical professors at the world renown Moffitt cancer centre published the single application of one external High Intensity UltraSound, as a total cure to all inflated cell structures like cancers, plus viral and bacterial infections. They used 1 minute of external 8 W three MHZ ultrasound which was a total cure to all 200 types of cancer out there.  2024 and the drug company is are promoting the idea that new cancers have developed. No they haven't!  Any case any cancer that never emerged, was still require the foreign inflated cell structure to get cell replication in a viral fashion.  Cancers grow like viruses! 1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E²+X-ray so foreign inflated cell types require an overinflated nature, plus some viral RNA to get viral structure replication. Bacterial infections share the same foreign inflated cell structure, to induce the body's immune system to copy the bacterial genome, as an empathic structure....

Diabetes so extinct

Gone and forgotten 2010 and I applied ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device, to the bottom right and my diabetic friend.  I was convinced like cancers diabetes was caused by an inflated viral rump structure, in the pancreas. £1.67 £3.37 50% off    3+ pieces, extra 2% off +£0.33 estimated tax  Buy 3 pieces get 1% off 3 in 1 EMS Ultrasonic Body Slimming Massager Lipo Fat Burner Infrared Ultrasound Cavitation Machine Weight Loss Tool by Beautiful faceskin b...   ( 4.6   |   1,000+ sold   ) 4 sold by Beautiful faceskin b...   ( 4.6   |   1,000+ sold   ) 4 sold by Beautiful faceskin b...   ( 4.6   |   1,000+ sold   ) Made up of viral DNA, it must have a body is useful and system, and had to be overinflated relative to regular body cells, to induce infective structure replication. 1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E² It is the heat generation that he is so important.  The infected structure boils and...

Dr.s cured the flu 2002

The Moffitt cancer centre published use of high intensity ultrasound to cause inflated cells or cancer plus viral and bacterial infections to boil and rupture 2002.  The Hippocratic oath demanded that they published the paper. Which is covered in the medical press.  But the drug companies have rushed around deleting all the relevant papers. Sickle Cell Disease — A History of Progress and Peril The New England Journal of Medicine › doi › NEJMp1700101 by K Wailoo · 2017 · Cited by 66 — Pauling's discovery that a missubstituted amino acid on the complex hemoglobin molecule caused sickling turned the disease from an obscure ... The Moffitt used 8 W three MHZ ultrasound.  I have confirmed that an 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, I applied externally will clear breast colon and lung cancers.  Way back in 2004! That doctors and drug company is live in an automotive universe.  They cancers have not been cured.  And there are too man...