
Curing winter bugs

Everything cured no Dr or drugs This method was published by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002 earth.  I confirmed by every registered Dr. On earth!  Curing all cancers in 1 minute of external e.g. 8 W three MHZ ultrasound earth. I was intrigued that paper covered the clearance of viruses.  It transpired to clear all foreign inflated cell types, which includes cancers plus viral and bacterial infections. Cancers are formed from the amalgamation R6 common enzymes from previous infections.  13 hours the there glowering as the precancerous cluster.  2010 I met a lady Dr. Who was being medicated by her GP for precancerous cells of the cervix. I learned her my 8 W one MHZ ultrasound unit, and she vanished into the toilet to RE emerged 2 minutes later looking a little flashed.  She was discharged from all Medical Care by her GP the next appointment. It transpired the precancerous cluster is share the foreign inflated cell nature with full cancers.  I ...

Totally curing pneumonia

Pneumonia fixed Pneumonia can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.  All those foreign organisms require a foreign inflated cell nature to induce infective structure replication in the body: away from the body stem cells! 2002 and the Moffitt cancer centre demonstrated a single application of high intensity ultrasound will clear the inflated cell structure common to cancers and viruses.  Registered doctors verified it will clear all 200 types or cancer that existed 2000. ½ minute of e.g. 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound applied externally to each side of the chest was personally validated 2010 to clear the foreign inflated cell structure common to all viral and bacterial infections. 2002 and registered cancer doctors verified that 8 W three MHZ ultrasound, will clear all cancers.  Rendering biochemical cancer treatments intentionally defective and fatal within two years medicine. So from 2002 every registered cancer Dr. In the world have verified the 1 minute of externa...

HPV vaccine So illegal

vaccines kill one in 200 of the healthy people vaccinated.  I have never heard of any body dying from HPV.  So the vaccine is more lethal than the condition! 

Curing the common cold

A OK We are not talking about a vaccination!  As the common cold and Covid (the medical name for the seasonal flu) changed their genome too quickly. So any potential vaccination is already obsolete an even counter productive, so never licensed.  Tragically vaccinations kill one in 200 of the healthy individuals vaccinated. Medics gave her the unlicensed vaccination for Covid to 3.5 billion individuals around the planet from January 2021.  Already within the year of Covid20.  Genetically distinct from the previous year's Covid. So the seasonal flu became indifferent to the obsolete vaccination.  Or have been a obsolete vaccination in the blood stream it made the experience from the next year's flu virus worse.  Making the flu more severe, an increasing the flu death rate from 3.5%. Every year the seasonal flu use to kill 50 individuals around the planet.  Increased if you survived the vaccination there your Dr. gave you, illegally!  The v...

vaccination not safe medicine

Vaccinations kill They intentionally kill one in 200 of those vaccinated.  In the upcoming shingles season, the drug companies are pressing to vaccinate 3.5 million aged and imunosuppressed individuals. At the government expense in the UK!  That is going to intentionally kill 17,500,000 people.  To stop them expected death rate of 50.  Though they're all changed 2002. When the Moffitt cancer centre published the use of high intensity ultrasound as a one session total cure to all cancers and viruses. In my practical experience 2010 there ½ minute of 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound from a massage device, each side the chest cleared 30 friends of various viral and bacterial infections. £1.43    2+ pieces, extra 3% off +£0.29 estimated tax  £2.00 off orders over £19.00 3 in 1 Cavitation Ultrasonic Machine Weight Loss Microcurrent EMS Body Slimming Massager Fat Burner Cream Gel The type or strain of infection does not matter!  Cancers plus viral an...

Doctors struck off by their own hand

Not Dr,s for 23 yearts On entry to medical practice all doctors take the Hippocratic oath.  Pledging to be aware off, firstly validate and use best new medical science.  For earlier to validate medically published science automatically strikes off the Dr.. So in 2002 which can be 100% sure there every registered Dr. On earth validated the Moffitt cancer hospital paper.  And the single application of High Intensity UltraSound to where it hurts clearing all cancers. Only doctors confirmed it cured all 200 types or cancer that existed.  And its means of action will cure any future cancer cell type. Medics have known since the 1880s that the application of e.g. 5 W 40 kHz ultrasound cause cancer cells they give off X rays.  Well have been no affect on regular body cells. There is no chemical source of X rays.  We are actually doing biological molecular nuclear fusion. 1 H₂O+P+HIUS→He+O+E+X-ray The cancer cells, like viral cells must have a foreign...

No cancer screening required

No cancers now dude Registered doctors part on rich and record 2020 that all global cancers have stopped forming.  This meant that breast cancers have ceased to form. 2020 I learned my mother my 8 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device, and he applied it to the heart and lance she had felt in her breasts.  ½ minute each lump. The next appointment at the Christie cancer hospital, they Dr. Fully discharged her from all breast cancer medicine. The Moffitt who proved 2002 the 1 minute of e.g. 8 W three MHZ ultrasound totally cleared all 200 types or cancer from the earth. So cancers ceased from 2020.  And every registered Dr. Had confirmed 2002 that 1 minute of 8 W three MHZ ultrasound totally cures all cancers there any drug application.  18 years later cancers ceased.  There the doctors Hippocratic N oath had demanded it should have been the next day! On TV today they were still advertising for breast screening.  Breast screening is testing for breast ...